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Zope Weekly News is a digest of some of the useful and interesting events which have occurred on the various Zope mailing lists and the site. It is published each Wednesday evening.

New Products and Announcements

  • Paul Everitt announces Sybase support in a joint press release.

  • "Zen" released ZRadius, a product which allows you to authenticate web users via the Radius authentication protocol.

  • Anthony Pfrunder announces VisualZope 0.1a. From his web page:

    Basically, the "goal" of VZ is to provide a SIMPLE visual editing system for graphic designers which works cross-browser and takes advantage of the acquisition and role systems within Zope. What follows is a brief description of the components which make up the final VZ system (probably more accurate than previous posts).

  • Jeff Sheldon has started a weblog of his experiences with Zope. Jeff Sheldon is new to Zope, and is not a professional programmer. His weblog is a valuable resource to those also starting out with Zope.$0


  • Zope 2.1.0 beta 2 has been released. This release includes fixes for issues found in beta 1, an updated script and Martijn Pieters' patches to implement try/except/else and try/finally in DTML. Unless something major comes up, this will be the final beta before 2.1.0 final.

  • "4am" has submitted an update to his PythonMethod product. It allows methods, written in Python, to be created via the Zope web management interface.

  • "Drew" contributed an update to his Photo product. It generates thumbnail views of images at the user's preferred size. Requires PIL.

  • Itamar Shtull-Trauring announced ZCache v0.2. ZCache is a Python Product which allows you to cache expensive methods, taking strain off your server. It also generates Last-Modified headers, aiding browser and proxy caches. items

  • "Zen" submitted a tip he picked up from Michel Pelletier. He explains how volatile attributes work, and how to populate them when your object is loaded from the database. Volatile attributes are attributes which do not get written to the database, and are good for data which changes frequently.

  • "AlexR" submitted a How-To detailing the use of the DTML entity syntax. "DTML entities" are chunks of DTML which look like this: "&dtml-title_or_id;"

Notable Discussions

  • DTML is a HUGE topic this week. Discussions spill across several lists. A very good job is done of identify DTML's weak points.

    Many hold that the difficulty in using DTML comes from it's roots as a reporting language-- it isn't supposed to be used for logic. The problem is, there isn't yet an easy replacement for DTML as a programming language. Python Methods are cited as an excellent start on providing a means of moving logic out of DTML. Christopher Petrilli mentions that DC is looking at grooming Python Methods for inclusion in Zope.

    Others feel that reporting vs. programming is a forced distinction, and that it is awkward to have to use two different solutions. The claim that generating HTML is actually a rather complex task, and the powerful but ugly features of DTML are a necessary evil.

    DTML is compared to Perl! Otherwise, lots of very useful tips for using DTML are revealed. An excellent read for DTML beginners and wizards alike.

  • Darcy Clark alerts the list of Jon Udell's latest article mentioning Zope. Jon's article discusses the ease of using Zope with Windows databases, the pain of using it with Unix databases, cheers ODBC, and jeers lack of a similar magic bullet for Unix. The thread then continues to discuss the relative merits of various free databases and using them with Zope.

    Also, Karl Fast does an excellent job of summarising the thread, generating more sage comments.

  • Francois-Regis CHALAOUX posed a question about using Zope with virtual hosting. Several useful responses were generated.

  • Ben Galbraith submitted a comparison of Zope and Cold Fusion and solicited comments. Some of the usual suspects offer theirs.

  • Otto Hammersmith started a thread about Zope and security. In it, he speaks of some of the security pitfalls that unsuspecting Zope users could experience. Brian Lloyd submits some solutions.

  • Paul Everitt wrote in to remind us that there is a [email protected] list for technical discussions. A brisk discussion developed to debate what constituted a technical discussion.

  • Theodore Patrick launched a lengthy thread with questions about the effect of threading in Zope. A number of folks from Digital Creations provide answers. The discussion moves on with high volume and content to the topics of benchmarking and performance tuning Zope.

  • Farzad Farid revives the uncacheable image thread. Because Acquisition can lead to different URLs being generated for images when viewed from different locations, it makes caching difficult and can generate excessive traffic. Others offer advice to solve this problem.

  • David Harrison asks zope-dev how to return an image generated on-the-fly by an External Method. Answers found.

Mike Pelletier