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Site Map

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Zope Error

Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource.

Error Type:
Error Value:

Troubleshooting Suggestions

  • This resource may be trying to reference a nonexistent object or variable .
  • The URL may be incorrect.
  • The parameters passed to this resource may be incorrect.
  • A resource that this resource relies on may be encountering an error.

For more detailed information about the error, please refer to the HTML source for this page.

If the error persists please contact the site maintainer. Thank you for your patience.

Here, events like logging and other actions may also be performed, such as sending mail automatically to the administrator. qU__ac_local_roles__q }q UIoanq ]q UOwnerq asUglobalsq}qU__name__qUstandard_error_messageqU_varsq}qu.s,((U OFS.FolderqUFolderqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUUidqUjsqU__ac_local_roles__q}q UIoanq ]q UOwnerq asU overlib.cssq (Uvq(U OFS.ImageqUFileqtqtqQU overlib.jsq(Uwq(hUFileqtqtqQU_objectsq(}q(U meta_typeqUFileqhh u}q(U meta_typeqUFileqUidqU overlib.jsq utu.tó((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUrecurse FolderqU__name__qUrFqU__ac_local_roles__q }q UIoanq ]q UOwnerq asUglobalsq}qUrawqTA qU_varsq}qu.u(((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUStandard Html FooterqUrawqUa

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Last modified 2000-03-30. // Portions by Dan Steinman (dansteinman.com). // Additions by other people are listed on the overLIB homepage. // // Get the latest version at http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/ // // This script is published under an open source license. Please read the license // agreement online at: http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/license.html // If you have questions regard the license please contact erik@bosrup.com. // // This script library was originally created for personal use. By request it has // later been made public. This is free software. Do not try to sell this as your // own work, or remove this copyright notice. For full details on copying this // script please read the license agreement at the link above. // // Please give credit on sites that use overLIB and submit changes of the script // so other people can use them as well. This script is free to use, don't abuse. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CONSTANTS // Don't touch these. :) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var INARRAY = 1; var CAPARRAY = 2; var STICKY = 3; var BACKGROUND = 4; var NOCLOSE = 5; var CAPTION = 6; var LEFT = 7; var RIGHT = 8; var CENTER = 9; var OFFSETX = 10; var OFFSETY = 11; var FGCOLOR = 12; var BGCOLOR = 13; var TEXTCOLOR = 14; var CAPCOLOR = 15; var CLOSECOLOR = 16; var WIDTH = 17; var BORDER = 18; var STATUS = 19; var AUTOSTATUS = 20; var AUTOSTATUSCAP = 21; var HEIGHT = 22; var CLOSETEXT = 23; var SNAPX = 24; var SNAPY = 25; var FIXX = 26; var FIXY = 27; var FGBACKGROUND = 28; var BGBACKGROUND = 29; var PADX = 30; var PADY = 31; var PADX2 = 32; var PADY2 = 33; var FULLHTML = 34; var ABOVE = 35; var BELOW = 36; var CAPICON = 37; var TEXTFONT = 38; var CAPTIONFONT = 39; var CLOSEFONT = 40; var TEXTSIZE = 41; var CAPTIONSIZE = 42; var CLOSESIZE = 43; var FRAME = 44; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION // You don't have to change anything here if you don't want to. All of this can be // changed on your html page or through an overLIB call. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main background color (the large area) // Usually a bright color (white, yellow etc) if (typeof ol_fgcolor == 'undefined') { var ol_fgcolor = "#CCCCFF";} // Border color and color of caption // Usually a dark color (black, brown etc) if (typeof ol_bgcolor == 'undefined') { var ol_bgcolor = "#333399";} // Text color // Usually a dark color if (typeof ol_textcolor == 'undefined') { var ol_textcolor = "#000000";} // Color of the caption text // Usually a bright color if (typeof ol_capcolor == 'undefined') { var ol_capcolor = "#FFFFFF";} // Color of "Close" when using Sticky // Usually a semi-bright color if (typeof ol_closecolor == 'undefined') { var ol_closecolor = "#9999FF";} // Font face for the main text if (typeof ol_textfont == 'undefined') { var ol_textfont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica";} // Font face for the caption if (typeof ol_captionfont == 'undefined') { var ol_captionfont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica";} // Font face for the close text if (typeof ol_closefont == 'undefined') { var ol_closefont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica";} // Font size for the main text if (typeof ol_textsize == 'undefined') { var ol_textsize = "1";} // Font size for the caption if (typeof ol_captionsize == 'undefined') { var ol_captionsize = "1";} // Font size for the close text if (typeof ol_closesize == 'undefined') { var ol_closesize = "1";} // Width of the popups in pixels // 100-300 pixels is typical if (typeof ol_width == 'undefined') { var ol_width = "200";} // How thick the ol_border should be in pixels // 1-3 pixels is typical if (typeof ol_border == 'undefined') { var ol_border = "1";} // How many pixels to the right/left of the cursor to show the popup // Values between 3 and 12 are best if (typeof ol_offsetx == 'undefined') { var ol_offsetx = 10;} // How many pixels to the below the cursor to show the popup // Values between 3 and 12 are best if (typeof ol_offsety == 'undefined') { var ol_offsety = 10;} // Default text for popups // Should you forget to pass something to overLIB this will be displayed. if (typeof ol_text == 'undefined') { var ol_text = "Default Text"; } // Default caption // You should leave this blank or you will have problems making non caps popups. if (typeof ol_cap == 'undefined') { var ol_cap = ""; } // Decides if sticky popups are default. // 0 for non, 1 for stickies. if (typeof ol_sticky == 'undefined') { var ol_sticky = 0; } // Default background image. Better left empty unless you always want one. if (typeof ol_background == 'undefined') { var ol_background = ""; } // Text for the closing sticky popups. // Normal is "Close". if (typeof ol_close == 'undefined') { var ol_close = "Close"; } // Default vertical alignment for popups. // It's best to leave RIGHT here. Other options are LEFT and CENTER. if (typeof ol_hpos == 'undefined') { var ol_hpos = RIGHT; } // Default status bar text when a popup is invoked. if (typeof ol_status == 'undefined') { var ol_status = ""; } // If the status bar automatically should load either text or caption. // 0=nothing, 1=text, 2=caption if (typeof ol_autostatus == 'undefined') { var ol_autostatus = 0; } // Default height for popup. Often best left alone. if (typeof ol_height == 'undefined') { var ol_height = -1; } // Horizontal grid spacing that popups will snap to. // 0 makes no grid, anything else will cause a snap to that grid spacing. if (typeof ol_snapx == 'undefined') { var ol_snapx = 0; } // Vertical grid spacing that popups will snap to. // 0 makes no grid, andthing else will cause a snap to that grid spacing. if (typeof ol_snapy == 'undefined') { var ol_snapy = 0; } // Sets the popups horizontal position to a fixed column. // Anything above -1 will cause fixed position. if (typeof ol_fixx == 'undefined') { var ol_fixx = -1; } // Sets the popups vertical position to a fixed row. // Anything above -1 will cause fixed position. if (typeof ol_fixy == 'undefined') { var ol_fixy = -1; } // Background image for the popups inside. if (typeof ol_fgbackground == 'undefined') { var ol_fgbackground = ""; } // Background image for the popups frame. if (typeof ol_bgbackground == 'undefined') { var ol_bgbackground = ""; } // How much horizontal left padding text should get by default when BACKGROUND is used. if (typeof ol_padxl == 'undefined') { var ol_padxl = 1; } // How much horizontal right padding text should get by default when BACKGROUND is used. if (typeof ol_padxr == 'undefined') { var ol_padxr = 1; } // How much vertical top padding text should get by default when BACKGROUND is used. if (typeof ol_padyt == 'undefined') { var ol_padyt = 1; } // How much vertical bottom padding text should get by default when BACKGROUND is used. if (typeof ol_padyb == 'undefined') { var ol_padyb = 1; } // If the user by default must supply all html for complete popup control. // Set to 1 to activate, 0 otherwise. if (typeof ol_fullhtml == 'undefined') { var ol_fullhtml = 0; } // Allow overLIB to load usage images. Set to zero to stop. if (typeof o3_tracker == 'undefined') { var o3_tracker = 0; } // Default vertical position of the popup. Default should normally be BELOW. // ABOVE only works when HEIGHT is defined. if (typeof ol_vpos == 'undefined') { var ol_vpos = BELOW; } // Default height of popup to use when placing the popup above the cursor. if (typeof ol_aboveheight == 'undefined') { var ol_aboveheight = 0; } // Default icon to place next to the popups caption. if (typeof ol_caption == 'undefined') { var ol_capicon = ""; } // Default frame. We default to current frame if there is no frame defined. if (typeof ol_frame == 'undefined') { var ol_frame = self; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ARRAY CONFIGURATION // You don't have to change anything here if you don't want to. The following // arrays can be filled with text and html if you don't wish to pass it from // your html page. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Array with texts. var ol_texts = new Array("Array Text 0", "Array Text 1"); // Array with captions. var ol_caps = new Array("Array Caption 0", "Array Caption 1"); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END CONFIGURATION //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INIT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Runtime variables init. Used for runtime only, don't change, not for config! var o3_text = ""; var o3_cap = ""; var o3_sticky = 0; var o3_background = ""; var o3_close = "Close"; var o3_hpos = RIGHT; var o3_offsetx = 2; var o3_offsety = 2; var o3_fgcolor = ""; var o3_bgcolor = ""; var o3_textcolor = ""; var o3_capcolor = ""; var o3_closecolor = ""; var o3_width = 100; var o3_border = 1; var o3_status = ""; var o3_autostatus = 0; var o3_height = -1; var o3_snapx = 0; var o3_snapy = 0; var o3_fixx = -1; var o3_fixy = -1; var o3_fgbackground = ""; var o3_bgbackground = ""; var o3_padxl = 0; var o3_padxr = 0; var o3_padyt = 0; var o3_padyb = 0; var o3_fullhtml = 0; var o3_vpos = BELOW; var o3_aboveheight = 0; var o3_capicon = ""; var o3_textfont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"; var o3_captionfont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"; var o3_closefont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"; var o3_textsize = "1"; var o3_captionsize = "1"; var o3_closesize = "1"; var o3_frame = self; // Display state variables var o3_x = 0; var o3_y = 0; var o3_allowmove = 0; var o3_showingsticky = 0; var o3_removecounter = 0; // Our layer var over = null; // Decide browser version var ns4 = (document.layers)? true:false var ie4 = (document.all)? true:false var ie5 = false; // Microsoft Stupidity Check(tm). if (ie4) { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 5')>0) { ie5 = true; } } // Capture events, alt. diffuses the overlib function. if ( (ns4) || (ie4) ) { document.onmousemove = mouseMove if (ns4) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE) } else { overlib = no_overlib; nd = no_overlib; ver3fix = true; } // Fake function for 3.0 users. function no_overlib() { return ver3fix; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PUBLIC FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // overlib(arg0, ..., argN) // Loads parameters into global runtime variables. function overlib() { // Load defaults to runtime. o3_text = ol_text; o3_cap = ol_cap; o3_sticky = ol_sticky; o3_background = ol_background; o3_close = ol_close; o3_hpos = ol_hpos; o3_offsetx = ol_offsetx; o3_offsety = ol_offsety; o3_fgcolor = ol_fgcolor; o3_bgcolor = ol_bgcolor; o3_textcolor = ol_textcolor; o3_capcolor = ol_capcolor; o3_closecolor = ol_closecolor; o3_width = ol_width; o3_border = ol_border; o3_status = ol_status; o3_autostatus = ol_autostatus; o3_height = ol_height; o3_snapx = ol_snapx; o3_snapy = ol_snapy; o3_fixx = ol_fixx; o3_fixy = ol_fixy; o3_fgbackground = ol_fgbackground; o3_bgbackground = ol_bgbackground; o3_padxl = ol_padxl; o3_padxr = ol_padxr; o3_padyt = ol_padyt; o3_padyb = ol_padyb; o3_fullhtml = ol_fullhtml; o3_vpos = ol_vpos; o3_aboveheight = ol_aboveheight; o3_capicon = ol_capicon; o3_textfont = ol_textfont; o3_captionfont = ol_captionfont; o3_closefont = ol_closefont; o3_textsize = ol_textsize; o3_captionsize = ol_captionsize; o3_closesize = ol_closesize; // Special for frame support, over must be reset... if ( (ns4) || (ie4) ) { o3_frame = ol_frame; if (ns4) over = o3_frame.document.overDiv if (ie4) over = o3_frame.overDiv.style } // What the next argument is expected to be. var parsemode = -1; for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (parsemode == 0) { // Arg is command if (arguments[i] == INARRAY) { parsemode = INARRAY; } if (arguments[i] == CAPARRAY) { parsemode = CAPARRAY; } if (arguments[i] == STICKY) { parsemode = opt_STICKY(arguments[i]); } if (arguments[i] == BACKGROUND) { parsemode = BACKGROUND; } if (arguments[i] == NOCLOSE) { parsemode = opt_NOCLOSE(arguments[i]); } if (arguments[i] == CAPTION) { parsemode = CAPTION; } if (arguments[i] == LEFT) { parsemode = opt_HPOS(arguments[i]); } if (arguments[i] == RIGHT) { parsemode = opt_HPOS(arguments[i]); } if (arguments[i] == CENTER) { parsemode = opt_HPOS(arguments[i]); } if (arguments[i] == OFFSETX) { parsemode = OFFSETX; } if (arguments[i] == OFFSETY) { parsemode = OFFSETY; } if (arguments[i] == FGCOLOR) { parsemode = FGCOLOR; } if (arguments[i] == BGCOLOR) { parsemode = BGCOLOR; } if (arguments[i] == TEXTCOLOR) { parsemode = TEXTCOLOR; } if (arguments[i] == CAPCOLOR) { parsemode = CAPCOLOR; } if (arguments[i] == CLOSECOLOR) { parsemode = CLOSECOLOR; } if (arguments[i] == WIDTH) { parsemode = WIDTH; } if (arguments[i] == BORDER) { parsemode = BORDER; } if (arguments[i] == STATUS) { parsemode = STATUS; } if (arguments[i] == AUTOSTATUS) { parsemode = opt_AUTOSTATUS(arguments[i]); } if (arguments[i] == AUTOSTATUSCAP) { parsemode = opt_AUTOSTATUSCAP(arguments[i]); } if (arguments[i] == HEIGHT) { parsemode = HEIGHT; } if (arguments[i] == CLOSETEXT) { parsemode = CLOSETEXT; } if (arguments[i] == SNAPX) { parsemode = SNAPX; } if (arguments[i] == SNAPY) { parsemode = SNAPY; } if (arguments[i] == FIXX) { parsemode = FIXX; } if (arguments[i] == FIXY) { parsemode = FIXY; } if (arguments[i] == FGBACKGROUND) { parsemode = FGBACKGROUND; } if (arguments[i] == BGBACKGROUND) { parsemode = BGBACKGROUND; } if (arguments[i] == PADX) { parsemode = PADX; } if (arguments[i] == PADY) { parsemode = PADY; } if (arguments[i] == FULLHTML) { parsemode = opt_FULLHTML(arguments[i]); } if (arguments[i] == ABOVE) { parsemode = opt_VPOS(arguments[i]); } if (arguments[i] == BELOW) { parsemode = opt_VPOS(arguments[i]); } if (arguments[i] == CAPICON) { parsemode = CAPICON; } if (arguments[i] == TEXTFONT) { parsemode = TEXTFONT; } if (arguments[i] == CAPTIONFONT) { parsemode = CAPTIONFONT; } if (arguments[i] == CLOSEFONT) { parsemode = CLOSEFONT; } if (arguments[i] == TEXTSIZE) { parsemode = TEXTSIZE; } if (arguments[i] == CAPTIONSIZE) { parsemode = CAPTIONSIZE; } if (arguments[i] == CLOSESIZE) { parsemode = CLOSESIZE; } if (arguments[i] == FRAME) { parsemode = FRAME; } } else { if (parsemode < 0) { // Arg is maintext, unless INARRAY if (arguments[i] == INARRAY) { parsemode = INARRAY; } else { o3_text = arguments[i]; parsemode = 0; } } else { // Arg is option for command if (parsemode == INARRAY) { parsemode = opt_INARRAY(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == CAPARRAY) { parsemode = opt_CAPARRAY(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == BACKGROUND) { parsemode = opt_BACKGROUND(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == CAPTION) { parsemode = opt_CAPTION(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == OFFSETX) { parsemode = opt_OFFSETX(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == OFFSETY) { parsemode = opt_OFFSETY(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == FGCOLOR) { parsemode = opt_FGCOLOR(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == BGCOLOR) { parsemode = opt_BGCOLOR(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == TEXTCOLOR) { parsemode = opt_TEXTCOLOR(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == CAPCOLOR) { parsemode = opt_CAPCOLOR(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == CLOSECOLOR) { parsemode = opt_CLOSECOLOR(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == WIDTH) { parsemode = opt_WIDTH(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == BORDER) { parsemode = opt_BORDER(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == STATUS) { parsemode = opt_STATUS(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == HEIGHT) { parsemode = opt_HEIGHT(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == CLOSETEXT) { parsemode = opt_CLOSETEXT(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == SNAPX) { parsemode = opt_SNAPX(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == SNAPY) { parsemode = opt_SNAPY(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == FIXX) { parsemode = opt_FIXX(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == FIXY) { parsemode = opt_FIXY(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == FGBACKGROUND) { parsemode = opt_FGBACKGROUND(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == BGBACKGROUND) { parsemode = opt_BGBACKGROUND(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == PADX2) { parsemode = opt_PADX2(arguments[i]); } // must be before PADX if (parsemode == PADY2) { parsemode = opt_PADY2(arguments[i]); } // must be before PADY if (parsemode == PADX) { parsemode = opt_PADX(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == PADY) { parsemode = opt_PADY(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == CAPICON) { parsemode = opt_CAPICON(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == TEXTFONT) { parsemode = opt_TEXTFONT(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == CAPTIONFONT) { parsemode = opt_CAPTIONFONT(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == CLOSEFONT) { parsemode = opt_CLOSEFONT(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == TEXTSIZE) { parsemode = opt_TEXTSIZE(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == CAPTIONSIZE) { parsemode = opt_CAPTIONSIZE(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == CLOSESIZE) { parsemode = opt_CLOSESIZE(arguments[i]); } if (parsemode == FRAME) { parsemode = opt_FRAME(arguments[i]); } } } } return overlib310(); } // Clears popups if appropriate function nd() { if ( o3_removecounter >= 1 ) { o3_showingsticky = 0 }; if ( (ns4) || (ie4) ) { if ( o3_showingsticky == 0 ) { o3_allowmove = 0; hideObject(over); } else { o3_removecounter++; } } return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OVERLIB 3.10 FUNCTION //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function decides what it is we want to display and how we want it done. function overlib310() { // Make layer content var layerhtml; if (o3_background != "" || o3_fullhtml) { // Use background instead of box. layerhtml = ol_content_background(o3_text, o3_background, o3_fullhtml); } else { // They want a popup box. // Prepare popup background if (o3_fgbackground != "") { o3_fgbackground = "BACKGROUND=\""+o3_fgbackground+"\""; } if (o3_bgbackground != "") { o3_bgbackground = "BACKGROUND=\""+o3_bgbackground+"\""; } // Prepare popup colors if (o3_fgcolor != "") { o3_fgcolor = "BGCOLOR=\""+o3_fgcolor+"\""; } if (o3_bgcolor != "") { o3_bgcolor = "BGCOLOR=\""+o3_bgcolor+"\""; } // Prepare popup height if (o3_height > 0) { o3_height = "HEIGHT=" + o3_height; } else { o3_height = ""; } // Decide which kinda box. if (o3_cap == "") { // Plain layerhtml = ol_content_simple(o3_text); } else { // With caption if (o3_sticky) { // Show close text layerhtml = ol_content_caption(o3_text, o3_cap, o3_close); } else { // No close text layerhtml = ol_content_caption(o3_text, o3_cap, ""); } } } // We want it to stick! if (o3_sticky) { o3_showingsticky = 1; o3_removecounter = 0; } // Write layer layerWrite(layerhtml); // Prepare status bar if (o3_autostatus > 0) { o3_status = o3_text; if (o3_autostatus > 1) { o3_status = o3_cap; } } // When placing the layer the first time, even stickies may be moved. o3_allowmove = 0; // Show layer disp(o3_status); // Stickies should stay where they are. if (o3_sticky) { o3_allowmove = 0; return false; } else { return true; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LAYER GENERATION FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Makes simple table without caption function ol_content_simple(text) { txt = "
" set_background(""); return txt; } // Makes table with caption and optional close link function ol_content_caption(text, title, close) { closing = ""; if (close != "") { closing = ""+close+""; } if (o3_capicon != "") { o3_capicon = " "; } txt = "
"; set_background(""); return txt; } // Sets the background picture, padding and lost more. :) function ol_content_background(text, picture, hasfullhtml) { if (hasfullhtml) { txt = text; } else { txt = "
"; } set_background(picture); return txt; } // Loads a picture into the div. function set_background(pic) { if (ns4) { over.background.src = pic; } else if(ie4) { over.backgroundImage = "url("+pic+")"; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HANDLING FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Displays the popup function disp(statustext) { if ( (ns4) || (ie4) ) { if (o3_allowmove == 0) { placeLayer(); showObject(over); o3_allowmove = 1; } } if (statustext != "") { self.status = statustext; } } // Decides where we want the popup. function placeLayer() { var placeX, placeY; // HORIZONTAL PLACEMENT if (o3_fixx > -1) { // Fixed position placeX = o3_fixx; } else { // From mouse if (o3_hpos == CENTER) { // Center placeX = o3_x+o3_offsetx-(o3_width/2); } if (o3_hpos == RIGHT) { // Right placeX = o3_x+o3_offsetx; } if (o3_hpos == LEFT) { // Left placeX = o3_x-o3_offsetx-o3_width; } // Snapping! if (o3_snapx > 1) { var snapping = placeX % o3_snapx; if (o3_hpos == LEFT) { placeX = placeX - (o3_snapx + snapping); } else { // CENTER and RIGHT placeX = placeX + (o3_snapx - snapping); } } } // VERTICAL PLACEMENT if (o3_fixy > -1) { // Fixed position placeY = o3_fixy; } else { // From mouse if (o3_aboveheight > 0 && o3_vpos == ABOVE) { placeY = o3_y - (o3_aboveheight + o3_offsety); } else { // BELOW placeY = o3_y + o3_offsety; } // Snapping! if (o3_snapy > 1) { var snapping = placeY % o3_snapy; if (o3_aboveheight > 0 && o3_vpos == ABOVE) { placeY = placeY - (o3_snapy + snapping); } else { placeY = placeY + (o3_snapy - snapping); } } } // Actually move the object. moveTo(over, placeX, placeY); } // Moves the layer function mouseMove(e) { if (ns4) {o3_x=e.pageX; o3_y=e.pageY;} if (ie4) {o3_x=event.x; o3_y=event.y;} if (ie5) {o3_x=event.x+o3_frame.document.body.scrollLeft; o3_y=event.y+o3_frame.document.body.scrollTop;} if (o3_allowmove) { placeLayer(); } } // The Close onMouseOver function for stickies function cClick() { hideObject(over); o3_showingsticky=0; } // Usage statistics function trk() { if ( (ns4) || (ie4) ) { bt=new Image(1,1); bt.src="http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/o3/tr.gif"; } o3_tracker = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LAYER FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Writes to a layer function layerWrite(txt) { if (ns4) { var lyr = o3_frame.document.overDiv.document lyr.write(txt) lyr.close() } else if (ie4) o3_frame.document.all["overDiv"].innerHTML = txt if (o3_tracker) { trk(); } } // Make an object visible function showObject(obj) { if (ns4) obj.visibility = "show" else if (ie4) obj.visibility = "visible" } // Hides an object function hideObject(obj) { if (ns4) obj.visibility = "hide" else if (ie4) obj.visibility = "hidden" self.status = ""; } // Move a layer function moveTo(obj,xL,yL) { obj.left = xL obj.top = yL } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PARSER FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Sets text from array. function opt_INARRAY(id) { o3_text = ol_texts[id]; return 0; } // Sets caption from array. function opt_CAPARRAY(id) { o3_cap = ol_caps[id]; return 0; } // Sets stickiness. function opt_STICKY(unused) { o3_sticky = 1; return 0; } // Sets background picture. function opt_BACKGROUND(file) { o3_background = file; return 0; } // Sets use of close text. function opt_NOCLOSE(unused) { o3_close = ""; return 0; } // Sets caption. function opt_CAPTION(text) { o3_cap = text; return 0; } // Sets hpos, for LEFT, RIGHT and CENTER. function opt_HPOS(pos) { o3_hpos = pos; return 0; } // Sets the x offset function opt_OFFSETX(offset) { o3_offsetx = offset; return 0; } // Sets the y offset function opt_OFFSETY(offset) { o3_offsety = offset; return 0; } // Sets the fg color function opt_FGCOLOR(clr) { o3_fgcolor = clr; return 0; } // Sets the bg color function opt_BGCOLOR(clr) { o3_bgcolor = clr; return 0; } // Sets the text color function opt_TEXTCOLOR(clr) { o3_textcolor = clr; return 0; } // Sets the caption color function opt_CAPCOLOR(clr) { o3_capcolor = clr; return 0; } // Sets the close color function opt_CLOSECOLOR(clr) { o3_closecolor = clr; return 0; } // Sets the popup width function opt_WIDTH(pixels) { o3_width = pixels; return 0; } // Sets the popup border width function opt_BORDER(pixels) { o3_border = pixels; return 0; } // Sets the status bar text function opt_STATUS(text) { o3_status = text; return 0; } // Sets that status bar text to the text function opt_AUTOSTATUS(val) { o3_autostatus = 1; return 0; } // Sets that status bar text to the caption function opt_AUTOSTATUSCAP(val) { o3_autostatus = 2; return 0; } // Sets the popup height function opt_HEIGHT(pixels) { o3_height = pixels; o3_aboveheight = pixels; return 0; } // Sets the close text. function opt_CLOSETEXT(text) { o3_close = text; return 0; } // Sets horizontal snapping function opt_SNAPX(pixels) { o3_snapx = pixels; return 0; } // Sets vertical snapping function opt_SNAPY(pixels) { o3_snapy = pixels; return 0; } // Sets horizontal position function opt_FIXX(pos) { o3_fixx = pos; return 0; } // Sets vertical position function opt_FIXY(pos) { o3_fixy = pos; return 0; } // Sets the fg background function opt_FGBACKGROUND(picture) { o3_fgbackground = picture; return 0; } // Sets the bg background function opt_BGBACKGROUND(picture) { o3_bgbackground = picture; return 0; } // Sets the left x padding for background function opt_PADX(pixels) { o3_padxl = pixels; return PADX2; } // Sets the top y padding for background function opt_PADY(pixels) { o3_padyt = pixels; return PADY2; } // Sets the right x padding for background function opt_PADX2(pixels) { o3_padxr = pixels; return 0; } // Sets the bottom y padding for background function opt_PADY2(pixels) { o3_padyb = pixels; return 0; } // Sets that user provides full html. function opt_FULLHTML(unused) { o3_fullhtml = 1; return 0; } // Sets vpos, for ABOVE and BELOW function opt_VPOS(pos) { o3_vpos = pos; return 0; } // Sets the caption icon. function opt_CAPICON(icon) { o3_capicon = icon; return 0; } // Sets the text font function opt_TEXTFONT(fontname) { o3_textfont = fontname; return 0; } // Sets the caption font function opt_CAPTIONFONT(fontname) { o3_captionfont = fontname; return 0; } // Sets the close font function opt_CLOSEFONT(fontname) { o3_closefont = fontname; return 0; } // Sets the text font size function opt_TEXTSIZE(fontsize) { o3_textsize = fontsize; return 0; } // Sets the caption font size function opt_CAPTIONSIZE(fontsize) { o3_captionsize = fontsize; return 0; } // Sets the close font size function opt_CLOSESIZE(fontsize) { o3_closesize = fontsize; return 0; } // Defines which frame we should point to. function opt_FRAME(frm) { o3_frame = frm; if ( (ns4) || (ie4) ) { if (ns4) over = o3_frame.document.overDiv if (ie4) over = o3_frame.overDiv.style } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OVERLIB 2 COMPATABILITY FUNCTIONS // If you aren't upgrading you can remove the below section. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Converts old 0=left, 1=right and 2=center into constants. function vpos_convert(d) { if (d == 0) { d = LEFT; } else { if (d == 1) { d = RIGHT; } else { d = CENTER; } } return d } // Simple popup function dts(d,text) { o3_hpos = vpos_convert(d); overlib(text, o3_hpos, CAPTION, ""); } // Caption popup function dtc(d,text, title) { o3_hpos = vpos_convert(d); overlib(text, CAPTION, title, o3_hpos); } // Sticky function stc(d,text, title) { o3_hpos = vpos_convert(d); overlib(text, CAPTION, title, o3_hpos, STICKY); } // Simple popup right function drs(text) { dts(1,text); } // Caption popup right function drc(text, title) { dtc(1,text,title); } // Sticky caption right function src(text,title) { stc(1,text,title); } // Simple popup left function dls(text) { dts(0,text); } // Caption popup left function dlc(text, title) { dtc(0,text,title); } // Sticky caption left function slc(text,title) { stc(0,text,title); } // Simple popup center function dcs(text) { dts(2,text); } // Caption popup center function dcc(text, title) { dtc(2,text,title); } // Sticky caption center function scc(text,title) { stc(2,text,title); } qU__name__qU overlib.jsq Utitleq UU content_typeq Uapplication/x-javascriptq U preconditionq UU__ac_local_roles__q}qUIoanq]qUOwnerqasu.ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ