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Change Log

Changes for 1.0.0 None. RC1 considered stable.

Changes for 0.9.90

More Stephan Richter supplied work;

The "literal" option works now. There was some major work required to get it to work. ;-)

You can import/export the entire dictionary now. It is pretty cheap implemented, but it works great.

You can filter your label view now, so that you can see easier whether you translated a phrase already.

Plenty of little bug fixes.

Changes for 0.1.0

Stephan Richter did some monumental work, and so we've gone up a minor number, instead of a micro;

His additions are including, but, not limited to;

Code cleanup - I cleaned up you python code by removing a lot of unused imported modules and classes and zopified the Product more. I also made indentations to the HTML code.

I made a BasicZBabelTag, which is like an abstraction of the DTML-BABEL tag (read next point) I implemented a second singelton tag called DTML-FISH, so you can easier work with menu option like translations.

I introduced the support class LabelSupport, which lets you specify a label for each string (label is just another language). I also wrote an entire part for the ZMI for it, which lets you quickly make translations.

I added some Management views to allow you to manage your SQL Methods better and make adjustments later.

I added the attribute towerId, so the user can choose the Babel Tower that is used for the translation; if the id was not found, the first found one will be chosen. This tag is optional.

You can also localize expressions, such dates and times. A time conversion would look like that: The en text entry looks like that: "data.strftime(%m/%d/%Y)", which is evaluated at run time.

All this whilst preserving the existing functionality.

Changes for 0.0.4

Migration to Postgres instead of MySQL

Changes for 0.0.3

Some minor bug fixes.

  1. 0.2

Tidied up the manage_add interface to actually ask for a title instead of an id.

Added caching on Phrase lookups, the parameters are:- Max Rows 1000 -- Maximum languages returned 1,000 Max Cache 1000 -- Maximum 1,000 phrases cached Cache Time 60 -- 60 seconds is the lifespan of a phrase in cache

Caching was added on a suggestion from Adonis El Fakih from EGS, Inc.