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Changes for 0.20.0

Fix: atid=416446 atid=416448 atid=416448 atid=416448

Added LDAPAuthSource, based on the auth_ldap module for Apache ( and the NDS Auth Source of Phil Harris (AKA ftmpsh). This is only lightly tested, I don't have the LDAP resources here to test all the features. Binding using uid/ cn and using various filters works (if the userPassword item is present). This needs more testing by people with better LDAP setups that I do. --akm

Padded docLoginRedirect to prevent IE from displaying "Friendly" error messages when -D flag not present when running Zope --akm.

Update UZG to contain entry for LDAPAuthSource. Reformat text slightly. --akm

Propogate "unable to auth" here requests up. This means the Manager doesn't get locked out in cookie mode after adding an XUF instance. It also means that people using a non-existant username at this level get thrown up a level higher. This might not be what people want to happen. --akm

Added method makeRedirectPath which is called from docLoginRedirect. This makes the destination include any querystring that was present when needing to redirect. -- akm.

Removed some Class globals from These are now set in __set_state__ if not present in the class so that upgrading users don't get a crash (hopefully). -- akm.

pgPropSource was losing track of properties under heavy load. Only noticable if you were setting and deleting a lot of temporary properties. There is a global property timeout for pgPropSource. --akm

Jason Gibson provided a nisAuthSource, I've added it here --akm.

Refactored validate method to behave a lot more like BasicUserFolder. Among other things, this fixes the issue where a local role could not be granted to a user and granted permissions on the same object. --mb

Add NuxUserGroups support (previously on NuxUserGroups_support_branch) and group sources. --bmh, mb

Now passes authFailedCode to Membership Login Page, The Default Login Page as defined in the README.Membership will correctly display reason for login being required --cab

Fixed Edit management pages for user-supplied auth and property sources --bmh

Removed overriding of __len__ to return the number of users. This was causing performance problems during authentication. See for details. WARNING: this means using len(acl_users) to get the number of users will no longer work! If you were using this trick, please use len(acl_users.listUsers()) instead. --bmh

Make title property editable --bmh

Make Group Sources changeable dynamically after the acl_users folder has been created --bmh

Inital import of https Auth source. Also, added a listUsers method to the zodbBTreeProps source to support listUsers. -- jsb

Changes for 0.10.10

Added mysql Auth and mysql Prop source and mysql.sql schema. Just a copy of the appropriate pg source with sql that works with myqsl -cab

Fixed negative user cache lookup in std_validade so that it actually works for users being authenticated thru basic auth, especially if they're authenticating in outer user folders -- rochael

Made smbAuthSource catch NetBIOSTimeout errors during authentication

Fixed dtml/mainUser.dtml to be virtualhost-sensitive when displaying user icons -- rochael

Updated UZG per user request. Fixed numbering, added information about addition parameters like Negative Caching.

Changes for 0.10.9

Made dummyZBabelTag compatable to replace the NoBabel in OrderedFolder while keeping its functionality in XUF -- cab

Changed _doAddUser, _doChangeUser to work with the public interface for userfold ers introduced in Zope2.5. Optional keyword arguments can now be passed to _doAddUse r and _doChangeUser.

PropertySource: Please note that createUser and updateUser, when called from _doAddUser and _doChangeUser, will no longer be passed a REQUEST, but a mapping with items from REQUEST updated with those from the optional keyword arguments. -- pj

Fixed the problem with upgrading from 0.10.7 and below that didn't account for existing XUF's not having a MessageDialog in their contents. Now unless specificy replace it will use the MessageDialog provided. Added how to do that to FAQ and README.Membership --cab

Made docLoginRedirect provide an absolute URL --bmh

MessageDialog in common no longer uses mangage_page_header and mangage_page_footer v--cab

Changes for 0.10.8

Added the ability for members to change properties, and a default page in the README.Membership to show how to do it --cab

MessageDialog is now an object in the ZODB that can be changed to fit the site --cab

Now with 100% guaranteed race-condition-free UserCache goodness! Those subclassing XUFUser, you will have to change your code. See for details. --mb

zodbBTreePropSource was returning None instead of the requested default value, when called with (e.g.) someuser.getProperty(shoesize,13). (Other property sources didn't have that bug.) [email protected]

The tutorial loginform was wrong for Membership in README.Membership

Seems delProperty has never worked.. fixed --akm Seems delProperty for pgPropSource has never worked.. fixed --akm

Fixed Basic Auth not auth problem. --akm Fixed Basic Auth not cache problem. --akm Fixed Cached Users bypassing some auth checks. --akm

Added usPropSource, which allows users to supply property methods TTW. --bmh

Changes for 0.10.7

PropertyEditor had a typo in dtml and was casting int to None. --zxc

BasicAuth was broken the other way, it'd allow any user to validate with any password. --akm

Negative cache checking move was bogus. --akm

redirectToLogin didn't have a security declaration so 2.5.0 refused to work in cookie mode sigh --akm

Fixed the None object has no attribute load setstate errors that could crop up on propSources, and preemptively took care of the authSources as well. Also fixed some of the weirder bugs relating to user object acquisition context. --mb

Changes for 0.10.6

The redirectToLogin without Membership had a little logic problem where it would basically guarantee the existence of a query string, with at least a lonely question mark even when there was no query string in the original URL --rochael

smbAuthSource needed to cast NULL role properties to an empty list --akm

smbAuthSource had some dodgey zLOGing in it. --akm

smbAuthSource had some methods that should return [] instead of None. --akm

s/postgres/RADIUS/ in the radiusAuthSource DTML --akm

cookie_validate no longer pulls you from the cache if you're logging in (which means your cookie wouldn't get set). --akm

Cookies are no longer expired if you're successfully authenticated but merely unauthorized. --mb

Basic auth resynched with standard user folder, trying to fix some basic auth issues. --akm.

Negative cache checking now performed outside of the two specific validate methods. --akm.

A fairly innocuous print debug statement turned into a zLOG at error level, removed --akm.

Changes for 0.10.5

Membership redirecting to login was still broken. It should be better now (twice) --akm

logout() wasn't clearing the advanced cookie. --akm

Negative Cache Value wasn't being passed through to the XUF constructor. --akm Log Users Out DTML code was broken, should work now. --akm

The User object now contains the authSource as well as the propSource, making access to roles for custom User-objects possible. --dlk

Following akm's advice, fixed manage_beforeDelete to use two separate try:except blocks to ensure that if cache-removal fails, deleting the container.__allow_groups__ property is attempted. This should fix the problem where deleted xuf instances remain as "ghost" products causing interference with newer versions of xuf, and also fixes the problem where deleting a xuf acl_users in a folder makes that folder inaccessible. --dlk

Fixed cache_delete that was missing the "self" parameter in the method defintion. --dlk

Fixed xcache_delete that was missing the "self" parameter in the method definition --akm d8)

These previous two fix the problems with manage_beforeDelete, but, it will stay the same for now --akm.

Fixed cache_deleteCookieCache that was missing the "self" parameter in the method defintion. --dlk ;)

Changes for 0.10.4

The instructions for File Based Auth were incorrect in the UZG --akm

redirectToLogin was totally wrong for membership... --akm docLogin was fixed for VHM use. --akm

Advanced Cookie Mode has changed so that it no longer sends the username and password. Instead a hash is used as a key into a module level cache. This should be 100% more secure than standard cookie mode, and removes the stupid back doors I enabled in the previous version. This work was based on conversations I had with Stuart Bishop (I basically lifted the hashing scheme from GUF). This makes use of the Module level cache code. --akm

There was a code cleanup and a slight reorganisation of some files. --akm

The main User Object has migrated to XUFUser and simarly with the AnonUser. There is now an empty [Anon]User class that has XUFUser as it's base. This allows people to create custom User Objects without jumping through hoops (and simplifies maintaining patches) --akm

Cache Code has changed again. Now there is a module level cache, so that auth data is shared between threads for a single XUF (thanks to Stuart Bishop for an enlightening discussion on this and other issues, and thanks to Chris McDonough for talking me through setting up module level globals [and sending me some code to work from]) --akm

A Negative User Cache now exists. This is only generally useful for use with remote auth sources where repeatedly trying to auth non-existant users is very expensive (where they are authed at a higher level). You can enable this on creation or from the parameters screen (positive time in seconds enables). --akm

Domain checking code finally removed. --akm

zodbBTreePropSource changed to be friendlier about users that exist in remote locations (i.e. aren't create as such through the ZMI). -- akm

Changed some 'print's in the code to use zLOG.LOG instead. Files affected so far (more to follow): -- rochael

  • basicMemberSource/ zodbBTreePropSource/ * zodbPropSource/

Changed a couple things in
  • Method _authenticate_retry now logs several kinds of information for debugging and diagnostics.
  • Modified socket.error handling in _authenticate_retry: changed "raise" to "return 0".
  • Since this generated more problems (failed authentications) than it solved (our impression it was not right not to return 0 in an auth fail even due to a communications malfunction), we also changed socket.error handling to retry no mather what errno tells us (it said different things for the same problem under Windows and Linux).
  • In order to prevent infinite retries, changed retry handling a bit. It now retries 3 times. Real-use data will tell us if we should increase or not retries. To better convey the meaning of the parameter, changed "retry_depth" to "retries". I strongly advise the use of credential caching with smbAuthSource, tough, as it reduces socket errors and load on the domain controllers.

Changes for 0.10.3

Missed a few LoginRequireds.

Fixed a bug with __allow_groups__ not being set after paste (probably also not after import).

The sources are now sorted by name in the drop down box..

a BTree version of zodbAuthSource a BTree version of zodbPropSource

These aren't really all that different to the originals that were provided by Alex, but, they use BTrees instead of PersistentMappings, and try to avoid various persistence problems associated with dicts. Both versions will continue to be supported.

Patches from SF applied.

Advanced Cookie Mode added. This mode adds a rotor cipher around the cookie. A secret is provided in order to encode the cookie. The username and password are placed within a small class which is pickled and then encrypted and then base64 encoded for transport. There is also a timestamp inside the cookie, so the ultra-paranoid of you can rotate the cookie based on the timestamp inside.

Abstracted out the setting and decoding of cookies.

Changes for 0.10.2

all raise LoginRequired <- raise Unauthorized

Raising unauthorizes breaks a million things. CMF people can just put up with configuring their portal properly.

Radius resynced with version from sourceforge. manage_tabs redone to be ZBabel'd and to look like standard tabs.

German Language added to the ZBabel dictionary.

Changes for 0.10.1

all raise LoginRequired -> raise Unauthorized

Bug in etcAuthSource listUsers fixed, and cryptPassword also fixed to get the actual salt.

Zope 2.4.3 has dicked with security settings again.. I've had a round of permission whacking.

Buggy handling of empty role lists was fixed.

Change to smbAuthSource to use string.lower on usernames for python 1.5.2 compatibility?

Changes for 0.10.0

Added explicit roles for manage_editUser and friends, to allow the "Manage users" permission to be useful to non-Manager Users. Thanks to Heimo Laukkanen for reporting this one.

zodbAuthSource made more persistent zodbPropSource was blowing when deleting temporary properties.

XUF is now ZBabel'd which means you can view XUF in different languages for logging in and installation, if your browser locale is set up. You will need the latest ZBabel installed. The translation file is in the I18N directory.

Import this (using Import/Export in ZODB) at the same level as your ZBabelTower, and then import it from ZBabel. If you have ZBabel installed, but, your application can't find a ZBabelTower, because of a bug in the current dtml-fish tag, you might experience some problems. This ZBabel bug should be fixed sometime soon.

You do not need ZBabel installed to run XUF, XUF installs a dummy interface for ZBabel so that XUF can continue to run (sorry folks it defaults to Australian English).

getUserNames() was returning the wrong stuff (notably affected TheJester's WorkOrders Product)

There is a now an Advanced Postgres Auth Source that uses a seperate Roles table and a more relational layout. The schema is with the auth source in pgAuthSourceAlt. Contributed by Adam Manock

If you had a membership source and had specified a login page, XUF was still using the stock docLogin instead of the membership specified page (for redirectToLogin, exceptions still raise the docLogin).

I changed the icon to something a little less hideous

Leonardo Rochael Almeida made the following changes to smbAuthSource

  • Added a winsserver constructor parameter and a _winsserver instance variable to the smbAuthSource class. This variable should be the empty string, meaning that the authenticaton host will be looked up by broadcast, or an IP address string pointing to a WINS server.
  • Modified the dtml templates to ask for the above mentioned WINS server (and also to replace Add with Change in manage_editsmbAuthSourceForm).
  • Refactored the smbAuthSource class to isolate all smb interaction inside well defined methods.

Changes for 0.9.0

Messages are now sent back to the docLogin form. There's a file called where the messages are kept for now (it might end up a run-time configurable thing later).

There's a new docLogin.dtml file on disk that shows how to use the new messages. Because docLogin is in the ZODB this won't be automatically upgraded.

Idle Session Timeouts are in (this is the reason for the minor bump). If you flick the switch, then users are forced back to the login form (with a message saying their session timed out), when they're removed from the cache.

I made some adjustments to the tabs on the management interface because they were too big, and I cleaned it up a bit for times when they run together.

The internal API was inconsistent, so that's been updated. AuthSources no longer need to provide getUsers(), it was never being called anyway since exUserFolder built it's own. listUsers now returns the same data as listOneUser, this is used in other places as if it were a list of listOneUser calls.

Fixed pgAuthSource to deal with NULL rather than empty roles columns (legacy columns).

Changed Home Directory creation to use copy & paste functions to copy the skeleton data.

Changes for 0.8.5

I forgot to update the schema file for userproperties to reflect the temporary properties flag.

Checks for existing cache weren't being performed before removing users from it, when their data was updated.

Reversed the order for checking in cookie_validate, to allow logging in as a new user, when session tracking was on. Also now you can login as a different user, without logging out first, which might be useful to some people.

etcAuthSource now tries to use the salt found in the password file rather than its own. This can still be a problem for people using legacy authentication data with other sources, but, can be easily fixed by someone who knows what the salt is...

Changes for 0.8.4

Activating Session Tracking and then adding a new user when there were none in the XUF was broken.

Changes for 0.8.3

The idle users are flushed from the cache when you ask for the list of cache users (since it's iterating over the whole list anyway). So you can manually clear your cache by looking at the Cache Stats page.

If you display the list of logged in users on your site, then your cache will be flushed for you automagically.

Allowed a destination to be sent to redirectToLogin to allow you to manually override the destination after logging in.

Added in a __setstate__ for pgPropSource to deal with new ZSQL Methods being added.

Changes for 0.8.2

A number of bugs related to temp properties fixed in pgPropSource

FTP Access to folders protected with cookie_mode has been fixed, it now reverts to std_auth (which handles the FTP connection fine), since FTP auths are handled by getting a "Basic" auth tag coming through, which should never happen in cookie mode.

This has the knock-on effect of authenticating users that auth from a higher acl_users that doesn't use cookies, more correctly now. Which is if you have a user defined above, and in XUF and the XUF user has less permissions, it'll 401 you if you don't have permissions locally (which is the correct behaviour). This bit me in the arse when I changed it, and I'm still leaving it this way. d8)

Users are now flushed from the cache when you edit them (in case you changed roles), so that new roles should take effect immediately.

The credential cache now uses the (Zope) builtin BTree Module for caching rather than the AVL Tree implementation. There was a nasty issue with users appearing multiple times in the AVL Tree which sucked.

There is a report of the Radius Auth Source being broken (most likely by me), if your radius source stops working, you can try copying the file from sourceforge over the top of If someone gives me a traceback, I can fix it. I don't seem to be having problems, but, I don't have a full time RADIUS source either.

Changes for 0.8.1

A bug in _doAddUser was fixed A bug in the User Object unconditionally calling the prop source was fixed.

Changes for 0.8.0

Experimental "Session Tracking" added (why is it called that? we don't really track anything, just associate arbitrary data with anonymous users). This relies on the credential cache being active. Your session will automatically expire when the anonymous user is so idle that they are expired from the cache. This is not currently acceptable (to me), but, it might be to other people, I await feedback on how sessions should expire gracefully.

Updated the README.txt file to point at the UZG and to explain the version numbering system.

All this time you couldn't delete properties from a user... who knew? It's fixed now.

Temporary properties now available, you can setTempProperty() on a user object, and also flushTempProperties() on a user object. Temporary properties are accessed like normal properties, and can be deleted in the same way. flushTempProperties is there to do a quick flush of all the crap you might have inserted (useful for sessions). If your user is flushed from the cache, then all temp properties will also be removed at that point.

Propsource providers should look at the new temp properties stuff and update accordingly.

Alex provided a whole heap of patches to make basicMembership more usable, well make it actually work.

Matt Behrens supplied patches to prevent null logins and to allow case insensitive logins for smbAuthSource

Added a basic FAQ.

Changes for 0.7.10

Active Users type functionality was added. The new function is called getUserCacheUsers(). It returns a list of dicts;

{'username': theusername, 'lastAccessed': float_value}

lastAccessed represents the last time the user touched something. The Cache Stats page shows an example usage showing idle time (very cool I think :-)

The logout method was not correctly removing users from the cache, although the cookie was removed, so logins were still enforced. I'm not sure of any side-effects related to it, but,

Some permissions were a little too liberal, including allowing arbitrary users to set and get Properties on the acl_users folder.

Copy/Paste support for pasting exUserFolders into the root was added. I'm not sure I like the way this is done. I haven't found any side effects so far, but, just be wary. Adding an exUserFolder to the root becomes semi-trivial now. Create one in a sub-folder. Login as the emergency user. CUT the exUserFolder. Delete the standard acl_users folder. Paste exUserFolder. You should be away. At least it worked fine for me... YMMV

_doChangeUser and _doDelUsers added so users can be altered and deleted like for Standard UserFolder.

_createInitialUser added so there should always be your initUser (hopefully) when you create your exUserFolder.

Emergency User checking brought into line with Standard Folder

__creatable_by_emergencyuser added and returns 1 to explicitly allow this.

Unenlightened Zopistas Guide updated to have a Recipe like section. Currently contains a section about adding exUserFolders from python.

Changes for 0.7.9

RADIUS authSource had a problem with non-integers being extracted from REQUEST (I wish someone at DC would fix this already). I worked around this problem

Default port for RADIUS is now 1812 in line with the IANA sanctioned list.

Unenlightened Zopistas Guide to exUserFolder version 0.0 included, covers installation and authentication sources, and the most common configuration mistake (or misunderstanding).

I almost released with the daggy management screens all Purple or SkyBlue, so consider yoursevles lucky. This would have been the "Blue" release.

Changes for 0.7.8

zodbPropSource had a bug that must have been there since 0.0.0 where _p_changed wasn't being called on create, update, or delete user. Thanks to Bouke Scheurwater for spotting that one.

Alex provided a number of patched to fix a whole bunch of goofy stuff with Basic Member Source that was stupidly wrong.

Matt Behrens provided a patch to allow emergency user to own exUserFolders and some of the sources. I've grudgingly updated all the sources to allow this. It's just a hey nonny nonny to people using it as a root authenticator now.

Matt Behrens also provided a patch to fix broken pipe problems with smbAuthSource.

pySMB is now at 0.2 for smbAuthSource WARNING: This will try to use DES encrypted passwords. Apparently it should be ok if your server doesn't want them. However if it breaks, unpack the pySMB distribution in the smbAuthSource directory, there are registry examples there to turn it off. It unfortunately needs the mxCrypto tools for encrypted passwords to work. When I've got a bit more time, I'll see if I can make it use crypt or fcrypt if available instead.

Explicit checks for the emergency user were placed into the cookie_validate routines. I suspect this may have been the cause of some grief with people doing weird things like trying to make it the root auth folder.

Changes for 0.7.7

Some Auth sources had problems coping with no roles being selected when a user was created from the management interface, the stock ones were fixed.

I screwed up some of the DTML, and forgot to change the loading of two of the methods from the dtml directory.

NO MORE TRACEBACKS ON LOGIN FORMS, there is a little redirector dtml file dtml/docLoginRedirect that redirects to acl_users/docLogin with destination set to take them back to where they were going. If you have a custom loginPage change the redirector dtml to point to your new page.

standard_html swapped for manage_page on Management Pages. Hopefully this doesn't break someone with an old copy of Zope.

Credential Caching is now available by default for all Authentication Sources, upgrading installs will get this defaulted to 0 for no caching. You can alter the cache level from the Parameters Tab. Authors of external sources should remove any internal auth caching they're doing, and allow the user to decide how long to cache the credentials for.

Changes for 0.7.5 The Management Interface now batches the user list by 10. This isn't configurable at the moment (just change the dtml).

The code was re-organised slightly, with all the DTML moving into its own directory for core.

radiusAuthSource added, but, is so far untested. It is a direct port of ZRadius for GUF, but, I haven't had a chance to setup a RADIUS server to test it out.

You can add properties to a user from the management interface.

List Properties on users can be added and edited, if I can work out a decent way to edit Dicts/Mappings, I'll add that feature in.

This paves the way for defining a set of properties in the Membership source, so it can create a Signup and Edit page for you automatically. You will also be able to specify which properties the user can edit, or roles required to edit a property, this will be in a later release though.

pgPropSource was updated to take into account non-scalar types, and now pickles all data going into the database, this means ints will stay as ints, et al. There is code in there to cope with older properties coming out as strings. The Schema remains the same.

Changes for 0.7.2 Changes to make it work with older version of python Some minor bug fixes for membership.

Changes for 0.7.1 DTML Change for cmfPropSource

Changes for 0.7.0

exUserFolder was a little too liberal in removing its cruft, this is now fixed.

cmfPropSource was provided by Alan Runyan which is a layer around the CMF property stuff. It's conditionally imported, so if you don't have CMF installed you don't need to worry that'll it'll break.

Property Sources are optional, and there is a NULL Property Source for this purpose.

Membership hooks, and a rough start at membership (basicMemberSource), which has some usable functionality (you MUST read README.Membership before using this).

Membership Sources are optional and there is a NULL Membership Source for this purpose.

Changes for 0.6.2

exUserFolder was leaving cruft around when it was being deleted from Folders. The cruft should now be obliterated if you delete an exUserFolder.

Changes for 0.6.1

Ownership tab enabled, for those sick monkeys that want to use it as a root Folder (there are some).

fcrypt got the that was missing from the 0.6.0 release zodbAuthSource updated to pull in fcrypt if crypt was missing.

Changes for 0.6.0

Updated for 2.4.1 / Python 2.1 Bug in pg PropSource not deleting users from the property cache fixed. Bug with Local Roles not getting what it expected fixed. Alex Verstraeten provided zodbAuthSource, there's a README.zodbAuthSource, and the same README inside the zodbAuthSource directory. fcrypt is now included and used if crypt cannot be imported. More information on fcrypt can be found at This should help particularly Windows users a lot.

Changes for 0.5.0

A serious bug in zodbPropSource was fixed.

There is now the option of providing a Remote Auth function for validating. This allows things like IMAP/LDAP auth sources to do their authentication, since they don't return passwords you can use in general.

There's already a 3rd Party solution that provides IMAP/POP3 authentication, using the new API.

Changes for 0.4.6

Minor dtml hacks

Changes for 0.4.5

Hooks for editing Authentication and Property Sources were added, along with the relevant methods in each of the sources.

The management interfaces got a little overhaul, just to make them a little different (yes I know everything I do looks the same). The two I didn't want to mess with still have the acquired management interfaces.

A fix for the ZODB Property Source which was missing a few methods.

Changes for 0.4.0

Based on an idea from Martin von Loewis, I added in support for defining roles for etcAuthSource. This basically uses the current Prop source to store a roles property. The default role is still there as well for those of you who might be using it.

Changes for 0.3.0

Adrien Hernot noticed that properties for new users using zodbPropSource were causing havoc, and that the version.txt file was completely wrong. Andreas also noticed the version.txt was wrong.

I've been bugged enough by the pair of them to change the single += into 1.5.2 compliant syntax.

I don't make any claims about it working under 1.5.2 though.

Changes for 0.2.0

Even more embarassment...

Andreas Heckel provided fixes for some stupid things I left out including;

  • Fixing the way I was handling multiple roles coming out of the database o The wrong icon in the user display o Alerting me to the fact that pgPropSource didn't actually have a deleteUsers hook o Providing a schema for automatically deleting properties in postgres if you delete a user from the auth source (you have to be using both pg sources for this to work, and they'd have to be in the same database) I've put Andreas schema into the distribution, if you want to use exUserFolder as a straight pgUserFolder, you'll also need to edit and comment out the line indicated in deleteUsers()

Changes for 0.1.0

Pretty embarassing really.

  1. Adam Kendall (DaJoker) found some stupid things in the 0.0.0 release including the fact you couldn't edit user properties, or update them, or actually change a user in anyway.

I also discovered I was resetting the password to empty if you left it empty..