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aaltepet's Home

aaltepet's page

I've created this site so I can list some of the Products I've built or maintained for Zope. Primarily, I'm developing a content management system using Silva": (, and the Products I'm listing will only make sense when used inside that framework.

I currently maintain:


This product provides a Random Content Code Source. This code source chooses a random item from a specified container and displays it. "Randomness" options are "on page load" and "on page load and every X seconds". The allowed meta_types are Silva Documents and Silva Images.


This toolbar is an attempt at providing and promoting the "online collaboration" spirit of wiki using Silva as the content management system. Since Silva is used as the cms, users are able to take full advantage of Silva's advanced features.


This Automatic Table of Contents gives the silva content authors/editors the ability to choose which silva addables are displayed in the TOC.

NOTE: as of Silva 2.0, the functionality provided by SilvaCustomAutoTOC has been rolled into the core Silva Automatic Table of Contents


This product provides a Silva Stylesheet asset to the SMI. Stylesheets are editable through the SMI. The styles are split up into Style Sets, which are logical groupings of styles. Each Style Set contains common CSS selectors as found in Silva's frontend.css, as well as a few others selectors.

This product opens up the styling of Silva sites to Authors+, within the SMI. For large companies like universities that have one basic look, and which allow individual departments to customize the look of the content of their site, this a perfect product.

No longer do you need do site managers need to update stylesheets for the departments.


This product contains patches to SilvaDocument that add more features and functionality than is provided in SilvaDocument. This product mainly deals with functionality enhancements of the SilvaDocument's forms-based editor/xmlwidgets, but has some additional features that go beyond this._


XMLWidgets was developed and still maintained by Infrae for use with Silva. It was patched to allow multiple xml widget roots. This allows one to create extension products which contain extra xml widget elements and can plug these elements into existing Content Types, like SilvaDocument. I'm using this in production to as part of the yet-to-be-released Silva Forms Extension.

If you have no need or desire to create custom extensions for Silva, then you probably aren't interested in this product. There are also ways to add custom xml widgets to SilvaDocument that don't require this product, however I feel that it is easier to use this product than those methods.

Silva Forms Extension

This is a product I'm actively developing that adds html forms support to Silva. This product is ready to be released yet, so it isn't available to download.

Rebuilding Silva's ZCatalog

On May 4, 2005, our production ZCatalog that silva uses because corrupt. There were at least two invalid references to objects that didn't exist. Nearly every catalog object, when attempting to resolve it to the actual object via getObject(), would raise a POSKeyError. To rememedy this, I rebuilt Silva's catalog. Here are the instructions on how (including a short pythong script!)

SilvaMetadata AccessHandlers

ABSTRACT: SilvaMetadata has a little known or used feature which provides hooks for filtering out content types based on whatever criteria you want. They are called metadata access handlers. They allow you to extend the metadata sets defined on a content type, but only for objects of that type meeting a certain criteria.