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Element Description Value
Identifier resource ID
Title resource name Python MySQL Database Interface
Description resource summary MySQLdb is a Python interface to MySQL-3.22 and up. It is designed to be fully thread-safe and will not block other threads. The current version supports transactions with BDB tables (MySQL-3.23). It is actually implemented in two pieces: The MySQLdb module, which wraps the low-level interface and implements a DB API v2.0 interface; and _mysql, which implements something very similar to the standard MySQL C API, with some object-oriented transliteration. This version no longer contains a patch to "ZMySQLDA":../ZMySQLDA, which must be installed separately. Note that for packaging purposes, the package is now called MySQL-python. The high-level module is still called MySQLdb. MySQLdb-0.9.0 is a major overhaul and restructuring into a package format. Some small bugs were squashed. MySQLdb-0.9.3 is the required version if you are using Python 2.2 or newer. Recommended MySQL versions: * 3.23.38. Prior versions have transaction and security issues. * 3.22.32. Prior versions have security issues, and this one may as well. Use 3.23.32 or newer if possible.
Creator resource creator ZopeOrgSite
Date default date 2001-06-12 15:23:31
Format resource format text/html
Type resource type Software Package
Subject resource keywords Database, Databases, External Access
Contributors resource collaborators
Language resource language
Publisher resource publisher No publisher
Rights resource copyright

Additional Zope Elements

Element Description Value
CreationDate date resource created 2001-06-12 15:23:31
ModificationDate date resource last modified 2001-06-12 15:23:31
EffectiveDate date resource becomes effective None
ExpirationDate date resource expires None

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