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Marc's Zope Page

Marc's Zope page, listing all my products and other zopecetera.

Please file all bug reports to my collector here

  • PlonePayPal a simple PayPal shopping cart product. Gives you a folder which is your catalog, and an item object to add items. Dirt simple, uses PayPal's shopping cart system (or single item sales - you can use the PayPalItem without the PayPalStore). Requires ImageTag_CorePatch (below) and PIL.
  • ESMTP MailHost an ESMTP replacement for MailHost. foil spammers and use this with a modern mail host!
  • Audio object Product, based on File, here
  • CMFAudio ,a CMF-Friendly Audio product, based on Audio and CMFDefault: File, here
  • - python code to deal with mp3 audio file embedded info in a filter type of way.
  • CMFPhotoAlbum, a CMF adaptation of ZPhotoAlbum
  • ImageTag_Hotfix, (a.k.a ImageTag_CorePatch) a hotfix which uses PIL to resize images when using the tag method of OFS.Image and derived types. This is a great adjunct to CMFPhotoAlbum or ZPhotoAlbum, that's why I did it.
  • CMFGUM, an adoption of morphex's ZopeGUM for CMF. Works, but needs work.
  • CMFoldTracker, an adoption of the old Tracker for CMF. Works, but probably obsoleted by CMFTracker.
  • Zope + SQUID Howto explains how to do Squid to accellerate Zserver, with or without virtual domains. Hopefully simpler than previous how-tos.
  • Plone Lite the prototype plone skin hacked for drop-in use in CMF1.1/Zope2.3.3. Read the Press Release
  • Junk
  • my website
  • my CMF musings
  • I hacked to skip any pre-existing files or folders, since I was having problems loading a site (CDROM flaked out halfway). Actually, added the following new options:
    • -r replace files (individually - doesn't blow away directories) by re-uploading them.
    • -R replace directories (blowing away anything inside)
    • -a use Audio product for any audio files
    • -A delete and re-Add any audio files (kind of a fixup)