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  Valid for:  XMLWidgets 0.8.x
  Author:     Martijn Faassen
  Email:      [email protected]
  CVS:        $Revision: 1.4 $


XMLWidgets can be used to create through the web viewers and editors of XML content, stored in ParsedXML.

Note: I don't expect people to understand XMLWidgets without far more information. For now, perhaps an example would help. Silva's editor is such an example, so you could install Silva and play with it (see especially the service_widgets directory, and note the scripts in service_setup to register any new widgets).

The XMLWidgets Editor Service is added just once to a Zope system and should be called service_editor. It is a singleton which provides a number of facilities for viewers and editors.

The XMLWidgets Registry is used to register widgets (usually simple Zope folders with content such as page templates and python scripts). Currently they don't become equipped with any user interface, so you must use Python Scripts to configure them. The XMLWidgets Editor Service then can use this information to render documents (possibly in editor mode).