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Welcome to my Zope mess


There's not so much public resources available at the moment.

My products...

• Have a look to my XQuizz product if you want to insert a poll or a quizz in your Web site.

• Do you want to change the position of the properties of your various Zope objects through the ZMI, my OrderablePropertyManager patch product is for you!

• Do you want tu use configuration files (in your files system) to provide options to your Zope objects (Templates, DTML, Python scripts...) or Python Products ? Have a look at the ConfigFile product!

• (DEPRECATED, see EpozDocument below) You hold the pure HTML content of your sites in File object. The EpozFile product is for you. This is just a File object with an Epoz WYSIWIG editor widget tab available when your content type is "text/html".

• The EpozDocument is a pure HTML content type, with the Epoz WYSIWIG editor included, plus ZCatalog and External Editor awareness. You should consider using it to build your own lightweight CMS.

• When you make a distribution package from your product, you make a copy of your Product directory, remove the "*.pyc", "*.bak", "*~" files, the CVS special files then tar-gz/tar-bzip2/zip that copy. The script does all this for you safely in one shot.