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PHParser Changes


V1.1.5 - 2005-10-18

  • fixed a bug to safely quote environment variables before parsing. Thanks to Steve Piner who sent me a patch.
  • removed debugging output in as well.

V1.1.4 - 2005-10-08

  • added a wait() call aftering calling PHP CGI to avoid zombies. Thanks to Klaus Braun who sent me the fix.
  • added support to apache rewriterule + virtualhost monster. Thanks to Maric Michaud for sending me the patch.
  • default PHP CGI location changed to /usr/bin/php due to the fact that RHEL4 has a PHP CGI there.

V1.1.3 - 2004-12-25

  • fixed a bug in variable rewriting script.
  • removed all debugging output to prevent IO Error on Win32 platform.

V1.1.2 - 2004-07-17

  • manage_xxx.php scripts can now be running without problem by PHPGateway.

V1.1.1 - 2004-04-21

  • Fixed the unexpected acquisition of PHPGateway.

V1.1.0 - 2003-11-06

  • Actually supports Win32. (1.0.0 didn't)
  • Fixed the blank page (0-byte) problem on some Unix platforms.
  • Enhanced PHP-Gatewaying. Only PHP scripts are parsed! Other contents are served statically.
  • PHPGateway now works with SiteAccess product for providing a pure PHP virtual host.
  • Now supports HTTP authentication. (default is off for security reason)

V1.0.0 - 2003-10-18

  • No more variable rewritings. PHParser now calls PHP CGI like a webserver.
  • Posted form data is supported correctly. (It was broken in 0.9.0)
  • File uploads are supported.
  • Cookie and session are supposed to work too.
  • Now supports PHP 4.3.0 and up.
  • A new type of object PHPGateway comes together with PHParser. It can be used to publish web pages under an entire folder in the file system.

V0.9.0 - 2002-11-05

  • Passing REQUEST.other to PHP as a new global variable $ZOPE_VARS.
  • Passing REQUEST.environ to PHP as $HTTP_SERVER_VARS.
  • QUERY_STRING is then passed as-is, no longer reconstructed from REQUEST.form as it is was in 0.20413. Parameters will go into $HTTP_GET_VARS.
  • Posted parameters will go into $HTTP_POST_VARS.
  • Passing REQUEST.cookie as PHP's $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS.
  • Fixed a bug in PHP CGI under UNIX that $HTTP_SERVER_VARS actually contains the value of $HTTP_ENV_VARS.
  • The product works for PHP4 and is aware of the changes to Predefined Variables beginning from PHP 4.1.0. It means modern PHP scripts can use the values of $_GET, $_POST and $_REQUEST.
  • Those rewritten $HTTP_xxx variables will be made globally available exactly in the way PHP does if PHP's register_globals directive is set. So PHP scripts depend on something like $username and $id will still work as before as long as register_globals is set to On and variables_order set to the desired value in php.ini.
  • $PHP_SELF is now a partial URL and duplicated to $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'] to be consistent with pure PHP environment. And $PHP_SELF is always a global variable regardless of the register_globals setting.
  • Smart UNIX/DOS end-of-line detection. The new PHParser will be running on both Windows and Unix platform without the need to modify the PHPEOL line in

V0.20413 - 2002-04-13

  • Added decoding of returned PHP-Headers. Now you can use Header("Content-Type: image/png") and Header("Location:") in your PHP-Scripts. Creating images with the GD-Image-functions should now work out of the box...;-).
  • Improved the construction of the QUERY_STRING. This should give better results for FastCGI-ZOPEs and mixed POST/GET-REQUESTs (used by some wired PHProgrammers). Thanks to Sandy Mantel!

V0.20409 - 2002-04-09

  • Fixed a bug so that a PHParser was not callable by other methods. Changed the points of calling the __phparser__ in the DTML to PHP to HTML to CACHE chain.
  • Now you can set the Path to your PHP-CGI-Interpreter with the PHPath-Variable, if ZOPE can't find it through the environment (mainly needed for Windows).

V0.20316 - 2002-03-16

  • First public release of PHParser