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Building in Unix systems

To build the Unix-flavored shared library needed for the Zope's ZGDChart product, please follow these instructions. (If you are lucky, this maybe the only README file that you'll need to read.)

  1. Unzip, untar the enclosed gdchart-py-0.42b.tgz file. This will generate the gdchart0.94b folder inside the ZGDChart's product folder.

  2. Go into the gd-1.8.1 subfolder, enter
    If there are problems, you may need to modify the Makefile yourself.

  3. Come back to the original folder (gdchart0.94b), edit the makepy.linux (or makepy.solaris) file. Make sure that the lines
          CPPFLAGS = -I. -I/usr/local/include/python1.5
          LDFLAGS = -Lgd-1.8.1 -L/usr/lib
    correspond to your system's configuration for the Python include directory and the jpeg-lib, libpng and zlib libraries. In some systems, the Python include directory might be located in /usr/include/python1.5.

    After making sure, enter:
          make -f makepy.linux
    or, for Solaris systems:
          make -f makepy.solaris
    This will generate the shared library, which you can then copy to your lib/python/Products/ZGDChart folder inside your Zope installation folder.