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History for DocumentValidation

(Uche 2000-05-02)

XMLDocument's builder does not currently support validation.
In fact, it is a low-level handler for pyexpat which doesn't
support validation.

One nice benefit of using 4DOM would be that DTD validation
support comes along for the ride.  Now it is important to note
that DTD validation is pretty broken in some areas, such as
namespaces, and very limited in some areas as data-typing, but
it does have its uses, and more importanly, its strong adherents
in the XML community.

For one thing, it would allow the use of parsed general entities
(this allows a mechanism not unlike macro-expansion), unparsed
general entities and notations (which allow inclusion of external
non-XML data such as images) and of course, document validation.

It is also important to establish a framework for validation so that
once the XML Schema spec is complete, it will be easy to add such
support (note that some parties are already working on schema
validators in Python).  Other schema methodologies such as
<a href="">Schematron</a> and <a href="">RELAX</a>.  Should be
considered as options.

The good news is that 4DOM currently uses SAX for reading, which
allows us to use xmlproc, a validating parser.

There is also the matter of specifyingthe schema.

Schemas are specified in the document-type declaration (note,
different from DTD=document-type definition) as follows:

&lt;?xml version="1.0"?>
&lt;!DOCTYPE ADDRBOOK SYSTEM "addrschema.dtd" PUBLIC "">

Note thet the "PUBLIC" part is optional, but with the above
we can simply read the schema from the given URL.  Most
validating XML parsers already do this.

There is also a mechanism for locating resources referenced
in SYSTEM identifiers: XCatalog.  4DOM's reader already supports
XCatalog through xmlproc.

It might be useful to also add an attribute to XMLDocument objects
with their schema.  This would allow more flexible
validation-on-the-fly and would enable alternative schemas
not supported by xmlproc, such as XML schemas, Schematron and RELAX.