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**System Description for XMLDocument project**

Zope is an open source application server that enables users to create web application. To serve XML applications, the current implementation of Zope's XMLDocument will be redesigned and reimplemented to use the new ZDom.

This specification describes the use cases involved with using Zope for serving XML applications. The Zope application is the system boundary.


The use cases are not yet sorted by _actor_. At this point, we will assume that the _actor_ has the ability to create and manage XML applications within Zope.

This specification is expected to evolve during the course of analysis. It will eventually serve as the set of user test cases.

"Questions?", mailto:[email protected]

**XMLDocument Project Use Cases** 

1. User upgrades Zope 2.1.6 to support XMLDocument (discuss)
   Zope is capable of XML document publishing. 


   - Zope application is up and running

   - XMLDocument package (latest version)has been downloaded

   *Flow of Events*

   1. untar/unzip XMLDocument package to Zope directory

   1. apply patches to existing 2.1.6 install
   1. restart Zope


   - Zope is up and running

   - XMLDocument capability is installed

2. User creates XSL stylesheet 

   User is able to create a stylesheet using XSL


   - XML document is stored as Zope Object 

   *Flow of Events*

   1. Select XSL Document from product-add list 

   2. Enter XSL or upload an XSL file.

   3. click "change" store document 


   - XSL stylesheet is stored and available 

3. User views XML document 

   User is able view XML document (expand this to include viewing elements)


   - User has created an XML document 

   - XML document is stored as Zope Object 

   *Flow of Events*

   1. Select XML document 

   2. click "view" 

(Mike) This covers viewing from the management screen, do we want to cover viewing as a user?


   - XML document is viewable 

4. User views XML document through XSL stylesheet 

   User is able to use a stylesheet to view XML document.  The resulting objects from the transform are transient and not stored in the server.


   - User has created an XML document 

   - XML document is stored as Zope Object 

   - XSL stylesheet(s) are stored and available 

   *Flow of Events*

   1. Select XML document 

   2. Select XSL stylesheet 

   3. click "view" 

(Mike) Again, this covers viewing from the management window only.


   - Transformed document is viewable 

5. User views individual element from XML document 

   User is able to display elements from XML documents


   - User has created an XML document 
   - The user has selected to create child nodes from the XML document.

   - XML document and its child elements are stored as Zope Objects 

   *Flow of Events*

   1. Select URL of element 

   2. click "view" 

(Mike) cover user viewing.


   - XMLDocument element is viewable 

6. User views a tranformed element from an XML document 

   User is able to display elements from XML documents using a stylesheet


   - User has created an XML document 

   - XML document is stored as Zope Object 

   - XSL stylesheet(s) are stored and available 

   *Flow of Events*

   1. Select URL of element 
   2. Select XSL stylesheet 
   3. click "view" 

(Mike) mamange view only?

7. User can create a XML Template

 *The initial subset Possible options*

 - Create single object or a tree of objects.  Single Object will be one Zope Object that contains the entire XML file.  It will still support the ZDom interface, but will return transient objects for its children.  A tree of Objects will break the XML document into many Zope Objects as specified by the Element/Attr to Object/Property Mapping.

 - Which parser to use.

 - Element/Attr to Object/Property mapping.  Specify how elements and attributes are mapped into Zope Objects and Properties.  this is only used if the template specifies breaking the XML file into many Zope Objects.

 - Validation DTD/XSD/Scematron/RELAX

 - Catalog

 - White space normalization for CDATAS and/or text nodes

 - Parameter entity expansion on or off

 - Notations

 - CDATA/Text conversion

 - Character set conversion

8. User inputs XML Document 

9. User imports XML Document

10. User edits XML Document 

11. User inserts XSLT 

12. User loads XSLT 

13. User views XSLT

14. XSLT Apply to XML with transient output

15. XSLT Apply yo XML with persistent output
16. User edits XSLT

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