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History for RelationalStorageTableStructures


It is thought that a RelationalStorage might be best served by requiring
the database to provide to Zope three predefined tables in which
transaction, pickle, and pack information are stored respectively.
Suggested index information is also included.

  This table structure works pretty well, but some ideas are to
break the pickles out into their own table and store only a pointer to
them in the zodb_data table (ala Anthony Baxter), and to normalize the
version information by creating a version table that is only used as
a lookup table from version 'id' to version 'name'.

    [zodb_trans]  -- a table that holds transaction data

    [zodb_data] -- a table that holds the records contained in a transaction

    [zodb_pack] -- a holding table for pack data (empty unless pack is happening)

    [table indexes] -- indexes on zodb_trans and zodb_data

    [DDL] -- DDL for table structures (Interbase)

Jim -- Here are some ThoughtsOfMineFromAFewMonthsAgo