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History for SecurityPolicy

A security policy provides access to a specific policy.
[SecurityManager]s delegate access checking to security
policies. Security policies must implement the following 

validate(accessed, container, name, value, context) --
  Validate access .


    accessed -- the object that was being accessed

    container -- the object the value was found in

    name -- The name used to access the value

    value -- The value returned by the access

    context -- A SecurityContext, which provides access to information
      such as the context stack and AUTHENTICATED_USER.

checkPermission(permission, object, context) -- 
  Check whether the security context allows the given permission on
  the given object.


    permission -- A permission name

    object -- The object being accessed according to the permission

    context -- A SecurityContext, which provides access to information
      shuch as the context stack and AUTHENTICATED_USER.