[Zope] Zope Weekly News

Mike Pelletier [email protected]
Wed, 23 Feb 2000 18:25:36 -0500 (EST)


    Zope Weekly News is a digest of some of the useful and interesting
    events which have occurred on the various Zope mailing lists and the
    Zope.org site.  It is published each Wednesday evening.

    Any opinions contained in the Zope Weekly News are those of the
    chronicler exclusively.


  * Neuberger & Hughes have announced the release of version 1.0 of
    their WorldPilot software.  It has been whispered in shady
    corners of conferences that WorldPilot could well be Zope's first
    Killer App.  WorldPilot is an integrated, through-the-web PIM and
    IMAP mail client, with collaborative capabilities.


New Products

  * Software Product: "Simple Directory of URLs", submitted by "Roug"

    This handy product manages sets of links to external resources.
    It can perform click-through counting, and allows untrusted users
    to submit link suggestions (which are subject to review).


  * Software Product: "An Extensible, Base Banner System", submitted
    by "Bill"

    "Bill" wrote, "BannerSystem is the beginning of a full-fledged
    banner add management system.  Currently, it is functional, and
    includes a sample implementation that can be used."


  * Software Product: "JSplitter", submitted by "brianh"

    This is a replacement for ZCatalog's word-splitter.  This product
    enables full-text searching of Japanese with ZCatalog.


  * Software Product: "A simple site mapping object", submitted by

    This ZClass product provides three forms of navigation widgets:
    "Top Level" (horizontal), "Full Context" (vertical) and a full
    Site Map.  It requires "lalo"'s Renderable ZClass product.  (See


  * Software Product: "A simple photo album product", submitted by

    A simple ZClass product which provides a means of organising and
    browsing collections of images.  They can be browsed as thumbnails
    in user-configured batch sizes.



  * Software Product: "MySQL user folder", submitted by "vladap"

    Version 0.4.0 has been released.  This release adds a layer of
    indirection to the DTML interface files the user folder uses to
    allow for multilingualism.  Also, anonymous authentication now


  * Software Product: "An Interface for MySQL", submitted by

    This Products description states, "MySQLdb is a Python interface
    to MySQL-3.22.  It is designed to be fully thread-safe and will
    not block other threads."  A patch is included which will update
    ZMySQLDA to use this interface, rather than it's older,
    non-thread-safe version.

    The latest release is 0.1.2.


Zope.org items

  * How-To: "Using Zope on a third-party web host", submitted by

    This How-To explains how to set up Zope to run on a Unix server
    where you do not have administrative rights, such as on an ISP's


  * How-To: "Use Direct Traversal of SQL Methods", submitted by Chris

    'Direct Traversal' is a trick which allows you to create URLs
    which pass arguments to SQL Methods _without_ a query string on
    the end of the URL.  This allows more aesthetically pleasing,
    "Mom-friendly" URLs.

    The audience for this How-To appears to be Zope newbies and
    intermediates with some SQL experience.


Mike Pelletier.

[Zope] Zope Weekly News

Mike Pelletier [email protected]
Wed, 16 Feb 2000 18:35:22 -0500 (EST)


    Zope Weekly News is a digest of some of the useful and interesting
    events which have occurred on the various Zope mailing lists and the
    Zope.org site.  It is published each Wednesday evening.

    Any opinions contained in the Zope Weekly News are those of the
    chronicler exclusively.


  * Lalo Martins has begun writing a Zope tutorial in Brazilian
    Portuguese.  His announcement stated he was halfway through, and
    that it was already useful.


New Products

  * Software Product: "Local Factory Objects", submitted by "lalo"

    This package appears to allow you to create Factory objects
    (objects which manage the creation of ZClass instances) in places
    other than a Software Product.  This is useful to prevent the
    'Add' list from becoming unwieldy by placing the Factories in the
    relevant portions of the site, rather than making them globally


  * Software Product: "Persistent List and Dictionary", submitted by

    Like the PersistentMapping object, PersistentList and
    PersistentDict are classes that look like the basic Python types
    of the same names, but which are persistent and which alert the
    ZODB when their contents have changed.  PersistentDict differs
    from PersistentMapping in two respects-- It is not limited to
    strings as keys, and it does not hide keys that begin with an


  * Software Product: "ZDP Tools 0.1", submitted by "roeder"

    This is a distribution of the very tools that make the Zope
    Documentation Project work.  Follow the second link below to see
    the ZDP in action for an idea of what is possible with this


  * Software Product: "StructuredText Document", submitted by

    This is a very simple, ZClass based Product which provides a means
    of displaying structured text documents without creating a second
    DTML Method to wrap the structured text.  This is often very

    Note that ZClasses cannot be used as a Folder's index_html.



  * Software Product: "load_site.py with additional features",
    submitted by "itmar"

    This is a modification of the load_site utility that comes with
    Zope.  This utility sucks files and directories out of a local
    filesystem and creates corresponding Zope objects with their
    contents.  Itmar has made some useful changes: the DTML it
    generates is now in the new Zope 2 syntax; certain HTML metadata
    and display options may be placed in object properties; javascript
    can be stripped out of headers (for making Dreamweaver output more
    lightweight); can clean up output of certain Microsoft products so
    that quotes display properly on other platforms.


  * Software Product: "ZWiki 0.4", submitted by "simon"

    ZWiki is a product which allows the creation of wiki webs in Zope.
    What is a wiki web?  Well, I'm not sure, but Peter Merel says that
    the typical wiki web is "insecure, indescriminate, user-hostile,
    slow, and full of difficult, nit-picking people."  And these are
    the GOOD points!  Seriously, a Wiki Web appears to be a dynamic
    web site which is built, torn down and rebuilt by anonymous users.

    0.4 adds a number of tweaks, tunings, and new default content.
    See the link for details.  "simon"'s news item does not include a
    link to the Product, so it's included below as a second link.


Zope.org items

  * How-To: "Build a WAP site with Zope", submitted by "Duncan"

    This HowTo describes what you would need to do to allow Zope to
    serve WML pages to cell phones, PDAs, and other wireless devices
    via WAP.  It addresses issues such as setting the content type
    correctly, caching, serving bitmaps, and making the standard Zope
    html-include files both WML and HTML-friendly.


  * "Zope Docs", submitted by "AlexR"

    This is a pretty handy resource.  "AlexR" has compiled all the
    HowTo documents on Zope.org and made them available as a
    printer-friendly Adobe PDF file.  In addition, this page has links
    to a pair of printer-friendly lists of all the HowTo documents on
    Zope.org, one sorted by name, and one by date.


  * How-To: "add users in python", submitted by "element"

    In addition to describing the process for adding users to a Zope
    server from a Python Product, this brief How-To also describes
    adding the actual User Folder ('acl_users'), adding a local role,
    and assigning a role to a user.

  * How-to: "Generate URLs for Objects", submitted by "jim"

    This is a very thorough How-To on a common, but simple (once you
    know the trick) problem.  Astonishingly, Jim manages to stretch a
    one-line answer into a two-page document.  I don't want to spoil
    the surprise ending, but it is possible to ask an object for it's
    canonical URL, and this How-To explains how.


Mike Pelletier.
[email protected]

[Zope] Zope Weekly News

Mike Pelletier [email protected]
Wed, 9 Feb 2000 20:18:38 -0500 (EST)


    Zope Weekly News is a digest of some of the useful and interesting
    events which have occurred on the various Zope mailing lists and the
    Zope.org site.  It is published each Wednesday evening.

    Any opinions contained in the Zope Weekly News are those of the
    chronicler exclusively.

    Suggestions for ZWN items are happily accepted.  Please mail them
    to <[email protected]>, put 'ZWN' somewhere in the subject and
    remember to include URLs.


  * Zope 2.1.4 has been released.  The blame goes to Evan Simpson, who
    pointed out a problem which would allow people to construct links
    to a Zope server such that it would cause JScript (or other
    HTML-embeddable scripts) to be executed in the user's browser.
    This script would appear to come from the Zope server.  While this
    is not too terribly dangerous (your browser doesn't have any
    security holes, right?), all users are encouraged to upgrade.


New Releases

  * "brianh" has been given custodianship of the Ultraseek DA product.
    This is a Zope Database Adapter which provides an interface to
    Infoseek's Ultraseek Server search engine.


  * "ngarcia" announced the first public release of the Wampum
    Generator, a CyberCash Connector for Zope.  This product gives
    application developers the ability to process Internet credit card
    transactions in Zope.



  * Digital Creations has released an updated version of the Sybase
    Database Adapter.  It's hoped that this release fixes the memory
    leaks of the prior version.


  * "Drew" has updated the ZPhotoAlbum product.  This product presents
    pages of ZPhotos (images) scaled to the user-specified thumbnail
    size.  The present version is 0.4.3.


  * Jonothan Farr <[email protected]> updated his LocalFS product.  This
    product allows Zope to serve files out of (shockingly enough) the
    local filesystem.  Additionally, it can serve from network shares
    if you are running Zope on a Windows machine.


Zope.org items

  * Chris McDonough <[email protected]> has crafted a gentle and
    easily digested introduction to Zope he's called, "Gain Zope
    Enlightenment By Grokking Object Orientation".  If you are _not_ a
    computer scientist, geek or Python programmer, this seems to be
    the place for you to start.  He does a wonderful job of answering
    a very difficult question, "What is Zope?"  At the end, the
    complete novice should have a decent understanding of how Zope
    works, what an object is and what it means to publish one, and how
    these objects work.


  * "muesli" created a HowTo which explains the 'domains' security
    feature of user objects.  This allows you to restrict access to
    specific hosts, domains, or IP addresses.


  * "jec" posted a HowTo which explains automating the starting and
    stopping (at startup and shutdown) of a Zope server on a Red Hat


  * "vernier" has written a HowTo on creating custom Zope Debian packages.


  * "lalo" wrote a HowTo which describes how to use cron to trigger
    events on a Zope server.


  * Jens Vagelpohl <[email protected]> has distilled the essence of
    his experience creating the Zope Demo CD which was distributed at
    IPC8 and created a HowTo so you can create one, too.  These CDs
    work on both Windows and Linux systems.  On a Windows system, the
    Zope server can start right off the CD, and a web browser can
    automatically be launched to view the server's content.  All this
    without writing a single byte to the user's hard drive.


  * Chris Petrilli <[email protected]> posted a proposal titled "A
    Confidence Mechanism in User Role Management".  The idea is to
    make Zope Authentication more flexible than all-or-nothing.  There
    is a discussion about this proposal in the Zope-PTK mailing list.



  * Last week, the editor-in-chief of O'Reilly was mistakenly called
    "Frank Wilson".  His name is in fact Frank Willison.

Mike Pelletier.

[Zope] Zope Weekly News Rides Again

Mike Pelletier [email protected]
Wed, 2 Feb 2000 18:02:15 -0500 (EST)


    Zope Weekly News is a digest of some of the useful and interesting
    events which have occurred on the various Zope mailing lists and the
    Zope.org site.  It is published each Wednesday evening.

    Any opinions contained in the Zope Weekly News are those of the
    chronicler exclusively.

    Suggestions for ZWN items are happily accepted.  Please mail them
    to <[email protected]>, put 'ZWN' somewhere in the subject and
    remember to include URLs.


  * ActiveState has announced it will be offering industrial-strength
    commercial Python support.  ActiveState is renowned for their
    Perl support and development tools.  The press release, linked
    below, includes comments from Paul Everitt.


  * Frank Wilson, editor-in-chief at O'Reilly, presently has quite a
    lot of commentary on the IPC8, Python, Zope and Digital Creations
    in his "Frankly Speaking" column.


  * O'Reilly recently launched their new portal, O'Reilly Network.
    The prestigious first feature is an interview with Paul Everitt,
    which explores some of the hidden gotchas and bonuses of opening
    up your software.  The interview is available as text and three
    flavours of audio: High bandwidth RealAudio, low bandwidth
    RealAudio, and MP3.  Nice!


  * You can now follow ZopeStudio (aka the Zope-Mozilla Initiative) as
    it evolves by tracking the new ZopeMozilla CVS.  For more
    information, see:


  * The Zope Portal Toolkit (PTK) is now a Real Live Product, and is
    also avalialable to be tracked by CVS.  See the post in the
    [email protected] list.


  * Chris McDonough <[email protected]> reported ZDNet UK's analysis
    of open source application servers Zope and Midgard.


  * Trey Seaver <[email protected]> announced the commencement of
    the Zope Guru of the Week "contest".  Trey even made the
    application handling the ZGotW downloadable.


  * "jwashin" submitted a "ZClasses Survey/quiz product".  It is still
    undergoing development, and contributions are welcome.


  * Geeknews.org published an interesting interview with Rick
    Collette, head developer for SPIRO Linux.  In it, Rick explains
    the reasoning behind including Zope as a distribution component.


  * Linux Weekly News offered the following link to ZopeNewbies'
    coverage of the IPC8 and it's Zope Track.  Photos!


New Releases

  * Zope 2.1.3 has been released. This update contains fixes for a
    race condition that could cause Zope to hang on very high-traffic
    sites, two database packing bugs, and a bug that caused Zope to
    sometimes hang instead of shutting down when the shutdown function
    was accessed over a very fast network.


  * "ngps" announced the availability of a very exciting product,
    "M2Crypto", which allows ZServer (and so Zope) to speak SSL


  * RainDog submitted version 0.0.1 of TTImage.  TTImage renders
    arbitrary text to images on-the-fly.


  * "haqa" has contributed "Favourite Links", a ZClass-based product
    which presumably manages a collection of links.


Updates and Patches

  * "kslee" contributed Zope patch which allows you to select from a
    list of default contents when creating a DTML Method/Document.


  * "faassen" released version 0.2 of ZFormulator.


  * "phd" announced that mod_pcgi2 has reached version 1.0.0.


  * "jephte" updated jcNTUserFolder to version 0.0.2.


  * "kslee" spent some time hacking on ZCatalog's splitter.py and the
    result was Voodoo Kludge Splitter.  The splitter is what
    determines word breaks for full text searches.  The Voodoo Kludge
    Splitter allows full text searches of non-ASCII content, such as
    Korean, Japanese and Chinese.  There are caveats to be aware of.


  * Evan Simpson <[email protected]> has brought his SiteAccess product up
    to version 1.0.0.  This is the first stable release.  SiteAccess
    allows you to use virtual hosting to make non-root Zope objects
    appear to be the root of your website.


  * "htrd" contributed a Zope hack which "provides support for wide
    character strings in ZPublisher, property pages, and property


  * "jules" contributed a HowTo which describes the creation of
    "Smarter" forms.  The idea is to prevent the user from ever having
    to go "Back" by representing forms with prior inputs already
    filled in.


  * Another HowTo from "jules", this one describes auto-starting Zope
    on boot on a SuSE 6.3 system.


Zope.org items

  * Chris Petrilli <[email protected]> has made all the slides
    from the tutorials he offered at the Zope Track of IPC8 available


  * "kusako" contributed a Tip which explains how to catalog a group
    of properties as though they were one.


  * Miklos Nemeth <[email protected]> submitted "How-To: Using Emacs
    with Zope on RedHat 6.1".  It appears to walk the user through
    using Emacs as a Zope development environment.


  * "rbickers" wrote an excellent HowTo on Running Zope on BeOS.  The
    HowTo includes links to a suitable Zope binary.


  * Continuing a thread, Jeffrey Shell <[email protected]> wrote a
    similar HowTo for MacOS X.


  * "jephte" submitted a HowTo describing how to make Zope work in
    remote user mode (this is, making the webserver deal with
    Authentication) in conjunction with IIS.


  * Chris Pertilli <[email protected]> has started a Z SQL Method
    FAQ.  He is accepting additional questions and answers.


  * Chris McDonough <[email protected]> wrote an EXTENSIVE HowTo
    describing the process of installing Zope and upgrading an
    existing Zope installation, complete with screenshots.  If you are
    having difficulty getting Zope off the ground, this looks like the
    place to start.


  * Miklos Nemeth <[email protected]> also contributed a HowTo about
    using the SQL Sessions product.  SQL Sessions allows you to store
    arbitrary per-visitor state in an SQL database.


  * John Udell <[email protected]> wrote "How-To: A <dtml-calendar>
    example", which demonstrates managing per-date data with the
    <dtml-calendar> tag presenting the interface.


  * "anthony" submitted "How-To: Choosing to store data in SQL vs
    ZODB".  In it, he supplies a number of questions you can ask
    yourself to determine whether to keep application data in the Zope
    database or an external one.


  * Miklos Nemeth <[email protected]> has written another HowTo
    targeted at RedHat 6.1 users: "Zope and Apache on RedHat 6.1".


  * Another Chris McDonough <[email protected]> HowTo: "Using the
    Zope Debug Log to Track Down Hangs".  This HowTo includes a log
    file analyser.


  * Jim Fulton has made three of his IPC8 presentations available.
    They are "Introduction to the Zope Object Database", "Acquisition
    Algebra", and "Zope Architecture".


Mike Pelletier.

[Zope] Zope Weekly News

Mike Pelletier [email protected]
Wed, 12 Jan 2000 20:20:05 -0500 (EST)


    Zope Weekly News is a digest of some of the useful and interesting
    events which have occurred on the various Zope mailing lists and the
    Zope.org site.  It is published each Wednesday evening.

    Any opinions contained in the Zope Weekly News are those of the
    chronicler exclusively.

    Suggestions for ZWN items are happily accepted.  Please mail them
    to <[email protected]>, put 'ZWN' somewhere in the subject and
    remember to include URLs.


  * Hadar Pedhazur <[email protected]> announced on the Zope
    mailing list that Digital Creations and Zope will have a presence
    at the Linux WorldExpo in February.  This is thanks to Tucows.com
    graciously sharing their booth.


  * Andrew M. Kuchling <[email protected]> announced the
    release of version 0.05 of the Oedipus package.  Oedipus is a
    Python package for creating and maintaining hierarchical trees of
    Web links.  A prototype Zope product is included in the package
    that allows browsing through an Oedipus database.


  * "tseaver" noticed an updated review of Zope by Linux Planet and
    passed along the link.  This is the review that appeared about two
    weeks ago, with the same ultimate conclusions but with some
    reporting errors corrected and the "Response from Digital


New Products

  * "johanc" submitted "XMLRPC Client for Internet Explorer 5".  It
    has been released as a part of the Zope Internet Explorer project,
    which aims to build a rich interface to Zope around Internet
    Explorer 5.



  * "rossl" updated the LDAPAdapter Product.  This product allows you
    to authenticate user against data stored on an LDAP server.  The
    current version is 0.95.


Zope.org items

  * "Bill" wrote a How-To, titled "Conditional SQL How-To available"
    which describes how to construct a ZSQLMethod with a dynamic query.


  * "anthony" has composed a very good How-To, "Choosing to store data
    in SQL vs ZODB", which discusses the relative merits and drawbacks
    of using Zope's native database and using an external SQL database
    to store data.


  * "gwachob" has contributed a beginner level How-To about DTML
    scripting, "Making Folder Directory Listings".  In it, he
    describes the DTML needed to generate a dynamic list of certain
    kinds of objects in a folder.


Notable Discussions

  * Nico Grubert <[email protected]> is looking for ideas for fairly
    substantial (20-40 pages) tutorials.  Suggestions so far: News
    site app with workflow, a shopping cart app, and methods for
    handling file uploads.


  * Steve Jibson <[email protected]> developed a large ZClass, and
    then needed to change the ZClass's base classes.  Not wanting to
    have to rebuild his ZClass from scratch, he asked the list for
    alternatives.  Several are offered.


Mike Pelletier.

[Zope] Zope Weekly News

Mike Pelletier [email protected]
Wed, 5 Jan 2000 18:02:36 -0500 (EST)


    Zope Weekly News is a digest of some of the useful and interesting
    events which have occurred on the various Zope mailing lists and the
    Zope.org site.  It is published each Wednesday evening.

    Any opinions contained in the Zope Weekly News are those of the
    chronicler exclusively.


  * A security hole has been found and patched.  The problem, found
    thanks to Kevin Littlejohn's efforts, affects those sites which
    make their Zope management interface available to untrusted users.
    All Zope users are encouraged to read the announcement and update
    their Zope installation.  Patches are available for both 2.x and

    This patch forced two new Zope releases, 2.1.2 and 1.10.4.


New Products

  * Jephte CLAIN has released a new NT Domain authenticator:
    jcNTUserFolder.  Jephte's Product differs from "htrd"'s in that
    roles are given through the web and impersonation is not used.



  * "Drew" updated the Photo Product.  Photo resizes images to the
    user's preferred size.  The present version is 0.1.0.


  * "vladap" updated the mysqlUserFolder Product.  This update fixes a
    folder creation bug.  mysqlUserFolder allows you to authenticate
    users with data stored in a mysql database.  It also allows you to
    store arbitrary per-user data, and it supports HTTP and
    cookie-based authentication schemes.  The present version is


  * Jephte CLAIN has also released two patches, one to the MIME tag,
    and one to the import/export system.

    The MIME patch adds *_expr versions of the type, disposition,
    encode and name attributes of the MIME tag.  These allow you to
    evaluate an expression for the value of the attribute rather than
    specifying a literal value.  The patch also adds the attributes
    filename and filename_expr to the tag.  These attributes supply
    hints that the client will use to determine the file's name.

    The import/export patch allows you to import objects through the
    web instead of having to place files on the filesystem.


  * "phd" released an update to the mod_pcgi2 package.  This update
    adds a PCGI_ROOT command for virtual hosting.  mod_pcgi2 is an
    Apache module which moves the PCGI client into Apache's address
    space, preventing the need to start a new process to avoid the
    "fork tax".  The present version is 0.2.0.


Zope.org items

  * "Gregor" had some quibbles with a couple aspects of Zope's user
    interface.  He wrote and submitted a How-To describing how to
    prevent the "Powered by Zope" link from opening in a frame, and
    how to make the Zope document editing TEXTAREA soft-wrap.


Notable Discussions

  * Olivier Deckmyn <[email protected]> has just started
    what stands to be an interesting thread for those wishing to take
    the first step developing Zope applications.  Olivier has a set of
    classes which implement the logic of the application he wishes to
    produce.  He is looking for advice on how to move from a set of
    standalone objects to a Zope application.


  * To ring in the new year, Wei Tao <[email protected]> started a
    Zope wishlist thread.  Got a wish, rant or suggestion?  Chime in.


  * A thread significant to Product developers: Martijn Faassen
    <[email protected]> desires to develop a set of Product
    standards.  He points out that there are some rather arcane things
    that one has to do to produce a well-behaved Zope Product, but
    that many people do not know what they are and even those who do
    know do not always know _why_ ("voodoo programming").  Martijn
    makes a number of suggestions to rectify this problem.  Chris
    McDonough graciously offers to contribute some effort to the cause.


Mike Pelletier.

[Zope] Zope Weekly News

Mike Pelletier [email protected]
Wed, 29 Dec 1999 18:31:32 -0500 (EST)

    Zope Weekly News is a digest of some of the useful and interesting 
    events which have occurred on the various Zope mailing lists and the 
    Zope.org site.  It is published each Wednesday evening. 
    Any opinions contained in the Zope Weekly News are those of the 
    chronicler exclusively. 
  * Amos Lattier <[email protected]> put out a call for FastCGI 
    problems.  Amos is revisiting FastCGI support, so the more you 
    complain the better it will be. 
  * Paul Everitt <[email protected]> has alerted everyone to the 
    latest issue of Linux Magazine, which contains an article "Gold 
    Rush: Venture Capitalists Discover Linux".  The article talks 
    about Digital Creations and Hadar Pedhazur at length. 
  * "htrd" posted an update to his NTUserFolder product.  It 
    authenticates Zope users from NT user accounts.  It only runs on 
    Windows NT.  The latest release is 1.3. 
  * "phd" has updated mod_pcgi2 several times this week.  mod_pcgi2 
    moves PGCI's calling code into Apache's process to eliminate the 
    so-called "fork tax".  This makes requests more responsive.  The 
    latest version is 0.1.2. 
Zope.org items 
  * "z113" contributed a How-To on adding your own DTML tags to the 
Notable Discussions 
  * Art Hampton <[email protected]> started a discussion 
    presently underway about the relative merits of mod_pcgi2, vanilla 
    PCGI and FastCGI. 
  * Anthony Baxter <[email protected]> has made and released 
    some modifications to ZCatalog.  He's soliciting comments in 
Mike Pelletier.

[Zope] Zope Weekly News

Mike Pelletier [email protected]
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 18:18:53 -0500 (EST)


    Zope Weekly News is a digest of some of the useful and interesting
    events which have occurred on the various Zope mailing lists and the
    Zope.org site.  It is published each Wednesday evening.

    Any opinions contained in the Zope Weekly News are those of the
    chronicler exclusively.


  * Amos Lattier has started a series at XML.com about XML and Zope.
    The first article is available.


  * Beehive has translated additional Zope How-Tos into German.
    German speaking Zope users are welcome to contribute to the


  * The new Zope Front Door has been installed.  Comments to
    [email protected] are encouraged.


  * Lutz Ehrlich <[email protected]> has launched the
    German Python/Zope network.

        "It is meant to be a lightweight and efficient means to form a
        network of freelancers able to provide Python/Zope services in
        the German speaking part of the world."


  * A mailing list has been set up to support the Zope Mozilla
    Initiative.  It's address is [email protected].


New Products

  * "4am" posted a bash script to automate generating distribution
    archives of Python Products.



  * The Z SQL Methods User's Guide has been updated.


  * "4am" has updated SiteAccess to work with Zope 2.1.


Zope.org items

  * "limi" posted the 100th How-To, which is about using
    multiple-selection and selection properties.

  * "dparker" submitted a tip for editing Zope resources with the
    editor of your choice under KDE, and suggests that the same
    technique may work for other environments.


  * "sfs" has contributed a helpful document on forcing clients to use
    HTTPS when using the management interface.


Notable Discussions

  * chas <[email protected]> started a discussion titled
    "Linux/Redhat advice : RPMs vs Src for Zope development ?"  "chas"
    is new to Linux, coming from a FreeBSD background, and he in
    curious about the relative merits of installing from the sources
    versus installing with an RPM.


  * Christopher Petrilli <[email protected]> posted to zope-dev
    to let everyone know that Even Simpson's Python Methods have been
    rolled in to Zope, and are now committed to the CVS.  Some
    discussion of Python Methods followed.


  * Dave Parker <[email protected]> complained that his
    namespace kept disappearing when he called a DTML Method from a
    DTML Method.  Jim Fulton and others wrote in explaining what was
    happening, why it happened, and how to pass values to a DTML
    Method without losing your namespace.  A lot of very useful
    information, sure to cause many a forehead-slap.  Jim also
    mentions that you may not have to jump through this particular
    hoop too much longer.


  * Andrew Hall <[email protected]> has his FastCGI/Zope setup
    troubleshot by the mailing list.  An error in the documentation
    (doc/WEBSERVER.txt) is pointed out!  (Corrected in the CVS.)


Mike Pelletier.

[Zope] Zope Weekly News

Mike Pelletier [email protected]
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 19:18:26 -0500 (EST)


    Zope Weekly News is a digest of some of the useful and interesting
    events which have occurred on the various Zope mailing lists and the
    Zope.org site.  It is published each Wednesday evening.

    Any opinions contained in the Zope Weekly News are those of the
    chronicler exclusively.


  * Digital Creations announced that the next generation of its Zope
    application server will leverage browser technology from the
    Mozilla project.


  * Python.Org announced the Redesign Python.Org Contest.  The
    talented winner shall receive great fame and... erm... that's it,
    really.  Have a try and have some fun.


New Products

  * "slef" has released an intriguing product called ZInstaller.  The
    objective is to enable Zope users to download and install new Zope
    packages from the comfort of their web browser.



  * Zope 2.1.1 has been released. This is a bug-fix release that
    includes fixes for better handling of multiple-write conflicts,
    undo-related problems and problems that prevented certain
    third-party Zope products such as Squishdot from working. For more
    information, see the file CHANGES.txt in the doc directory of the


  * "4am" released an update to his Python Methods product.  The
    present version is 0.1.7.  Python Methods are, as the name
    implies, methods written in Python, but which live in the object
    database rather than on the filesystem.


  * "Bill" reports that KnowledgeKit 1.6.7 has been released:

        "This is a minor feature upgrade. Per request, there is now a
        simple How-To object integrated into the KnowledgeBase
        portfolio. While not yet as cool as cool as Zope.org's, it is


  * Another alpha release of XML Document is out. This release fixes a
    number of bugs thanks to patches form diligent Zope users and
    added a few minor features.


  * "anthony" has submitted "yet another minor release of SQLSession".


  * Jim Washington <[email protected]> updated his ZRTChat product.
    ZRTChat provides real-time chat with an entirely HTML interface.
    (No java, javascript, etc.)  The present version is 0.2.0.


  * Pavlos Christoforou <[email protected]> has released
    version 0.2.0 of FSSession.  FSSession manages session data (that
    is, per-browser data) and stores it on the filesystem.  (Compare
    with SQLSession.)


Zope.org items

  * "Duncan" submitted a How-to entitled "Session data stored in URL":

        "This how-to describes how to use Anthony Baxter's SQLSession
        product in conjunction with 4am's SiteAccess product to store
        a session id in the URL without the need to set any cookies."


  * "Bill" posted a new How-To: "How to delete a catlogAware object
    that is no longer catalogued".


Notable Discussions

  * There is a very informative thread with the subject "Zope
    stability".  Michel explains how to use Zope's debugger and a
    number of techniques for developing in safe sandboxes and synching
    with a production server are discussed.


  * Michael A. Alderete <[email protected]> kicked off a thread called
    "Zope Performance Methodology?".  He outlines in good detail what
    would be needed to produce a document about optimising Zope's
    performance.  He goes into everything from the underlying platform
    to Zope tuning parameters to optimal coding practices.  Numerous
    people write in to fill in his blanks.


  * Brian Lloyd discusses the future of Zope in "Zope direction and
    2.2 roadmap".


  * The ZODB and Zope objects are explored in "Philosophical question
    - Zope Objects vs Entities in a RDBMS".  Questions raised (and
    answered): How well does the ZODB scale?  How does the ZODB
    compare to traditional RDBMS for efficiency?  Can I tread ZClass
    objects like normal Python objects?  What limitations does Linux's
    filesystem impose, and how can I get around them?  How can I make
    SQL results act like 'real' objects?


  * Timothy Wilson <[email protected]> asks if anyone has written an
    application such as a technical support department might use to
    track issues.  A couple leads are given.


  * "reality check" -- Occasionally becoming a religious debate,
    Jonothan Farr <[email protected]> sparked off a mailstrom with
    forwarded comments on Zope's lack of documentation.  Opposing
    lines are quickly drawn: Zope has the worst documentation known to
    mankind vs. Zope's documentation is pretty good, really.  Zope is
    too hard vs. Zope is pretty easy, application servers are just
    complex.  Zope needs to appeal to a wider audience vs. That's what
    FrontPage is for.

    Amongst the lively expressions of opinions, some attempt to advance the
    documentation cause.  Members of the ZDP remind everyone that they
    are busily working away, and would you like to lend a hand?
    Also, the next generation of Zope documentation is briefly described.


  * Bruce Perens's Zope server was on the receiving end of a multiple
    slashdotting.  He reports that it came through with flying


Mike Pelletier.

[Zope] Zope Weekly News

Mike Pelletier [email protected]
Wed, 8 Dec 1999 18:14:15 -0500 (EST)


    Zope Weekly News is a digest of some of the useful and interesting
    events which have occurred in the Zope universe.  It is published
    each Wednesday evening.

    Any opinions contained in the Zope Weekly News are those of the
    chronicler exclusively.

New Products

  * "faassen" released ZFormulator 0.1:

      "ZFormulator is a product that can assist with the creation of
      HTML forms, their validation and processing. The Zope user can
      construct forms from within the Zope management interface."

      "Neat feature: eats its own dogfood (ZFormulator is built with


  * "vladap" released MySQL User Folder.  It allows you to store user
    information in a MySQL database.


  * "phd" has submitted an early development release of
    mod_pcgi2(0.0.1).  Presumably, this moves the wafer-thin C stub
    PCGI employs into Apache's process, eliminating the so-called fork tax.



  * Digital Creations has partnered with Fast Engines to add support
    for their FastServ product.  FastServ provides advanced
    load-balancing (even within a heterogenous server environment) and
    works with industry standard web servers.


  * Digital Creations has announced that an early 2000 Zope release
    will include support for two open protocols heavily supported by
    Microsoft: the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Web
    Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) protocol.


  * Another press release from DC: Jon Udell will be delivering a
    keynote at the Zope Track of the 8th International Python


  * "TWilson" announced a special interest group on the subject of
    Zope and educators.  The group is still in it's formative period,
    so get involved now to help plan it's future.


  * Tom Deprez <[email protected]> reported on the state of
    the Zope Documentation Project.


  * Eduardo Fernandez Corrales <[email protected]> has a Spanish
    Zope portal and mailing list.


  * Paul Everitt sent out a reminder that it's time to register for
    the Zope Track at the 8th International Python Conference.



  * Zope 2.1.0 final has been released!  This release includes many
    bug fixes, speed improvements and new features.


    A log of everything that has changed is also available.


Zope.org items

  * Zope Resources is changing slightly.  Zope Hosting Providers is
    being replaced with a more general page, Zope Solution Providers.


  * "Zen" submitted a pair of tips about Zope's little-known
    'manage_debug' method, which can provide profiling information and
    information useful for debugging connection problems.


  * "tseaver" reported a LinuxPlanet review of Zope.  Kevin Reichard
    (the reviewer) brings with him a fresh perspective as someone
    coming from outside the "Zope community".  He gives Zope an
    overall 4/5 rating and raises a number of concerns, some valid,
    some perhaps less so.  Kevin represents a demographic destined to
    become the majority of Zope users (namely, those who view Zope as
    a tool rather than as a way of life.  ;-) ) and so his review
    deserves careful consideration.


Notable Discussions

  * Rodrigo <[email protected]> posted a query about using Zope with
    SSL.  The common solution is to use Zope with Apache, IIS or
    Netscape Server to provide a secure connection.  David Kankiewicz
    <[email protected]> cited an old post about a product which gives
    ZServer the ability to establish SSL connections!


Mike Pelletier.

[Zope] Zope Weekly News

Mike Pelletier [email protected]
Wed, 1 Dec 1999 18:39:24 -0500


    Zope Weekly News is a digest of some of the useful and interesting
    events which have occurred on the various Zope mailing lists and the
    Zope.org site.  It is published each Wednesday evening.

    Somewhat quiet this week, as much of the Zope community struggles
    to deal with turkey overload.

New Products and Announcements

  * "gaaros" released a new product called FSSession.  It allows you
    to store per-session information on the filesystem.



  * "anthony" updated his SQLSessions product.  SQLSessions uses SQL
    databases to store information on a per-session basis.


  * "MikeP" updated the ZDiscussions product.  This release adds a
    preview function and makes customisation at the instance level
    much easier.


Zope.org items

  * Paul Everitt has published a page with Zope logos and a ZIP file
    containing EPS versions.


  * "TheJester" has posted a How-to on getting the SybaseDA working on
    FreeBSD, with patches.


  * "hippy" has submitted a How-to explaining the use of the
    GenericUserFolder product to store authentication information in
    an SQL database.


  * "Amos" wrote a How-to about using ZPublisher and ZServer to
    publish arbitrary Python modules.  If you remember Bobo, this will
    be familiar.


Notable Discussions

  * Paul Everitt put out a call for Zope Solution Providers to
    participate in a referral program.


  * "FR Chalaoux" <[email protected]> announced the creation of
    Zope France to provide a place for Francophone Zope users to
    meet.  Please send email for more information.


  * Scott Robertson <[email protected]> of CodeIt Computing has put
    out a call for full-time developers.  CodeIt is located in
    southern California.


  * Arjan Scherpenisse put out feelers for non-web based Zope
    management clients.  Stephen Pitts offers a lead.


  * The high volume of the Zope lists has become a topic again.
    Suggestions have been made to start a Zope newsgroup, but many
    believe that would only aggravate the problem by inviting more
    off-topic, spammy and flammable posts.  Some have suggested a
    private (as in open but not part of USENET), gatewayed server.  So
    far, no one has stepped up to the plate by producing one.


Mike Pelletier.

[Zope] Zope Weekly News

Mike Pelletier [email protected]
Wed, 24 Nov 1999 20:42:17 -0500


    Zope Weekly News is a digest of some of the useful and interesting
    events which have occurred on the various Zope mailing lists and the
    Zope.org site.  It is published each Wednesday evening.

New Products and Announcements

  * "jwashin" released ZRTChat, an entirely ZClass real-time chat
    object.  No java or javascript!


  * The new Sybase Database Adapter has been released.  It has been
    completely rewritten.


  * "tseaver" submitted an internationalisation ZClass.  It contains a 
    set of translations of a document and serves the correct language
    to the user.


  * "Zen" has released GenericUserFolder, which seems to allow you to
    mix and match authentication methods to suit your needs.
    GenericUserFolder is very much beta, and not to be used on
    production sites.



  * "anthony" released an update of his SQL Session product.  SQL
    Session provides SQL database-based session objects, keyed to
    browser cookies.  Unlike the previous update, this one does not
    break existing SQL Session objects.


  * "rossl" has updated the LDAPAdapter product, which allows you to
    authenticate web users with an LDAP server.


  * Itmar Shtull-Trauring has released v0.3 of ZCache.


Zope.org items

  * "AlexR" posted a How-To about using ZCatalog's keyword index
    facility.  A keyword index is something halfway between a text
    index and a field index-- it is a list of values which are treated 


  * Brian Lloyd has submitted a patch for Apache which allows you to
    use WebDAV with Zope through Apache.  Normally Apache intercepts
    the HTTP OPTIONS request.  With this patch, the request gets
    passed to Zope so it can offer WebDAV services.


  * "Earthtone" wrote a mini-review of the Zope coverage in a new
    book, "The Quick Python Book".


Notable Discussions

  * Sachin Shah wrote in to suggest that the Properties management
    view should include each of the property's type.  Martijn Faassen
    agreed and suggested including the ability to change property
    types.  Evan Simpson pulled a property-type-changer out of a hat!
    Oleg Broytmann suggests cut/copy/paste support.


  * "Chas" asked for advice selecting an OS for his Zope server.  He
    will be using it with an Oracle server on another machine, and so
    the operating system must be supported by Oracle.  Suggestions so
    far: Linux and Sun Sparc and FreeBSD with Linux emulation.  No one 
    has verified whether FreeBSD, Chas's preference, would actually


  * "Milt" wants to move a Zope server from a Windows machine to a
    Linux one.  He solicited advice for accomplishing this.  Solution: 
    copy var/Data.fs from one machine to the other.  It is


  * Ross Boylan gives us a heads-up on a bug in Zope Products.  It
    seems that a failure in Product registration (ie, in the Product's 
    __init__.py file) can cause Zope to misreport an old error,
    leading to the occasional headache.


  * Alexander Limi is understandably concerned about sending cleartext 
    passwords over the Internet when authenticating Zope users and
    managers.  Christopher Petrilli offers some solutions.


  * Jason Jone kicked off a brisk discussion of FastCGI and Zope.  The 
    verdict: to get full functionality, you have to use a snapshot
    (prerelease) of version 2.2.3 of mod_fastcgi.  Using prerelease
    code made some people uncomfortable.  This will change when
    2.2.3-final is released.

    See also, doc/WEBSERVER.txt of the Zope CVS

Mike Pelletier.

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Mike Pelletier [email protected]
Wed, 17 Nov 1999 18:21:36 -0500


    Zope Weekly News is a digest of some of the useful and interesting
    events which have occurred on the various Zope mailing lists and the
    Zope.org site.  It is published each Wednesday evening.

New Products and Announcements

  * Paul Everitt announces Sybase support in a joint press release.


  * "Zen" released ZRadius, a product which allows you to authenticate
    web users via the Radius authentication protocol.


  * Anthony Pfrunder announces VisualZope 0.1a.  From his web page:

      Basically, the "goal" of VZ is to provide a SIMPLE visual
      editing system for graphic designers which works cross-browser
      and takes advantage of the acquisition and role systems within
      Zope. What follows is a brief description of the components
      which make up the final VZ system (probably more accurate than
      previous posts).

  * Jeff Sheldon has started a weblog of his experiences with Zope.
    Jeff Sheldon is new to Zope, and is not a professional programmer.
    His weblog is a valuable resource to those also starting out with



  * Zope 2.1.0 beta 2 has been released.  This release includes fixes
    for issues found in beta 1, an updated load_site.py script and
    Martijn Pieters' patches to implement try/except/else and
    try/finally in DTML. Unless something major comes up, this will be
    the final beta before 2.1.0 final.


  * "4am" has submitted an update to his PythonMethod product.  It
    allows methods, written in Python, to be created via the Zope web
    management interface.


  * "Drew" contributed an update to his Photo product.  It generates
    thumbnail views of images at the user's preferred size.  Requires


  * Itamar Shtull-Trauring announced ZCache v0.2.  ZCache is a Python
    Product which allows you to cache expensive methods, taking strain
    off your server.  It also generates 'Last-Modified' headers,
    aiding browser and proxy caches.


Zope.org items

  * "Zen" submitted a tip he picked up from Michel Pelletier.  He
    explains how volatile attributes work, and how to populate them
    when your object is loaded from the database.  Volatile attributes
    are attributes which do not get written to the database, and are
    good for data which changes frequently.


  * "AlexR" submitted a How-To detailing the use of the DTML entity
    syntax.  "DTML entities" are chunks of DTML which look like this:


Notable Discussions

  * DTML is a HUGE topic this week.  Discussions spill across several 
    lists.  A very good job is done of identifying DTML's weak points.

    Many hold that the difficulty in using DTML comes from it's roots
    as a reporting language-- it isn't supposed to be used for logic.
    The problem is, there isn't yet an easy replacement for DTML as a
    programming language.  Python Methods are cited as an excellent
    start on providing a means of moving logic out of DTML.
    Christopher Petrilli mentions that DC is looking at grooming
    Python Methods for inclusion in Zope.

    Others feel that reporting vs. programming is a forced
    distinction, and that it is awkward to have to use two different
    solutions.  The claim that generating HTML is actually a rather
    complex task, and the powerful but ugly features of DTML are a
    necessary evil.

    DTML is compared to Perl!  <gasp!>  Otherwise, lots of very useful
    tips for using DTML are revealed.  An excellent read for DTML
    beginners and wizards alike.


  * Darcy Clark alerts the list of Jon Udell's latest article
    mentioning Zope.  Jon's article discusses the ease of using Zope
    with Windows databases, the pain of using it with Unix databases,
    cheers ODBC, and jeers lack of a similar magic bullet for Unix.
    The thread then continues to discuss the relative merits of
    various free databases and using them with Zope.


    Also, Karl Fast does an excellent job of summarising the thread,
    generating more sage comments.


  * Francois-Regis CHALAOUX posed a question about using Zope with
    virtual hosting.  Several useful responses were generated.


  * Ben Galbraith submitted a comparison of Zope and Cold Fusion and
    solicited comments.  Some of the usual suspects offer theirs.


  * Otto Hammersmith started a thread about Zope and security.  In it,
    he speaks of some of the security pitfalls that unsuspecting Zope
    users could experience.  Brian Lloyd submits some solutions.


  * Paul Everitt wrote in to remind us that there is a
    [email protected] list for technical discussions.  A brisk
    discussion developed to debate what constituted a technical


  * Theodore Patrick launched a lengthy thread with questions about
    the effect of threading in Zope.  A number of folks from Digital
    Creations provide answers.  The discussion moves on with high
    volume and content to the topics of benchmarking and performance
    tuning Zope.


  * Farzad Farid revives the uncacheable image thread.  Because
    Acquisition can lead to different URLs being generated for images
    when viewed from different locations, it makes caching difficult
    and can generate excessive traffic.  Others offer advice to solve
    this problem.


  * David Harrison asks zope-dev how to return an image generated
    on-the-fly by an External Method.  Answers found.


Mike Pelletier

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Amos Latteier [email protected]
Wed, 10 Nov 1999 15:54:18 -0500


Zope 2.1 beta one was released this week. There will probably be a
relatively short beta period before Zope 2.1 final comes out. Zope 2.1
focuses on boosting reliability and performance.

In other news, Zope community members continue to crank out code,
documentation, publicity, and all manner of excitement.

  * Zope 2.1.0 beta 1 was released. This release includes many bug
fixes, performance and reliability improvements and a number of new
features such as the beginnings of internationalization support and
relevance ranking for ZCatalog.


  * Paul Everitt announced that there will be a Zope track at the
upcoming Python conference in January. There are still two slots open if
you're interesting in giving a Zope presentation.

  * Simon Michael announced ZWiki 0.2, a Wiki-style on-line
collaborative tool.

  * Pavlos Christoforou released ZpdfDocument-0-0-1, a Zope product to
create PDF output from structured text and HTML. Very cool!
  * Edd Dumbill announced SiteSummary 1.2.1, which allows you to manage
RSS channels within Zope.
  * Zope guru Martijn Pieters posted a summary of his Zope talk at
NLUUG, the Dutch UNIX Users Group. Interesting stuff.
  * Evan Simpson enhanced his awesome Python Method product which allows
you manage Python methods though the web. 
  * Paul Everitt posted an interesting summary of what it would take to
get GNOME talking to Zope.
  * Itamar Shtull-Trauring announced ZCache Product v0.1 which allows
caching of Zope method calls. This looks like a very interesting start
at addressing caching issues in Zope.
  * Linux.com is now running a Zope banner ad created by Michael
Bernstein. Linux.com hosts banner ads for a number of Linux community
  * Alexandre Ratti posted an extensive How-To on creating and using
HTML selection lists in Zope.
  * Doug Hellmann released Chameleon 0.1.0, a Zope product which allows
content to be themed. 
  * Jon Udell mentioned Zope again on Byte.com, this time in a column on
Linux and ODBC.

See you next week.  


Amos Latteier         mailto:[email protected]
Digital Creations     http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Amos Latteier [email protected]
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 19:37:11 -0500


It was a normal week for Zope: many software announcements, community
expansion, and many other exciting developments. Here are some hilights.

It's official now, there will be a Zope book from O'Reilly. It won't be
out for a while. When it is released it will probably be available under
an open content license.

Performance improved on the Zope.org web site thanks to new hardware and
improved cache settings.

Many folks who have submitted Zope bug reports will be happy to see lots
of fixes appearing in CVS. These fixes mark early preparations for a
Zope 2.1 release.

  * The performance of the www.zope.org web site was improved this week
due to smarter HTTP and ZODB cache settings and better hardware. There
were a few short down times but it looks like smooth sailing form here
on out. Hooray!

  * Mike Pelletier announced that he and Dan York of LinuxCare will be
writing a Zope book for O'Reilly.

  * A perennial discussion on the Zope list is porting Zope to Java.
Using Servlets with Zope would be great and JPython makes this
relatively easy, right? Wrong. Philip Eby gives a good description of
why we're not likely to see JZope for a long time.
  * Edd Dumbill announced SiteSummary 1.1 a Zope product for managing
RSS data.
  * OgilvyInteractive is looking for a Chinese speaking Zope programmer.
  * Stephan Richter announced ZPickle 0.0.1 a Zope Product to provide
pickling services.
  * Oleg Broytmann announced a Russian Zope mailing list.
  * Jeff Rush announced that he has updated his Zope RPMs.
  * Marc Gehling announced a German Zope Yahoo club.
  * Ethan Fremen announced a Zope and CSS How-To.
  * Luciano Ramalho announced that Brazil On-line has launched a
Zope-based real time news service.
  * Petru Paler announced ClickTracker a Zope Product to track user
  * Tom Deprez posted summarized Zope Documentation Project happening in
his "ZDP Weekly NEWS" post to the zdp list. 
  * Amos Latteier made this slides for his talk "Extending Zope in
Python" available.
  * Mike Pelletier released ZDiscussions 0.1.0 This is a Zope Product
for threaded discussions.
See you next week.


Amos Latteier         mailto:[email protected]
Digital Creations     http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Amos Latteier [email protected]
Wed, 27 Oct 1999 02:50:01 -0400


As usual, the vast quantity of Zope activity this week is a bit

One notable trend is the blossoming of not only community contributed
Zope software, but community contributed Zope documentation. For
example, there are currently 75 How-Tos on Zope.org! In addition, this
week also saw several announcements for documentation on writing Python

  * Jon Udell wrote an article entitled "XML-RPC Programming with Zope"
for Zope for byte.com.


  * Python God Andrew M. Kuchling started a discussion about
implementing XML-RPC Methods for Zope.

  * O'Reilly Editor-in-Chief Frank Willison announced that he has
nothing to say about any rumored Zope book ;-) 

  * Butch Landingin released Squishdot 0.3.2 which is a bugfix release.
  * Scott Roberts announced preliminary support for FastCGI. This
package extends ZServer to allow it to speak to web servers that support
FastCGI. This is similar to PCGI but more efficient.
  * Ross Lazarus announced an updated LDAP adapter Product. It acts like
an acl_users folder but allows authentication from an LDAP server.
  * Anthony Baxter released SQL Session v.0.1.1 which provides
persistent session objects which are stored in a SQL database.
  * Ken Manheimer announced a How-To entitled "Debugging Zope Python
Code" which, while incomplete, is full of juicy tips for Zope hackers.
  * Garth Kidd released a How-To and an example Zope Product which
illustrates extending Zope in Python.
  * Speaking of examples of Zope Products in Python, Jeff Rush also
posted an example Python Product.
  * Rounding out this week's Python Product announcements, Amos Latteier
will give a talk on "Extending Zope in Python" at the Portland, Oregon
Python Interest Group (PORPIGgies) meeting on November 1.
  * Jonothan Farr released a Local File System Product. This allows you
to create objects which provide controlled access to the local
  * Alexandre Ratti wrote a How-To which describes custom date formats.
  * Michel Pelletier announced a preliminary Portal Tool Kit model on
the zope-dev list. The PTK may not be complete vaporware after all ;-)
  * Oleg Broytmann posted a patch to load_site.py which allows you to
create more Zopish DTML Documents from imported HTML files.
  * A.M. Kuchling released ODP 0.03 This is a Zope product which allows
browsing of the Open Directory Project's RDF dumps. The ODP is the
information which powers the search engine at http://dmoz.org/
  * Tim Wilson started a discussion of Zope and RDF which soon expanded
to include syndication and RSS.
  * Despite the Perl conspiracy ;-) Zope showed up on several times and
in a positive light on another Slashdot thread.
  * Amos Latteier posted to the ZDP list concerning a possible future
turning over of the Zope Guides to the Zope community.

Until next week.


Amos Latteier         mailto:[email protected]
Digital Creations     http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Amos Latteier [email protected]
Wed, 20 Oct 1999 16:07:08 -0400


It's been yet another jam packed week for Zope. There were community
advances in Zope development, documentation, and advocacy. Keep up the
good work Zopistas!

  * Atlanta Linux Showcase was held this week and it included a talk by
Digital Creations' Paul Everitt, and a Zope Birds of a Feather session.
  * There was lots of discussion about a Linux.com community ad for
Zope. Chris McDonough got things rolling and it snowballed from there
with many creative ideas. Then the conversation turned to the merits of
the name 'Zope' which many folks seem to think is actually reasonable
despite sounding somewhat silly. 
  * Martijn Faassen announced XMLWidgets 0.2. This release includes a
number of demos which reveal that this is shaping up to be a very
powerful Zope product. Go Martijn!


  * Gerard Mulot announced a complete Zope application available for
downloading. It sounds like it could be a good source of Zope examples.
  * Ian Clarke started a discussion about the future of Zope and Zope
clients. One could develop many types of Zope clients such as Java
applets, Mozilla XUL apps, or local apps coded in almost anything which
spoke to Zope over XML-RPC. Of course a full Zope client would be a
major undertaking and no one so far seems to be seriously planning such
a project.
  * Pavlos Christoforou announced a How-To on storing information
outside the ZODB.
  * Zope veteran Martijn Pieters announced that he'll be giving a
presentation on Zope at the Dutch Unix Users Group (NLUUG).
  * Johan Carlsson announced a ZIE update and Offline editor
  * Evan Simpson announced SiteAccess v0.1.0 which now allows virtual
  * Ty Sarna announced Tranalyzer 1.0, a utility for analyzing and
examining ZODB files. It includes the ability to watch transactions
being committed to the ZODB (think tail -f). Can Ty continue to release
yet another cool Zope tool *every* week? Tune in next week to find out.
  * The Zope Documentation Project continues to work tirelessly on their
ZBook project. 
  * David Kankiewicz and the ZQR team announced ZQR 0.8 If you aren't
yet hip the ZQR (Zope Quick Reference) you should definitely check it
  * Stuart Bishop posted a How-To which describes Zope argument
marshalling. Very useful!
  * Lalo Martins released an experimental Banner Ad product.
See you next week.


Amos Latteier         mailto:[email protected]
Digital Creations     http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Amos Latteier [email protected]
Wed, 13 Oct 1999 19:52:22 -0400


Yet another active week in Zopeland. The Zope community continues to
churn out great ideas and software at an incredible rate. Its very
exciting to watch existing Zope projects like Squishdot mature and new
projects like PythonMethods spring up.

  * Ng Pheng Siong posted his additions to ZServer which allow it to do
SSL with the M2Crypto Python package. Very cool indeed!
  * Bill Anderson updated his Knowledge Kit to version 1.6.3. Knowledge
Kit is a Zope Product for creating knowledge bases.
  * Butch Landingin released Squishdot 0.3.0 Squishdot is a very popular
Zope Product for running Slashdot-like discussion sites. Many cool Zope
sites including Technocrat.net run Squishdot.
  * Following up on his excellent ZODB work last week, this week Ty
Sarna posted a CompressedStorage class which can be layered over another
ZODB storage to provide pickle compression.
  * The tireless Jeff Rush updated his Zope RPMS for Zope 2.0.1. He also
compiled the ZODBC database adapter for use with Solid Technology's
commercial SQL database product (v2.3), under Linux.
  * Evan Simpson updated Python Methods to version 0.1.4
  * Stuart Bishop released Logger 1.0.1 which allows you to write to
Zope's log files from DTML. This can be quite useful for debugging and
error logging.
  * Amos Latteier posted a XML-RPC How-To. This link immediately showed
up to www.scripting.com and www.xmlrpc.com.
  * Jason M. Thaxter pointed out that Zope is mentioned in a Tim
O'Reilly piece.
  * Jonathan Corbet and Roman Milner pointed out that www.HireTechs.com
has launched an auction site using Zope, though they do not identify the
site as Zope-powered.
  * Chris McDonough pointed out that Python's creator Guido van Rossum
mentions Zope as in his latest interview.
  * Andy Dustman released MySQLdb-0.1.1 which provides access to MySQL
from Zope.
  * Chris McDonough mentioned that Linux.com has donated space for a
Zope ad. Lots of discussion ensued about what the ad should say.
  * The indomitable Chris McDonough produced an interesting comparison
between Zope and MS SiteServer.
  * Brad Clements expressed interest in taking over NotMail development.
Go Brad!

As always this summary cannot do justice to all the frenetic Zope
activity, but it can perhaps highlight a few interesting items you may
have missed.
See you next week.

Amos Latteier         mailto:[email protected]
Digital Creations     http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Amos Latteier [email protected]
Tue, 5 Oct 1999 21:23:29 -0400


It's been a exciting week in Zopeland. The Zope community is cooking up
a lot of great stuff! Martijn Fassan and Anthony Pfrunder are working on
xml-based content formatting and behavior projects. Ty Sarna is pushing
Zope's database capabilities by adding Berkeley DB support. It's hard to
keep up with all the great new Zope products and documentation. As
always Zope.org is the best place to look for most of the exciting new

  * Anthony Pfrunder announced his VisualZope Product which looks quite
interesting, though it is very early in development at this point.
VisualZope is a collection of ZClasses to provide easy support for
javascript/DHTML within the Zope environment.
  * Martijn Fassan's XMLWidgets is another exciting Zope Project.
XMLWidgets allows you to author content in XML and then create behaviors
for the XML.

  * Mark Pratt announced that Katrin Kirchner has translated three Zope
how-to's into German. 


  * Ty Sarna announced a preliminary version of a Berkeley DB based ZODB
storage. This is great news, and marks a great step forward for ZODB.
  * Paul Everitt announced more information about Zope training.
  * Pam Crosby announced updated Zope documentation, including the still
incomplete Zope Developer's Guide and Zope Administrator's Guide.
  * Jeffrey Shell announced the LDAP Roadmap.


  * A number of folks are giving talks on Zope throughout the world.
Anthony Baxter spoke in Victoria, Australia, and Chris McDonough will be
speaking in Philadelphia, USA.
  * Johan Carlsson announced a Zope Internet Explorer Editor Project.

  * Evelyn Mitchell has written an article on Python for IBM's
DeveloperWorks. It mentions Zope.

  * Computer Sweden published an article on Zope by Erik Geijer.


  * Hungarian Chip Magazine published an article on Zope by Arpad Kiss.


Keep on Zopin'


Amos Latteier         mailto:[email protected]
Digital Creations     http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Amos Latteier [email protected]
Tue, 28 Sep 1999 20:24:31 -0400


This week saw Zope firing on all cylinders. Performance enhancements
trickled into CVS, while Zopistas far and wide released cool new Zope

  * After some Apache problems last week, Zope.org seems to be running
well. Zope.org now sports 50 user contributed How-Tos and 20 user
contributed Zope products. Go team!


 * beehive released 'beehive Calendar' another cool Zope product.
 * The prolific Evan Simpson released SiteAccess 0.0.1 and PythonMethod
0.1.2. The PythonMethod product allows editing Python methods through
the web, and the SiteAccess product allows virtual hosting support.
 * There was quite a bit of discussion on zope-dev about WYSIWYG tools
and Zope. Dylan Jay kicked off the conversation and many others chimed
in with opinions about how Zope should or could support WYSIWYG editing.
 * Another hot topic on zope-dev was source control and how to get
access to object versions from outside ZODB.
 * Jim Fulton proposed a SiteObject Zope product to allow virtual
hosting from one Zope process. Lots of folks expressed opinions. There
seem to be several Zope products in development along these lines
already, including Adam Feuer's VirtualHostFolder and Evan Simpson's
SiteAccess product.
 * Hugh Emberson's sqltest patch hit CVS. Here's yet another great
community contribution!
 * Paul Everitt announced that a Sybase level 3 database adapter is now
under development.
 * Chris Baron pointed out that Zope was mentioned in Infoworld as
example of a Linux application server in Maggie Biggs's "Enterprise
Toolbox" column. 
 * The ZClasses Tutorial has been updated for Zope 2.0. This tutorial is
the first chapter in the forthcoming Zope Developer's Guide.
 * Pavlos Christoforou announced ZSupervisor V0.1a a utility to control

Keep on Zopin'.

Amos Latteier         mailto:[email protected]
Digital Creations     http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Amos Latteier [email protected]
Wed, 15 Sep 1999 20:23:33 -0400


The new Zope.org community portal site went live this week.


Currently there are over 600 Members. The new site is focused on
providing a framework for the Zope community to develop and share
on-line resources. The new Zope.org site is running Zope 2 and makes
heavy use of the Portal Toolkit, the Catalog and ZClasses.

  * Evan Simpson's Python Methods product which allows editing of Python
methods through the web got a lot of attention this week. Version 0.1.1
was announced and lots of discussion ensued on the Zope and Zope-dev


  * Dan York posted a note about having a Zope "Birds of a Feather"
session at the Atlanta Linux Showcase.

  * Andrew Kuchling asked about forming a Zope calendar SIG, and some
interesting ideas were posted.
  * Paul Everitt posted about a Bruce Perens interview in Upside that
mentions Zope.
  * Chris McDonough announced a smbUserFolder product to allow Zope to
authenticate users based on their Windows NT domain credentials.
  * Lots of discussion on various types of caching came up this week.
Here are some highlights.

  * Andy Dustman announced MySQLdb-0.1.0 which includes a patch for


  * Ross Lazarus announced a LDAPAdapter product.

See you next week.


Amos Latteier         mailto:[email protected]
Digital Creations     http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Amos Latteier [email protected]
Wed, 8 Sep 1999 20:41:02 -0400


Now that Zope 2.0 final is out, it's time to start trying to understand
and put to use all the cool new stuff in Zope 2.

The new Zope.org website, while still in beta, is starting to become a
great source of information for Zope users. There are already 37 How-Tos
on the site, all searchable. The new site will soon replace the existing
Zope.org site.

* Chris Petrilli updated the Oracle and ODBC Database Adapters. 

* Amos Latteier released Alpha 2 of XML Document
* Brian Lloyd posted an informative How-To on External Methods


* Work continues on the new Zope.org site. Mike Pelletier has been
hardening the cataloging and reviewing facilities and sprucing up the
existing ZClasses. Amos Latteier posted a proposal for Topic objects to
help with organizing and browsing content. Currently there are 537
Members of Zope.org!

* The 5th Berlin BBQ hosted by beehive happens Friday, September 17 at
16:00. Be there if you can make it to Berlin!


* The Portland Oregon Python Interest Group had it's first meeting on
9/6/1999. Amos Latteier gave a talk on Zope and XML. The slides are

* Evan Simpson released version 0.0.1 of his very cool Python Method
Product. This product promises to allow safe Python programming through
the web!


* Andreas Kostyrka posted a fix for using Confera 1.3.1 with Zope 2.0


* Zope t-shirts were discussed. It turns out that some already exist,
and that the have a dangerous logo on the back.


* Janko Hauser posted about CIS (Community Information System) a very
impressive looking Zope project.


* If you haven't already seen it, check out the ZDP's awesome Zope Quick

See you next week.


Amos Latteier         mailto:[email protected]
Digital Creations     http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Christopher Petrilli [email protected]
Wed, 01 Sep 1999 16:31:22 -0400

Hi there! 

Filling in for Amos as he tries to get the new Zope site readied for public
presentation!  It's still in beta...

Well, this has been the busiest week of all, or at least in a long long
time, for Zope development. Not only was beta 6 released, but the final
release of Zope 2 has finally been made!  In celebration, we're going to
continue working on documentation and resolving any outstanding issues!

Other items of interest this past week:

  * First! Zope 2.0 is finally released and out of BETA! :-)  Find all the
    gory details here:


  * Lots of new items (HOW-TOs, contributed software) on the new beta
    site. Take a look!


  * It was revealed that the <dtml-sendmail> tag doesn't participate in
    the transaction machinery


  * Juergen Specht started an interesting thread on data validation and
    the difficulty in even figuring out what an e-mail address is.


  * Zope gets some good press in the TechWeb publication, which Paul
    shares with us all.


  * Various people expressed the concerns with search sites crawling a
    dynamic site like Zope, but perhaps it's not an issue as is discussed in
    the thread.


  * It's discovered that you can't use tree tags with SQL queries the way
    you might expect, but there are some solutions.


  * Evan Simpson reveals his first attempt at embedded Python code objects
    in the Zope database.


  * John Udell provides some much welcome publicity on Zope as well:


  * A new version of the ZOracleDA was released, providing full
    thread-safety under Zope2.


  * Beehive in Germany releases a product to help write products.  Is that
    a meta-product? ;-)


Zigning off for now,
| Christopher Petrilli        Python Powered        Digital Creations, Inc.
| [email protected]                             http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Pam Crosby [email protected]
Wed, 25 Aug 1999 17:49:35 -0400


We had several discussions on the mailing list as to the gender of Zope.
It's an 'it'.  For a relatively quiet, vacation week, we had another
beta release, some HowTo's and two announcements. 

CNET mentioned Zope favorably in Dan Shafer article about Python. Also,
Linux Today mention the same article.
http://buzz.builder.com/cgi-bin/[email protected]^[email protected]/0

Zope 2.0.0b5 release now available.  History of fixes available on line
and in the installation documentation.

Paolo Bizzarri has made available version 0.1 of the SQLPackage online.
Documentation is included in the email.


Alexander Staubo has announced Redirector 1.0.  Redirector is an
experimental folder product for redirecting object requests.

The O'Reilly conference went exceedingly well.  A review of the tutorial
Paul Everitt delivered:


Andreas Kostyrka offered a HowTo to change a DTML method into a document
or the other way. 

A mailing list strictly for the purposes of discussing E-Commerce
solutions using Zope has been established.  It's called ZCommerce.
Anyone who is interested in subscribing can either go to
  http://lists.codeit.com/mailman/listinfo/zcommerce to subscribe, or
email [email protected] with 'subscribe' as the subject to be
added to the list.

Until next week, Amos will be back!


Pamela Crosby

Technical Writer                           mailto:[email protected]
Digital Creations                           http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Pam Crosby [email protected]
Wed, 18 Aug 1999 18:10:03 -0400


A major thread this week has been documentation.  Below are two entries
the current process for addressing Zope documentation needs.  The ZDP
community continues to volunteer their efforts and talents to make Zope
the best it can be.  Digital Creations will be announcing their efforts
in the documentation area, SOON. 

* Brian Lloyd's Zope article at Devshed has continued to generate
  an interesting discussion about Zope.


* Paul Everitt posted a note concerning a poll pitting AOLserver, Zope, 
  Enhydra, and others.  


The mailing lists have been quite active, the documentation discussion
has spawn efforts from several directions. 

* Bradford Hull experienced extreme frustration with the available
  Zope documentation that started a lively discussion. Many community
  added their frustrations to the lists and possible solutions. 


* Stephan Richter is gathering goal requirements for the Zope

* Brian Lloyd answered an query about "pluggable brains" that added
  some light to the possibilities of such "brains".


* A.M. Kuchling released an alpha version of the product that lets you
  through RDF dumps from the Open Directory Project. 


* Alexander Staubo published a Guest Counter product whose class
instances can
  count the number of "guests" to a web site.


* Phil Harris announced ZMySQLDA for Win32.

* Paul Everitt shared his results with running Zope from a CD-ROM.

Until next week...
Pamela Crosby

Technical Writer                           mailto:[email protected]
Digital Creations                           http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Amos Latteier [email protected]
Wed, 11 Aug 1999 20:45:03 -0400


It's a busy time for Zope development. This week Zope 2 beta releases 2,
3, and 4 came out in quick succession. Zope 2 is in a feature freeze and
all development effort is focused on finding and fixing bugs.
 * Zope 2.0 beta 4 was released. This release fixes quite a few bugs.


 * Martijn Pieters posted a good tip on how to perform access control
based on user domains.


 * People love to discuss DTML syntax. Most people like the new syntax,
though some folks would like to see minor changes. It was revealed that
the syntax will probably not change, but that there may be another fully
xml-compliant syntax in the future.


  * Jonathan Corbet mentioned that a new Linux-oriented Zope-powered
site has appeared.


  * Amos Latteier explained how to manually control the Zope ORB's
object traversal process.


  * Steve Spicklemire announced a beta 2 release of his Zieve Zope


  * Kevin Dangoor announced KM|net News Product. This package provides a
fairly advanced a news system including syndication and voting.



Amos Latteier         mailto:[email protected]
Digital Creations     http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Amos Latteier [email protected]
Wed, 4 Aug 1999 19:12:07 -0400


This week saw the launch of Bruce Perens's Technocrat.net. This is one
of the highest profile Zope sites to date. Butch Landingin's Squishdot
product for Zope is a big part of what makes the site tick. Way to go
Bruce and Butch!

Another major thread on the Zope lists this week was e-commerce. Scott
Robertson released a credit card processing product for Zope, and there
was a lot of discussion about existing Zope e-commerce packages and
where to go from here.

Finally, activity continues at a fairly intense rate in CVS as
preparations for beta two are made. And thanks to David Ascher, you can
now easily download snapshots of the Zope development tree.

  * Bruce Perens's new technology policy site, Technocrat.net made a big
splash this week. Bruce Perens is a major open source figure, and his
new site runs on Zope using the Squishdot product.  

  * Zope showed up on Slashdot again in an Ask Slashdot article.
  * Scott Robertson announced a Cyber Cash Connector for Zope. This
allows you to conduct credit card transactions. A long discussion of
e-commerce and Zope followed on the zope-dev list.

  * Chris Petrilli announced a Database Adapter status page.
  * Paul Everitt posted a note showing the growth of interest in Zope as
evidenced by the number of hits on Zope.org and the number of
subscribers to the Zope mailing lists.
  * Chris Petrilli announced the availability of slides used in a Zope
  * Chris Petrilli posted a Database adapter roadmap.
  * Paul Everitt posted an announcement about Zope/Python activities at
the upcoming O'Reilly Open Source Software Convention.

  * Michel Pelletier announced ZSybaseDA 1.0.1, a Database Adapter for
  * Steve Spicklemire announced Zieve, Z-subclassable class that assists
in sorting ZClasses in various ways.
  * Brian Lloyd responded to a question about Pluggable Brains with an
informative post illuminating this powerful and under-documented
  * Python guru David Ascher set up a nightly CVS snapshot archive for a
couple major Python projects including Zope. This allows you to get
access to the latest sources from CVS without using CVS.

Keep on Zopin!


Amos Latteier         mailto:[email protected]
Digital Creations     http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Amos Latteier [email protected]
Wed, 28 Jul 1999 16:26:29 -0400


The big news this week was the release of Zope 2.0 beta one. Zope 2
final is getting closer and closer. Beta one increases stability over
the alpha releases and also adds a few missing pieces like the ability
to tie permissions to factories. Also you can now export Zope objects to
XML. Speaking of XML, as of beta one all basic Zope objects support a
subset of the DOM Element interface, and the unsupported XML Document
product is out and in CVS.

  * Zope 2.0 beta one was released this week. Now you can download a
binary release of Zope 2.
  * The Zope site received a look and feel makeover. Most people seem to
like the new design. A couple people posted describing the strange
feeling of having the entire site change while browsing it. Zope
sessions are cool!
  * Amos Latteier announced the availability of XML Document 1.0a1 a
Zope product for using XML. A couple days later, XML Document made it
into public CVS.
  * Anthony Pfrunder announced a new version of his Zope for windows
  * Michel Pelletier announced Zippy Tag which allows you to insert
random Zippy the Pinhead quotes in your Zope documents. Yes!
  * Paul Everitt discusses how you can now export Zope objects to XML.
Basically the XML format describes Python pickles.
  * Michel Pelletier posted an extremely simple summary of how to hook a
form to a database. This is a good read for those new to Zope.
  * Andreas Kostyrka posted a patch to allow Zope to server multiple
sites from one process. Very interesting, multiple sites from one object
  * Eric Kidd posted a Zope/XML-RPC todo list. Follow up posts confirmed
that a number of the items have already been done.
  * Brian Lloyd posted an insightful message describing the 'Owner' role
and how to use proxy roles to allow limited access to restricted
  * Chris Petrilli mentioned that Gadfly is finally being updated to the
latest version. Alright!

See you next week, same time, same channel.


Amos Latteier         mailto:[email protected]
Digital Creations     http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Amos Latteier [email protected]
Wed, 21 Jul 1999 20:08:32 -0400

Zope 2.0 beta one should be out *very* soon. This week saw a lot of
screw tightening in preparation for the beta release. The public CVS
archive is temporarily frozen due to some re-organization but will open
up again when the beta release comes out.

Most of the traffic on the Zope lists was devoted to Zope community
members helping each other solve their various real world problems.

One of the most notable discussions this week started with a comparison
between Zope and other web development platforms with respect to xml
facilities. Folks at DC weighed in with their 2 cents on the subject
which includes the imminent release of a Zope product which will allow
access to xml objects in Zopish ways. Interestingly many community
members have similar ideas of what Zope needs in terms of xml support.
It will be exciting to see how Digital Creations and community members
collaborate on XML development efforts.
  * Chris Petrilli announced an new Zope mailing list, zope-announce. If
you're overwhelmed with the volume of the currently Zope lists, this one
could be for you.


  * Amos Latteier posted a roadmap details some plans for XML
development in Zope. Digital Creations will release an alpha XML Zope
product in the next couple days. 


  *  One of the best IT magazines on the German market, iX Magazine, has
a Zope article available in the August 1999 issue by Frank Tegtmeyer.


  * Andreas Kostyrka announced Navigate 0-0-4. This product allows you
to control which objects are displayed.

  * Arpad Kiss announced a simple Zope chart drawing tool.


  * Andy Dustman announced a new Python interface for MySQL,
MySQLdb-0.0.3. This package includes a patch to use it with Zope's MySQL
database adapter. 


  * Hurrah Internet now offers Zope hosting.


  * Chris Petrilli posted a note about BLOBs and Zope database adapters
on the zope-dev list.


See you next week.

Amos Latteier         mailto:[email protected]
Digital Creations     http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Amos Latteier [email protected]
Wed, 14 Jul 1999 20:07:10 -0400


Another Zope alpha release is out. It looks like we're getting fairly
close to a Zope 2.0 beta release. Many intrepid people have been using
the alpha releases and submitting patches and bug reports. Soon Zope 2
should be ready for wider consumption.

 * Jim Fulton announced the availability of Zope 2.0a4. This version
fixes a lot of bugs and adds a few minor features. It looks like this
may be the last alpha release.


 * Over on the zope-dev list Bruce Perens offered a patch to make Image
object more flexible in the way they represent themselves in HTML.
Martijn Pieters followed up with additional improvements. Hours later
the enhancements were in CVS. Open source rocks!


  * Christopher Petrilli posted a survey asking folks about what they
think of the Gadfly DA. Response was mixed, though many people seem to
find it useful.


  * Brian Lloyd posted a query about how to best allow people to upgrade
from the existing database format (BoboPOS) to the new ZODB format. Most
people seem to think that providing a conversion script is the best


  * Alexander Staubo suggest some interesting management interface
improvements. Clearly this is an area of Zope that can be improved and
community efforts could really make a big difference.


  * Linux Developer's Network is looking for articles about Zope.


  * Kam Cheung started a remarkable good natured discussion about the
differences between Zope and Frontier. As more folks come to Frontier to
Zope it will be interesting to see what Zopistas can learn from them.


  * Apparently Zope 1.10.3 RPMs are available on Redhat's libc6 contrib


  * What started out as a documentation bug post by Bruce Perens turned
into a discussion of the merits of various documentation formats and
which ones are best for open source projects. Right now official Zope
documentation is written in FrameMaker.


 * Anthony Pfrunder continues to improve his Zope 2 for Windows
distribution. It's now tentatively called Universal Zope Build System,
and includes various cool build tools. 



Amos Latteier         mailto:[email protected]
Digital Creations     http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Amos Latteier [email protected]
Wed, 7 Jul 1999 20:53:39 -0400


It's been a fairly uneventful week in Zopeland. As always lots of people
are asking questions and providing good answers. But this week's seen
few announcements and software releases, perhaps because of the holiday.
Another Zope alpha should be out soon, and that's sure to generate some

  * Anthony Pfrunder posted an update about his binary distribution of
Zope 2.0 alpha for Windows and an upcoming project to make Zope work
better with the Python Imaging Library and OpenGL.
  * The unstoppable Martijn Pieters posted a patch to allow customizing
tree tag decoration. Now longer will you have to use those tired plus
and minus boxes.
  * Paul Everitt announced a press release detailing how Digital
Creations and UserLand are making Zope and Frontier play nicely
  * Over on zope-dev list David Jacobs started an interesting discussion
of enhancing Zope security features.
  * Digital Creations intern Cathi Davey posted documentation to the
zope-dev list about some additional type converting facilities she's
added to ZPublisher.
Until next week.


Amos Latteier         mailto:[email protected]
Digital Creations     http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Amos Latteier [email protected]
Wed, 30 Jun 1999 15:43:32 -0400


This week saw the release of ZCatalog, the first component of the Zope
Portal Toolkit. Finally searching Zope objects is becoming easier.
Behind the scenes work continues on Zope 2.0. Jim Fulton estimated that
Zope 2 will enter beta in 3 weeks. In addition, Eric Raymond's mention
of Zope this week (at Microsoft and in an essay) is further proof that
Zope is becoming an influential open source project.

  * Jonathan Corbet pointed out that Eric Raymond mentioned Zope in his
latest essay, "The Magic Cauldron". He discusses Zope in the context of
how to make a living with open source. He calls Digital Creation's model
"Give Away the Recipe, Open A Restaurant".
  * Michel Pelletier announced the first release of ZCatalog. This is
the first component of the Zope Portal Toolkit to be released. ZCatalog
allows indexing and searching of Zope objects.
  * Butch Landingin announced release 0.1.5 of his Squishdot Zope news
and discussion Product.

  * Mark Pratt announced that the second Berlin Zope Barbecue went well
and that the next one is planned for July 16.
  * FTP/DAV editing issues came up once again this week. Customizing FTP
and DAV behavior is a complex problem. Some creative ideas were
discussed, but no definitive solution has emerged yet.
  * Phillip Eby and others worked on a solution to displaying data from
a SQL database as a dynamic tree. Cool!
  * @mgmt announced that they will offer Zope hosting services.
  * Pam Crosby announced some Zope Documentation plans.
  * Thilo Mezger announced a mailing list for the Zope
Internationalization Project.
Keep on Zoping.


Amos Latteier         mailto:[email protected]
Digital Creations     http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Amos Latteier [email protected]
Thu, 24 Jun 1999 01:39:39 -0400

Hi all,

It's been another busy week in the Zope community. Lot of people
announced contributions, and Zope 2 alpha continues to progress. Many
folks seem to be using Zope 2.0, but beware, it is still *alpha*

Probably the biggest news this week is that UserLand (makers of the
Frontier commercial web development environment) are taking a big
interest in Zope. UserLand's Eric Kidd orchestrated support for
Frontier's XML-RPC in Zope. It will be exciting to see how the Zope
community and the Frontier community come together.

  * Brian Lloyd announced that Zope 1.10.3 final was released. This is
the current stable release.


  * Jim Fulton announced the release of Zope 2.0.0a3. This release fixes
more bugs and introduces XML-RPC support. This release is a source only
alpha release.


  * Anthony Pfrunder announced his win32 version of Zope 2.0.0a3.


  * Andrew Kuchling announced a new version of mod_pcgi. It actually
seems to work now ;-)


  * There was some talk this week about Zope performance. Different
people offered different benchmark figures. Some people think that Zope
is too slow, or requires too much in the way of system resources, while
others suggest that benchmarking is inherently subjective and that Zope
performs quite well for most purposes.


  * Eric Kidd announced that Zope now supports XML-RPC. Eric has been
working with Jim Fulton of Digital Creations and Python god Fredrik
Lundh to put all the pieces together. The upshot is that Frontier can
communicate better with Zope now. It looks like Zope is going to figure
prominently in UserLand's Unix strategy.


  * Michael Bernstein posted a nice summary of where to find Zope apps.


  * Amos Latteier announced a new version of the Z Classes Tutorial.


  * Long time Zope user Phillip Eby announced his ZScript DTML
extension. He also released the Let tag, another DTML extension which
will probably make it into the Zope distribution.


  * There was some discussion of making Zope international. Ideas were
proposed, but it appears that making Zope adaptable to many languages is
a large task.


  * Scott Robertson announced a new version of LDAP Connect Object for
Zope. This Zope extension builds on work done by Anthony Baxter. 


  * Jeff Rush announced the availability of RPMs for Zope 1.10.2



Amos Latteier         mailto:[email protected]
Digital Creations     http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Amos Latteier [email protected]
Wed, 16 Jun 1999 21:51:27 -0400

Hello there,

  Two new Zope releases were announced this week, 2.0a2 and 1.10.3b1. In
addition, there were announcements on other exciting Zope projects, and
the volume on the Zope mailing lists continued at high levels. There's
so much activity in Zope land that people are starting to talk about
splitting the Zope lists again.

  * Zope 2.0 a2 was released. This release is the second alpha source
release of Zope 2. Many bugs were fixed, including an important memory
leak, and a few new features were added including an experimental DTML
syntax. We're getting closer to a Zope 2 beta release, but there's still
a ways to go.


  * Zope 1.10.3b1 was released. This is a maintenance release for Zope
1.10.2 and mainly plugs a memory leak.


  * Butch Landingin announced his "Squishdot" Slashdot clone Zope
product. There's also a Squishdot demo site.


  * Alexander Staubo announced a client ISAPI extension for Zope which
allows efficient communication between IIS 4.0 and Zope.

  * Another Zope job posting appeared.


  * Python luminary Jody Winston announced that he is available for Zope
contracting work.


  * Alex Rice announced that a New Mexico Zope User's Group is forming.


  * Jules Allen posted a draft of a short Zope tutorial for review.


  * Pavlos Christoforou announced an HTML to PDF Zope product.


  * There was a lot of discussion about DTML syntax and how to improve
it. The tone was particularly level-headed this time round. One upshot
of the discussion was an announcement of an experimental new DTML syntax
for Zope 2.0a2, and the goal of creating some kind of Python Method
object which is editable through the web.


See you next week.


Amos Latteier         mailto:[email protected]
Digital Creations     http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Amos Latteier [email protected]
Wed, 9 Jun 1999 20:51:24 -0400


Probably the top news this week is the release of an alpha of mod_pcgi
by Python big-wig Andrew Kuchling. His efforts will lead to much better
Zope/Apache integration in the future. Lots of other folks continued to
make other important contributions too.

* Andrew Kuchling announced an alpha version of mod_pcgi to allow Apache
to easily communicate with Zope via PCGI. 


* Amos Latteier announced the availability of a Portal Toolkit Demo. The
demo describes the forthcoming Portal Toolkit and includes animated GIFs
to show it in action.

* Ross Lazarus announced an experimental Zope to static HTML external


* A few people discussed "recursive acquisition" or using acquisition to
create indirect paths to objects. This feature is confusing to some, but
Anthony Baxter explained how he finds it incredibly useful.


* Zope Documentation Project contributor, Tom Deprez, announced a "Zope
Commercial", or site which describes how he uses Zope.


* Anthony Baxter announced an alpha of Zope Dataminer, which is an
interesting looking system for dynamically constructing SQL queries via


* Alex Rice first asked about searchable Zope documentation, then solved
the problem himself by setting up a Zope documentation search site.


* Rik Hoekstra announced the formation of a usergroup for Dutch speaking
users called "Zope in the low countries".

* A couple programming hints for preparing for Zope 2 were posted by DC
folks this week.



Amos Latteier         mailto:[email protected]
Digital Creations     http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Amos Latteier [email protected]
Wed, 2 Jun 1999 19:14:11 -0400


It's been a fairly calm week in Zope development. The folks from DC are
back from Linux Expo and working to finish a beta of the Portal Toolkit
ASAP. Brian Lloyd has been relentlessly attacking the backlog of Zope
bugs. And Zope is still getting press.

  * Steve Litt wrote a very complementary article about Zope in
Troubleshooting Professional Magazine.

  * Zope also appeared in an article on open source in Computing Canada.
  * A Zope job posting appeared on the Python list and the Zope list
this week. So there does seem to be some money to be made in open
source, after all ;-)
  * Following in the tradition of Python bot humor, hilarity ensued when
Paul Jackson mistook Zope contributor Amos Latteier for an RDF database.
  * Jim Washington revealed tips on how to get Zope running on Mac OS X.
  * German Zope enthusiasts who missed the first Berlin Zope Barbecue
will definitely be interested in the 2nd beehive Zope barbecue.

Until next week, happy Zoping.


Amos Latteier         mailto:[email protected]
Digital Creations     http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] FYI: Zope Weekly News

Amos Latteier [email protected]
Thu, 27 May 1999 01:28:48 -0400

Hello Zope Fans:

Things are continuing at a breakneck pace in Zopeland as usual. Zope is
getting more press these days. And what with Linux Expo being a success,
press activity will probably increase. The main things that happened
this week were Linux Expo and people getting a chance to try out Zope 2
alpha 1. 

(Note: since I didn't get around to writing a Zope Weekly News last
week, this one covers some material from last week.)

  * Zope got some media attention this week to go along with the Linux
Expo hoopla. There is a collection of media links at the Zope site.


  * Lots of information on Zope including articles and software is also
available at the Open Directory Project. The editors of the Zope section
are clearly on top of things.


  * Zope appeared on the cover of a German magazine, Linux Magazin. It
includes an article by Tom Riedl entitled "Zope:(Z)open Zource


  * An article on Zope entitled "No-cost software can bring unexpected
dividends" appeared in the Washington Business Journal.


 * Paul Everitt's talk on Zope from WWW8 entitled "Funding the Perfect
Beast: Open Source, Business, and Venture Capitalism" is now on-line.


* Toby Dickerson announced a NTUserFolder Product to allow Zope to use
NT accounts for authentication.


* Alexander Staubo announced a method for running ZServer is a service
under NT.


* Amos Latteier announced an unsupported COM Product for Zope.


* Chris Petrilli announced a LDAP Methods proposal and asked for


* Rob Page announced a Zope training session, and a week later announced
that it had filled up.


* There were several threads about ZODB 3, its features and its


* An interesting thread sees Ryan Daum and Paul Everitt discussing
reasons to choose or not choose Zope for a web development project.


  * The ZDP is seeing lots of action these days. The ZDP site has seen
some changes of late, many different people are toying with the idea of
writing a Zope book, Tom Deprez is working on a major piece on Zope,
Amos Latteier posted a proposal for a Zope Developer's Guide, and more!


Till next week, keep on Zoping.

Amos Latteier         mailto:[email protected]
Digital Creations     http://www.digicool.com

[Zope] Zope Weekly News

Amos Latteier [email protected]
Wed, 12 May 1999 22:03:02 -0400

Hello Zopistas:

As some of you may know, I've been writing summaries of Zope list
activity and sending them to Linux Weekly News (http://www.lwn.net/)
each week for the past couple weeks.

Since I have so much trouble keeping up with the Zope lists, I figured
that some of you might too, and coupled with my surmise that not
everyone reads LWN, I was led to the idea to post my summaries to the
Zope list as well.

So here's this week's summary.


P.S. I'm definitely interested in feedback. Did I miss something
important? Let me know and I'll include it in the next summary.


It's been a pretty busy week in Zopeland. Lots of announcements, lots of
activity on the Zope Documentation Project list, lots of questions, and
even some answers.

(Note: Unfortunately this week there is a problem with the Zope mailing
list archive which prevents the listing of normal URLs to go along with
all news items. This should be fixed by next week. So this week I am
substituting egroups URLs as needed.)

  * Jim Fulton, technical director at Digital Creations, and Zope guru
number one, announced that on May 19 there will be a Zope 2.0 Alpha 1
source release. This means we are getting closer to having a fully
threaded Zope! The only question is whether to hack Zope that day or see
that new movie, what's it called again...


  * Beehive held the first Berlin Zope Barbecue! Not only that, but it
was broadcast live on the net.


  * Paul Everitt asked for help with work writing a short piece of Zope
for a forth-coming O'Reilly book on Python and Windows. He also posted a
partial implementation of a COM Method object. However, it seems that
perhaps the turnaround time on this project is too short for much of a
community effort.


  * Many people discussed problems with IE and the latest Zope release.
It looks like its an issue of HTTP headers.


  * Paul Everitt made a long post about Zope on an Infoworld forum about
open source and business and generated some interesting comments.


  There was also some related traffic on the mailing list


  * Zope showed up on Scripting News on Wednesday.


  * Ty Sarna posted an experimental Symbolic Link Product.


  * Luciano Ramalho offered an example of an External Method which helps
organize links to Documents inside Folders.


  * Jordan B. Baker announced a DTML mode for XEmacs.


  * Amos Latteier posted a rough draft of a ZClasses tutorial. Lots of
folks are starting to use ZClasses now. Information is still scarce and
lots of things are still changing (witness CVS activity), however more
information is emerging and people are discovering cool things.


  * Mark Hays offered some security enhancements to the CookieCutter
