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History for FrontPage

Assorted stuff for my "!PyCon DC 2003": paper, 
"Conversing With Zope: Interactive Debugging Using the Python Prompt", .

The paper

  - ConversingWithZope - the paper, plus NotesAndErrata for corrections

Stuff used in Setting up your Zope/ZEO site

  The paper has instructions for setting up your Zope site with ZEO.  The
  SetupRecipe is based around versions current at time of writing, Zope 2.6.1 
  and ZEO 1.0, and includes the following stuff which goes in your instance 

  - SetupRecipe - step-by-step instructions for obtaining and installing 
                  ingredients, including ones below, for a ZEO-based Zope site. 

  - "" - server and interactive-session start script - edit the first 
                 '#!' line to point to your site's python

  - "zope.conf":zope.conf - configuration file - change the port numbers if you need

  - "" - hooks in ZEO to ZODB

  - "inituser":inituser - Prime the site instance with an admin user (it's insecure to 
                 use the shipped password!)

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