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This is a bit of a grabbag.

Some hints, tips, and goodies:

Some personal appraisals of classic existential product questions:

My attentions are mostly on a digital creations consulting gig, but here are some ongoing (or past) projects:

  • I'm real interested in enhancing wikis for collaborative content management, see some on structuring wikis behind my nesting implementation for zwiki. Also, i have a proposal for developing the collaboration features, . (I really don't know whether there's going to be any commitment to doing this, so it currently just gather and organize ideas.)
  • "A Zope-based Issue tracker": TrackerWiki
  • A little while after joining digital creations i created my very first zope product - something that did the job of the the Mailman maillist manager's subscriber roster. (The last thing i worked on before leaving CNRI was to resurrect and revitalize Mailman and commission it for use on

    Here's MMRoster.tar.gz, that old product, which hooks up with the mailman installation and uses mailman objects to produce the rosters. I doubt it still works - i didn't track changes to zope, and it was my first real excursion into zope - and offer it just in case it may offer clues about hooking up with mailman. (I also haven't had time to keep up with subsequent mailman developments, so i don't even know whether the mailman side of the interface is still quite right - but everything should be in the ballpark.)

Ken [email protected]