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mxm's site on Zope

mxm IT's mad science mxm is a technology company specialising in web based solution. Most of our projecs are created with and as open source software.

So far there are two How-To's in the "minimal series":
It tries to explain Python-products programming for Zope beginners. It assumes knowledge of Python

A very minimal Product is a How- To on how to make the simplest Python product imaginable.
A Minimal Product - The Sequel is a How-To on how to make the simplest fully fledged Python product imaginable. It is the second installment in the series.

When you have read and understood these two How-To's, you should have a very good basic understanding of making Python Products.

An easier way to write products
This package makes it a lot easier to get started with Python products. Se the documentation here.

If you are interrested in mxmRelations it is here.

There is also this single How-To about breadcrumb navigation trails.

Some of our products are listed here ...

Regards Max M. [email protected]


Discussion icon your how-tos

Posted by: Antity at 2005-01-19

Your how-tos are pretty good, at least they were much easier to understand than the standard developper documentation for me.

One thing that could be great, is if you rewrote your how-tos to be more dive-into-python like. I mean, that all your explanations are great, but it would be better if one could just copy paste the right code to the right place and see it happen, and only then, read the explanations of how it happened. If you agree, I might even do that, using your ow-tos as a basis.

A dive-into-zope was what I wanted really, and for the moment, your stuff is the closest to it that I could find.

One last thing: I changed the redirect in manage_addMinimal so the minimal package would bring me back to Zope Management Interface. Is there a reason I shouldn't do that?


Discussion icon Howto's

Posted by: rtconner at 2005-05-09

First, thank you for the How-to's, they were very helpful.

One criticism is that you have a lot of grammar and spelling errors in the articles. They were just small things, but they really became a distraction for me. It would be nice if you could go back, read through them, and fix the typos.


Discussion icon How-to's

Posted by: timur at 2005-07-12

They are very helpful. Thanks!


Discussion icon Thanks for the how-tos

Posted by: jaimecham at 2005-07-18

Very helpful and clear. You could also cross link to here: , which says essentially the same thing.


Discussion icon getting it running

Posted by: korytina at 2005-09-02

Your intro is the first one that actually made sense :) But I still can't get it to run. 

I've put the following "products" folder into zope3/lib/python

products/ ..hello_world/ # cut and paste of given example # cut/paste of example

then pointed the browser to http://localhost:8080/minimal_id/index_html and still get "The page that you are trying to access is not available"

Forgive me if I missed something totally obvious :), as I am a total newbie, and thought my question might be [usefully] representative.


Discussion icon getting it running

Posted by: korytina at 2005-09-02

Your intro is the first one that actually made sense :) But I still can't get it to run. 

I've put the following "products" folder into zope3/lib/python

products/ ..hello_world/ # cut and paste of given example # cut/paste of example

then pointed the browser to http://localhost:8080/minimal_id/index_html and still get "The page that you are trying to access is not available"

Forgive me if I missed something totally obvious :), as I am a total newbie, and thought my question might be [usefully] representative.


Discussion icon Minimal Product

Posted by: royd at 2005-11-25

This is great! As another Zope newbie, I can say that the next thing to struggle with is adding the basic security to this product, so that would definitely be of interest, say in a third part to the series. Once more, thank you and keep up this great effort. I am intrigued by Zope, but have been frustrated by the available books, so there is very much a lack of good accessible documentation on Zope! Regards, roy