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  • New features

    Added manage_addAObject(...) as global wrapper for manage_addProduct['AbracadabraObject].manage_addAbracadabraObject(...). Hope this will make it easier to create AbracadabraObjects through scripts... for me it does.

    All ids given to AbracadabraObject will be transformed into valid Zope-Ids (independent of auto_id-feature). Now you can even trust your Windows-Special-Characters-Must- -Work-Here-Too-Users...:)

    You can now specify the auto_id when calling the factory through scripts.

    If you set a lines-property with name=ignore_ids, you can hide objects from being listed in the AbracadabraObjectBox. Mainly useful if you want to place a ZCatalog into the standard_object_folder to catch cataloging your Abracadabra-Objects into your application-catalog.

  • Policy changes

    You cannot execute single scripts (ending on underscore) with no corresponding AbracadabraObject due to security reasons anymore.

    You can only call PythonScripts as post-processors on objects due to security reasons. Please call your DTML-Methods etc. through a PythonScript.

  • UI changes

    Removed "Add and Edit" and "Add and Edit Properties"-Buttons to keep the widget smaller.

    Moved descriptions (id, title) into input-boxes to make the widget smaller.

    Made the first entry in select-list selected by default, so IE-Users should have the same look&feel as Mozilla-Users.

  • Bug fixes

    Made some fixes for catching errors for empty standard_object_folder or empty object_id.

    Fixed acquisition bug for script-execution.

  • Things removed

    Removed ZZZMonkeyPatch. AbracadabraObject patches now the manage_main directly with a slightly modified Zope 2.6.2-template (only two minor changes).

    Removed demo.zexp. It was a little bit outdated because it didn't used PropertyObject/Folder to show the real power of AbracadabraObject.