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  1. 5.1:

    Changed AbracadabraObjectBox: Now the id-input-box is always visible (regardless if auto_id is turned on or not) so you can override the auto_id with your own id if you want to.

  2. 5.0:

    New feature: standard_object_list = the AbracadabraObjectBox will be filled with the returned object-ids; standard_object_list can be a python-script which returns id dependent on the context; VERY, VERY USEFUL FEATURE!

    refactored CharacterMapping into own file for easier custom modifications

    redesigned the code for auto_id; added a auto_id-feature for all non integer and string-type-properties as current timestamp

    refactored code for AbracadabraObjectBox; you can call insert the AbracadabraObjectBox with into your manage_methods.

  3. 4.0:

    Added new features: an auto_id can now be cooked out of the title and you can specify different auto_ids when you add a auto-id-lines-property to your standard_object_folder with every single line as object_id:fmt. If you create the auto_id as a int-property, AbracadabraObject creates unique numeric id's for all your objects cloned out of a standard_object_folder.

  4. 3.2:

    Now the constructor returns the id of the cloned object. Useful if you want to create AbracadbraObjects with Scripts. If auto_id is set and no title is given, a new object will be created anyway.

  5. 3.1:

    minor change in ZZZMonkeyPatch: Disabled ExternalEditor-feature if not installed

  6. 3.0:

    Added an auto_id-feature. Changed the rights-management: Unselect "Abracadabra Object: Show StandardSelectBox" to give users only the AbracababraObject-View.

  7. 2.0:

    Improved scripting feature => Added Standalone-Scripts. Provided a patch for the ZMI to work directly with AbracadbraObject

  8. 1.0:

    Added scripting feature

  9. 0.0:

    First official release