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Folder icon PloneTrashcan - Delete objects via a trashcan

PloneTrashcan - Delete objects via a trashcan

PloneTrashcan is going to be part of Plone 1.1.

PloneTrashcan adds a trashcan for every member of a Plone-site. If a members deletes objects, these objects will be moved to his personal trashcan-folder in his member-area. When he deletes an object out of the trashcan, it will be deleted completely.

Please note: The creation of a personal trashcan will be delayed until a member deletes an object for the first time.

To install PloneTrashcan unpack it into your Products-Directory of your Zope-Server and restart the server. Then create an External Method and enter:

id = Install Module Name = PloneTrashcan.Install Function Name = install

Then save it, reenter it and click on Test. That's all.

Send all questions, comments and patches to: [email protected]

 Title   Type   Size   Modified   Status 
 CHANGES.txt Edit object Document 1 K 2003-06-29 published
 PloneTrashcan-0.1 Edit object Software Release   2003-06-16 published
 PloneTrashcan-0.1.1 Edit object Software Release   2003-06-29 published