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Installing CMF Virtual Host Tool

This tool must be installed in a Zope that has the Virtual Host Folder product installed. The install script will not let you proceed otherwise.

Decompress the files into the Products directory. Restart Zope. Go to the root of your CMF site and add an external method with this configuration:

  id: install_virtualhost
  title: Install Virtual Host Tool optional
  module name: CMFVirtualHost.Install
  function name: install

Then click on the External Method, and click on its test tab. The install script wil inform you of what it did, or of what problems it encountered.

If it doesn't identify any problems, you're done! Your skin folder will have two new subfolders, virtualhost and zpt_virtualhost; the skins will have these folders added to them, as appropriate; and the root of your CMF will have a virtual host tool named portal_virtualhost.