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PloneBootcamps Training in NYC, SF

PloneBootcamps, a leading provider of low-cost, high-quality Plone training, announces the first-ever Plone NYC Bootcamp, the first-ever Plone Advanced Bootcamp, and our Content Management Workshop.

We're excited to announce our summer and fall offerings:

Content Management Workshop

Is your organization using Plone, and you want to learn to use it? Or are you evaluating Plone, and want to learn exactly what it can do? This course teaches how to add, edit, and manage content in Plone, and demonstrates how easy and flexible this can be. This friendly, 2-day course, aimed at non-developers, does not require any knowledge of HTML or Plone.

2 days, Sep 14-15, San Francisco, $350

Plone NYC Bootcamp.

(This is our classic, learn-to-build-Plone-sites course. It's been described as "essential" and "amazing" by the over 500 students who've taken it.)

Plone Bootcamps comes for the first time to New York with our week-long, hands-on developer bootcamp. We'll cover how to use, customize, and develop for Plone sites, and welcome anyone experienced with HTML--no Python or Plone experience is required. We'll give you the skills you need to build your site or develop your consulting skills in Plone.

5 days, Sep 18-22, Manhattan, NYC, $450

Plone Advanced Bootcamp

Want to learn the professional techniques and advanced concepts of developing for Plone? This hands-on, advanced class covers the concepts that follow our popular Developer Bootcamp, and build on the skills learned in this course.

3 days, Sep 11-13, San Francisco, $550