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Using Zope With Amaya

By Michel Pelletier 21 August, 2001

Zope is an object-oriented web application server that is managed through a web interface. This interface allows you to add and manipulate Zope objects. Zope's managment interface is one of its most powerful features, but there is one area where using Zope's managment interface is difficult: editing templates.
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What is Zope?

Zope is an open source application server for building content management solutions such as publishing sites, intranet, portals, and custom applications. The Zope community consists of hundreds of companies and thousands of developers all over the world, working on building the platform and Zope applications. [ more... ]

Info for...

New Users: New to Zope but familiar with website programming

Intro, About Python, Web Programming more... ]

Web Masters: Using Zope to make a website

Using Apache, Security, Backup policies, DTML more... ]

Product Developers: Using Zope to make applications

Developers Guide, ZClasses, Unit testing more... ]

Zope Developers: Doing the impossible, Improving Zope

Products Using CVS Bug days more... ]

Zope Corporation is sponsored by Zope Corporation, the creators of Zope


O'Reilly Call For Papers Deadline

The O'Reilly Open Source Conference 2002 is rapidly approaching. more... ]

Migration to Scheduled

As discussed on the mailing list, the migration to is planned for someday. more... ]

[ more  announcements... ]


ZPT introduction

Amos Latteier published a nice Zope Page Templates introduction in Dr. Dobbs Journal. more... ]

Lambda Tricks

"It is not intended for the "functional programming style" crowd, but for the "wacky geek fun" hackers"... more... ]

Zope on Slashdot

Zope or Cocoon 2? more... ]

[ more  news... ]

Latest Resources

Content Index 1.5.0 [haqa]

Index folders in a similar way to the Apache 'FancyIndex' directory option. more... ]

Ratings 0.3.0 [k_vertigo]

Simple and efficient object rating system. more... ]

LDAP Directory Manager 0.1 [stevray]

Tool for maintaining information about people, organizational units, and groups in an LDAP directory. more... ]

Photo Extension 0.0.2 [mngibso]

Extends functionality found in Ron Bickers's Photo product. more... ]

[ more  resources... ]