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Dublin Core Elements

The Dublin Core metadata element set is a standard for cross-domain information resource description.
Element Description Value
Identifier resource ID
Title resource name CMFExtFile
Description resource summary CMF integration for the popular "ExtFile":/Members/shh/ExtFile product. CMFExtFile replaces the stock File and Image portal types with ExtFile and ExtImage respectively. <ul style="padding-bottom: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;"> <li>ExtFiles and ExtImages are stored on the filesystem, not in the ZODB.</li> <li>ExtFiles and ExtImages are served as stream iterators, significantly improving performance and responsiveness.</li> <li>ExtImages can generate scaled-down previews of the image data. If present, previews are used by the extimage_view and thumbnail_view templates.</li> <li>The extfile_properties tool allows you to define settings for ExtFile and ExtImage objects on a per Folder basis. These settings include the cache manager used, and whether or not ExtImages should generate previews.</li> <li>Ships with Extensions.Install.install *and* a GenericSetup extension profile. If need be, you can use Extensions.Install.uninstall to remove CMFExtFile from a CMF Site.</li> </ul> <b>Dependencies</b> <ul style="padding-bottom: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;"> <li>PIL 1.1.5 or higher</li> <li>Zope 2.9.6 or higher</li> <li>CMF 1.6.4 or higher</li> <li>ExtFile 2.0 or higher</li> </ul> <b>Plone</b> <p> CMFExtFile does not work with Plone.
Creator resource creator shh
Date default date 2006-09-09 08:41:58
Format resource format text/html
Type resource type Software Package
Subject resource keywords Content Object, External Files
Contributors resource collaborators
Language resource language en
Publisher resource publisher No publisher
Rights resource copyright

Additional Zope Elements

Element Description Value
CreationDate date resource created 2006-09-09 04:56:28
ModificationDate date resource last modified 2007-07-30 03:38:09
EffectiveDate date resource becomes effective 2006-09-09 08:41:58
ExpirationDate date resource expires None

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