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ZSyncer 0.6.0-beta1 released, testers wanted

ZSyncer is a tool that allows you to easily push objects from one live Zope site to one or more other Zopes. It also allows you to see which objects are up-to-date on the remote system.

This release contains many changes including some patches from the community. I'd love help testing and finding some of the new bugs that are undoubtedly lurking, as well as verifying that old bugs are fixed :-)

Get it from the project page on Sourceforge

Highlights of changes in this release:

 - better handling and formatting of diff errors
 - added description of relative mode to README.txt and to the help file.
 - Improved error messages when comparisons fail, see
 - now use PropertyManager API for storing configuration.
 - added keyword arg support to dieter's ZPublisher.Client stuff.
 - added README note about possible backward incompatibility.
 - removed incorrect logfile description on Edit.dtml
 - It's now possible to use paths relative to zsyncer placement.
   This allows you to A) use a different absolute path between
   source and target servers, and B) prevent users from syncing
   anything above the folder where the syncer lives.
 - We now use RESPONSE.write() to stream output messages.
   The old method of RESPONSE.redirect() frequently failed if you
   synced too many objects (query string got too long).
 - No more html in the syncer log!
 - Display now shows local size if available
 - Display now says "Object" instead of "File"
 - Time now shown somewhat like ls -l (i.e. show year if old, hour/minute
   if current year). Show in the source zsyncer's localtime,
   not GMT.
 - Merged Sascha Ottolski's patch to make it easier to
   add Sync tab to classes.  Refactored to put them in
 - Merged Dieter Maurer's patch to use ZPublisher.Client and
   cPickle instead of xmlrpc. May help with mixed-encoding data.
   This should improve speed and memory performance too,
   since we don't have to do base64 encoding / decoding
   of the pickles.
 - Made connection type configurable. Default is now ZPublisher.Client.

... plus a bunch of implementation cleanup.