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Steve Spicklemire's folder

You can get a snapshot of Zieve Here
A new snapshot of EMarket is here, but it still needs work. There is now a ZPatterns version. Here

Zwiff is a SWF output Product Here

DumbZPatternsExample is just that... a simple (dumb) ZPatterns Example..

SQLZPatternsExample1 is a ZPatterns Example (school attendance) that uses Gadfly to store data and..

SQLZPatternsExample2 is another ZPatterns Example (lunch ordering) that uses Gadfly to store data (plus a filesystem based Lunch base class) .and..

There are also various binaries of Zope for Mac OS X here. Also for MacOSX, you can now join a Zope-MacOSX portal!

Last but not least ... a way to manage Zope objects via CVS.

Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3

Simple objects are stored as XML, normalized so that all the wacky id's don't mess up CVS. Complex containerish objects are stored in binary 'zexp' format, so diffs are worthless for them, but at least you can keep track of versions!