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DTML Calendar Tag API



            [name="..."]                            default="calendar"
            [bgcolor="#rrggbb"]                     default="#ffffff"
            [controls="yes"|"no"]                   default="yes"
            [mode="day"|"week"|"month"]             default="month"
            [modes="day[,week][,month][,year]"]     default="day,week,month,year"
            [images="yes"|"no"]                     default="yes"
            [weekdays="[0-7][0-7]"]                 default="07"
            template code

Tag Attributes

name (string)


                <dtml-calendar name="calendar1">
                    <dtml-var date fmt="%d">

name of the calendar instance. Used for query string names. Default is Calendar. Two instances on the same page may share the same name, but if so their controls will be locked in-step, ie. they will always display the same date and mode.

expr (expr)

The name of the calendar can be set using a python expression via the expr attribute, instead of hard-coding using name attribute.


                <dtml-calendar expr="'calendar1'">
                    <dtml-var date fmt="%d">

lang (string)

the language to display in. See synopsis for valid values.

lang_expr (expr)

a python expression to set the language.

This example sets the language of the calendar based on the variable pref_lang in the request. If it is not set, then use the English en calendar:

                <dtml-calendar lang_expr="REQUEST.get('pref_lang','en')">
                    <dtml-var date fmt="%d">

mode (string)

valid values are "day","week","month".


                <dtml-calendar mode="week">
                    <dtml-var date fmt="%d">

modes (string)

Restricts the calendar display to certain modes only.


                <dtml-calendar modes="day,month">
                    <dtml-var date fmt="%d">

date (string expr)

if supplied, evaluates to the date to show by default


                <dtml-calendar date="ZopeTime()">
                    <dtml-var date fmt="%d">

bgcolor (string)

background color. Defaults to white (#fffff).


                <dtml-calendar bgcolor="#cc99cc">
                  <dtml-var date fmt="%d">

Foreground-color is always black.

bgcolor_expr (expr)

Set the background color using a python expression instead. See lang_expr example for an idea of how this may work.

tablewidth (string)

Sets the width of the calendar.


                <dtml-calendar tablewidth="50%"> 
                  <dtml-var date fmt="%d">

Variables accessible in the template section

date (date)

date to be rendered by the template.


                  <dtml-var date fmt="%d">

mode (string day, week, month)

current display mode.

This example shows the date in full if the display mode is day mode, otherwise just show the day part:

                    <dtml-if "mode=='day'">
                        <dtml-var date>
                        <dtml-var date fmt="%d"><br/>

firstday (bool)

true if this is the first time the template is being rendered for this calendar.

false otherwise.


                    <dtml-if firstday>
                        <b><dtml-var date fmt="%d"></b>
                        <i><dtml-var date fmt="%d"></i>

linkDate(date [, mode]) (callback function)

returns a url for the current page with the current calendar set to the given date and in the given mode (mode defaults to day.

This is for the convenience of the rendering template for things like linking from a given day in the month mode to the day-mode for that day.


                    <dtml-if "not mode=='day'">
                    <a href="<dtml-var "linkDate(date,'day')">">
                        <dtml-var date fmt="%d">
                    <a href="<dtml-var "linkDate(date,'month')">">
                        <dtml-var date>

getCalendar(name [, defval]) (callback function)

Returns the given rendering property of the calendar. If no such property is available, defval is returned. defval defaults to NULL.

setCalendar(name, val): (callback function)

Sets the given rendering property of the calendar.