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This document describes known issues with the beta release of the Content Management Framework (CMF), version 1.0. For more information on the CMF, please see the website.

Package and Module Name Changes

In order to improve the future maintainability of the CMF, and as part of the "rebranding" of the product from "Portal Toolkit" to "Content Management Framework", we have moved the code base to a new set of packages:

the "top-level" package, replaces ZopePTK.
provides essential interfaces and services of the framework. All CMF sites will use this package; most will not replace the services it provides. Most modules in this package came from the old PTKBase package.
provides a set of content objects and services which allow construction of a useful CMF site "out of the box"; while many sites will use these objects directly, many will extend or replace them. Most modules in this package came from the old PTKDemo package.
provides a new, "add-in" content object, the Topic. Topics represent "canned" catalog queries, and are useful for presenting "logical collections" of content, based on common metadata.

CVS Changes

Until this release, the "canonical" CVS repository for the PTK/CMF has been on the public CVS mirror, This placement has been somewhat problematic: because all the other CVS code is replicated from Digital Creations' internal CVS repository, tags and branches created on PTK/CMF files tended to get "forgotten" during the synchronization. Going forward, we will keep the CMF repository alongside the main Zope repository, and replicate it to the public mirror.

Migrating Existing PTK Sites

The changes to package and module names (mentioned above) have significant impacts for existing PTK sites: instances created from classes defined in PTKBase or PTKDemo will need to be "re-seated" as instances of their cognates in CMFCore or CMFDefault. In the past, we have arranged to do such reseating "in place"; for this change, however, we plan not to require a "copying" migration, in order to remove the need to maintain the backward-compatibility cruft required by the in-place strategy.

We will provide a script shortly to aid this migration (in fact, it will be the script which we use to migrate the "dogbowl" site this week.