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CMF 1.3 beta2 (2002/07/07)

New Features

  • Changed the modification date so that it is updated at reindex time and does not rely anymore on bobobase_modification_time. This makes export+import of objects not lose the modification date. Before exporting objects created with an older CMF version, reindex the "modified" index in the catalog (you just have to do it once, and only if you need to export objects).
  • Made the workflow tool compute chains using type names, as well as instances (Tracker #441).
  • Made the DCWorkflow worklists accept a list of formatted values for cataloged variable matches. The separator is a semicolon (Tracker #496).
  • Made the security-related indexes of the portal catalog be updated for all impacted objects whenever local roles are changed (Tracker #494). This feature makes use of the path index.
  • Made path (PathIndex) a standard index inside CMF. When upgrading from earlier versions this index will have to be created by hand.
  • Enabled "within day" queries for FriendlyDateCriteria E.g., field="modified", value="Now", operation="within_day", daterange="old" -> content which was modified "today". (Tracker #474).
  • Made the id of the current user available to old action providers (DCWorkflow being a prime example) as user_id (Tracker #495, thanks to Luca Olivetti for the patch).
  • Modified the standard_error_message page template to show the error_log_url, if passed in (Zope 2.6 will pass this argument if an error log is installed).
  • Extended the metadata tool to permit passing the type name directly (e.g., when building a new object, one might need to know the allowed subjects before construction).
  • Added a working calendar implementation to the CMFCalendar product, which had previously provided only an Event content type. Thanks to Andy Dawkins for the work.
  • Updated FS-based skin methods to read optional '.security files, whcih control the role-permission mappings for each skin method. See CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/ for an example.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed PortalFolder's filtering so that it correctly restricts itself to the portal types allowed by the TypesTool (Tracker #483).
  • Fixed the TypesTool so that TypeInformation's Title is decorrelated from its Id (the old TypeInformation.Type() should not be used anymore). The Id is what gets put in the "portal_type" attribute of a content object, which one gets at using somecontent.getPortalTypeName(). The Title is returned by somecontent.Type(). "portal_type" is now indexed, and in most cases should be used when doing catalog queries instead of "Type".
  • Provided all default skins (content_hide_form, content_show_form) for the DCWorkflow default workflow [rev 2]. Note that, when using this workflow, the descriptions in the retract and reject forms are slightly incorrect as they mention the "private" state but in fact go to the "visible" state.
  • Fixed verification of portal types in the TypesTool to work in the presence of portal types with a non-empty title (Tracker #497).
  • Removed unintentional sharing of ActionInformation data between class defaults and persistent instances derived from ActionProviderBase. Likewise for TypeInformation instances.
  • Enabled creation of "My Stuff" folder for users (e.g., the manager) authenticated "above" the normal user folder (Tracker #485, thanks to Dieter Maurer for the patch).
  • Fixed handling of discussion items so that they are correctly indexed, unindexed and reinserted into the workflows when copied or moved.
  • Correctly reindex the just-reset workflow variables of an object in a DCWorkflow after a paste.
  • Correctly insert into the workflows the objects created by a Scriptable Type.
  • Fixed Friendly Date Criterion edit form to correctly display the duration in its menu (Tracker #475, thanks to Axel Joester for the patch).
  • Fixed relative URL in metadata_edit_form that broke if the main_template had a base tag (Tracker #506).
  • Made discussion replies work correctly when hitting Enter in the title field (Tracker #515), and corrected discussion Preview followed by an Edit that lost body information (Tracker #516).
  • Fixed the deletion of replies (Tracker #513, thanks to Stefan H. Holek for the patch).
  • Made the Link objects deal correctly with empty remote urls (Tracker #507) and not strip trailing slashes (Tracker #451).
  • Made content_type_registry deal correctly with TypeInfos that have a title (Tracker #465, thanks to Juan Antonio Vali�o Garc�a for the patch).
  • Changed CMFDefault.MembershipTool to not create a member folder at member creation time when the memberareaCreationFlag is false (Tracker #519). Note that any code that depended on the member folder being created after addMember will fail, that code should call createMemberarea directly if needed.
  • Fixed CMFDefault.RegistrationTool to correctly check the lack of email property when creating a new member or when checking member's properties validity (Tracker #508).
  • Fixed addtoFavorites to correctly add a favorite of someone else's document (Tracker #501).
  • Fixed CatalogTool to create a meta_type index; this is needed now that ZCatalog doesn't create any default indexes when instantiated.
  • Fixed recent_news to use Title instead of title to display the title of each news (title isn't indexed anymore).
  • Fixed listFolderContents to take into account its optional spec argument.
  • Fixed index_html to correctly filter out unauthorized subfolders (Tracker #503).
  • Fixed exception handling to not use a string exception in PortalFolder (Tracker #512).
  • Changed the permission protecting the "Join" action provided by the default registration tool from "View" to "Add portal member" (Tracker #509).
  • Removed redundant "Syndication" action from SkinnedFolder; the SyndicationTool provides this aciton. (Tracker #481)
  • Updated INSTALL.txt to note the dependency of CMF on the TAL and ZTUtils packages and on the PageTemplates product for Zopes < 2.5. (Tracker #489).
  • Updated CatalogTool to create a Vocabulary if none present (as won't be for catalogs created under Zope 2.6).
  • Adapted interface checks to work with new spellings in Zope 2.6 (older Zopes should still work).
  • Removed ##bind headers from FSPythonScripts where they only repeat the defaults.
  • Corrected patterns used for "HTML body stripping" to avoid HTML embedded within structured text.
  • Fixed computed action of form in folder_rename_form (Tracker #511; thanks to "yuppie" for the patch).
  • Improved cacheability of skin images by using absolute URLs.
  • Suppressed repeated load of FSImage content from filesystem (should only happen when in debug mode).
  • Repaired skin methods' read of .properties files, which hold additional metadata about the skin method beyond what can be expressed in the body.
  • Updated caching policy manager tool to use correct date format (RFC 1123 instead of RFC 822).