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CMF 2.0.0-alpha (2006/01/22)

New Features

  • CMFCore.FSPythonScript: Customized versions now track the "original" source from which they were customized, and can present a diff between that version and their current source text.
  • CMFDefault and CMFCalendar: Added locales directories with .pot files. A modified script from Zope 3 is used to extract translatable strings from .py, .pt, .html and .xml files.
  • FSFile: autodetect the encoding of UTF-8 text files with a suitable Byte Order Mark (0xEF 0xBB 0xBF).
  • CMFDefault.MetadataTool: support arbitrary additional schemas. The "stock" DublinCore-specific API is still accessible, implemented via a special "DCMI" subobject.
  • WorkflowTool and DCWorkflow: Improved add form for workflow objects. Presettings can now be loaded from workflow settings in setup profiles. This replaces the feature that did allow to load presettings from the oldstyle workflow factories registry.
  • WorkflowTool: Switched to generic plug-in mechanism for workflows. Any class registered for IWorkflowDefinition can now be used in the WorkflowTool.
  • DCWorkflow: Added revision2 profile. This replaces the hardcoded Revision 2 default workflow.
  • CMFActionIcons, CMFCalendar, CMFDefault, CMFTopic, CMFUid: use the new for_ argument in GenericSetup's profile registry API to indicate that profiles are intended for CMFCore's ISiteRoot sites.
  • CMFTopic: added specialized GenericSetup support for topics, to allow capturing criteria in a single XML file.
  • CMFDefault and CMFTopic: Split off CMFTopic profile. CMFTopic support is now configured by an optional extension profile. CMFDefault no longer depends on CMFTopic.
  • TypesTool: Improved add form for type info objects. Presettings can now be loaded from type info settings in setup profiles. This replaces the feature that did allow to load presettings from registered (oldstyle) fti data.
  • CMFCore.CachingPolicyManager: Caching policies can now control all the Cache-Control tokens defined in the HTTP 1.1 spec (s-maxage, public, private, no-transform). When no-cache is enabled, a Pragma: no-cache header is also sent for HTTP 1.0 clients. Thanks go to Geoff Davis for contributing the necessary patches.
  • ActionsTool: Improved add form for CMF Action objects. Presettings can now be loaded from Action settings in setup profiles.
  • CMFCore and GenericSetup: Added catalog tool setup handlers. This includes node adapters for PluginIndexes, ZCTextIndex and ZCatalog. Support for additional indexes can be added by providing INode adapters. All indexes are cleared by this handler, so please make sure to re-catalog existing content if necessary.
  • GenericSetup.utils: Added new sub-framework for XML im- and export. Instead of using ConfiguratorBase configurators should now implement IBody or INode. These adapters should subclass from XMLAdapterBase or NodeAdapterBase and mix in ObjectManagerHelpers and / or PropertyManagerHelpers if needed.
  • CMFCore.exportimport: Added framework and interfaces for exporting and importing content using the export / import contexts provided by GenericSetup.
  • CMFSetup: Split off GenericSetup. GenericSetup allows to use CMFSetup functionality outside CMF. See the README.txt of GenericSetup for details.
  • Interfaces: Converted all interfaces to zope 3 style interfaces. Most interfaces are bridged back to zope 2 style interfaces to provide backwards compatibility.
  • The features of CMFonFive have been folder into CMFCore and CMFDefault:
    • Zope 3 menus (browser:menu) are bridged to CMF actions using the portal_fiveactions tool. Any menuItem registered will be accessible though the portal_actions tool, where the menu for which the item was registered will be used as the action category.
    • The Zope 3 cmf skin layer provides integration between the Zope3 standard macros and the CMF main template, by redefining
  • TypeInformation and newstyle Actions: Added i18n support. If i18n_domain is specified, title and description are returned as MassageID objects instead of strings. This allows to use different i18n domains for different TypeInfos and Actions.
  • Replaced user messages by Massage objects to improve the i18n support.
  • CMFDefault GenericSetup profile: Added CMF BTree Folder to the list of automatically instantiated types in the types tool. (
  • CMFDefault skins: Added members_delete_form. This adds a confirmation step to avoid accidental deletion of members.
  • DirectoryView and derived classes can now have metadata associated with them just like regular FSObject-derived objects can.
  • DirectoryView and derived classes: It is now possible to customize what gets created to represent directories inside the directory view. Previously, the code had a fixed assumption that all directories on the file system must turn into instances of CMFCore.DirectoryView.DirectoryView(Surrogate). It is now possible to register a class deriving from DirectoryView and have that be instantiated instead.
  • ActionsTool: Added new way to define Actions. CMF Action Category objects can now be added to the portal_actions tool and CMF Action objects to categories or subcategories. To migrate oldstyle Actions (ActionInformation objects) you can create a snapshot and re-import Actions using the portal_setup tool.
  • TypesTool: TypeInformation classes are now pluggable. Any class registered for ITypeInformation can now be used in the TypesTool.

Bug Fixes

  • PortalFolder: Synced _verifyObjectPaste code with OFS.CopySupport. The behavior is almost the same as before, but the code is less tolerant if content types are not registered properly.
  • ActionProviderBase: getActionObject did stumble over newstyle Actions.
  • CMFCore.exportimport.content: Ensure that BODYFILE in our "faux" request is a file-like object, FBO objects which expect to call its read method.
  • Got rid of the "CMF Site" and "Configured CMF Site" duality in the ZMI add list by removing the "CMF Site" class registration in CMFDefault and moving the "Configured CMF Site" registration from CMFSetup into CMFDefault, renaming it to "CMF Site". (
  • Updated RELEASE.txt and the slurp_release script to now use Subversion instead of CVS, and to reflect the new tag/branch naming conventions used in the CMF repository.
  • Added testing framework to suppress / examine output from warnings module and from zLOG.
  • CMFUid/ Replaced the old BTree.Length.Length implementation by a simple counter. Using a BTree.Length.Length object as counter may have caused setting the same unique id to multiple objects under high load. The tools counter gets automigrated on the first access. This is a forward port from CMF-1_5-branch before the CMF 1.5.2 release.
  • CMFCore.utils.ToolInit: For icon registration to work with ToolInit you would have to have the same product_name parameter as the actual product name of the product. Now we just pick up that product name from the product context instead, and ignore the product_name parameter (with a deprecation warning).
  • CMFSetup: Merged the registerClass and registerIcon call since registerClass is capable of registering icons.
  • DublinCore and PortalFolder: Changed fallback in Type method. The fallback is only necessary if the related type info is missing.
  • CMFCore.PortalContent: Wrong variable name in __call__ would blow up if no default view could be found for a piece of content.


  • Moved GenericSetup out of the CMF package, it is now a standalone product, but still distributed as part of the CMF package.
  • Replaced use of deprecated zLOG module with standard Python logging module.
  • CMFCore utils: Made _checkPermission depend on Zope's checkPermission. There is no longer a need to modify the checkPermission behavior in CMF.
  • TypeInformation: Removed support for old setting formats. If TypeInformation objects are initialized with keyword arguments, actions and aliases keys have to use the format introduced in CMF 1.5.
  • CMFSetup and GenericSetup: Removed obsolete CMFSetup product. Added __module_aliases__ to support setup tools created with CMFSetup.
  • DCWorkflow: Removed hardcoded default workflows.
  • Workflow: Removed deprecated WorkflowInformation and getActionsFor.
  • CMFCore and GenericSetup: Moved mechanisms for content export / import to GenericSetup/, and made more generic.
  • CMFDefault: Removed PortalGenerator and manage_addCMFSite.
  • Portal Types: Removed factory_type_information data. TypesTool.listDefaultTypeInformation was removed, the fti argument of utils.ContentInit and the typeinfo_name argument of TypesTool.manage_addTypeInformation are ignored.
  • CatalogTool: A new portal_catalog is now empty. Removed enumerateIndexes, enumerateLexicons, enumerateColumns and _initIndexes. Please use the setup tool to populate the catalog.
  • CMFActionIcons, CMFCalendar and CMFTopic: Removed old install scripts.
  • Refactored and extended CMFDefault.tests.test_join so it can be easily subclassed and reused for alternative membership implementations. All that is needed is to ovverride _createPortal to return a portal with the desired non-default membership-related tools installed.
  • Remove all "old-style" actions from tools that still carried them (CMFDefault.MembershipTool, CMFDefault.PropertiesTool, CMFDefault.RegistrationTool, CMFDefault.SyndicationTool, CMFDefault.DiscussionTool, CMFCore.UndoTool). These have been superceded by "new-style" action information objects stored inside the Actions Tool.
  • Some simplifications to the slurp_release release helper script and updates to the RELEASE.txt release instructions.
  • The CMF now depends on Zope 2.9.0 including Five.
  • Non-release packages moved out of the /CMF/ repository package:
    • hotfixes moved to /CMF_Hotfixes
    • others (CMFCollector, CMFStaging, CMFTracker, CMFWorkspaces) moved to /CMF_Extras/
  • To document how to create a CMF release from CMF a description is now included in RELEASE.txt at the root of the CMF package. This text can guide release managers or volunteers with the appropriate release privileges.
  • Added DeprecationWarning to the script. The canonical way to run the tests is using "zopectl test". (
  • CMFDefault: Oldstyle DefaultWorkflowDefinition is no longer registered. So you can't accidentally add this deprecated workflow.
  • The "Access future portal content" was not used anywhere and has been removed. (
  • CMFDefault: Marked manage_addCMFSite as deprecated. To add a new CMF site, select Configured CMF Site. The CMFDefault Site profile creates a new site like those you know from CMF Site.
  • CMFDefault: Cleaned out some super-ancient code for migrating or fixing PTK content so it would work with CMF.
  • CatalogTool: Removed deprecated indexes and metadata. Creator was replaced by listCreators, portal_type should be used instead of meta_type.
  • CMFCore: Removed some deprecated aliases and constants.
  • Permissions: Removed deprecated oldstyle permission modules.
  • TypeInformation: Removed deprecated Type method.
  • PortalFolder: Removed deprecated _morphSpec() and spec arguments.
  • Portal Types: Removed deprecated _getViewFor / getActionById machinery. PortalContent objects might be used as methods, so __call__() still returns their default view.
  • CMFDefault and CMFTopic skins: Removed deprecated DTML skins and layers.
  • ActionsTool: Removed deprecated support for oldstyle Action Providers. If Action Providers don't implement the ActionProvider interface they are now ignored.
  • Workflow: Removed deprecated WorkflowMethod machinery.
  • Made unit tests close the request properly.
  • Reordered base classes of File and Image, to allow use of super().

CMF 1.5.x and previous

For a complete list of