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Workflow Tool

May be somewhat out of date. Moved from, where it was last modifed 2000/11/01.


Implement the content workflow policy for the portal.

Anonymous permission

getStateFor(self, content)
Returns the current workflow state of content. State is implemented as a mapping object. (ShaneH: or should it be a Python object?)
listAllowableTransitionsFor(self, content)
Returns the list of transition names which are available to the current user from the state of content.
changeStateFor(self, content, transition, comment, **kw)
Executes the given transition name on content with the keyword arguments as modifiers and the comment as a history attribute. Returns content, which may be in a new location. Remember there are no implicit security assertions; implementations will need to add code that calls checkPermission. (The fact that the objects can move eliminates the need for review_policy(), which was a hook for changing the role/permission mappings. Role/permission mappings are not intended to be changed or set by application code.)
listAddableTypesFor(self, container)
Lists the meta types that are allowed to be added by the user to the given container.

No permission (called only by Python)

listActions(self, isAnonymous, portal_url)
Returns a list of actions available to the user.