Zope changes This file contains change information for the current Zope release. Change information for previous versions of Zope can be found in the file HISTORY.txt. Zope 2.3.2 beta 2 Bugs fixed - Fixed Catalog "object does not support item deletion" bug. Zope 2.3.2 beta 1 Bugs Fixed - Catalog field index bug fixed. - Fixed several places where filesystem paths were assembled in a non-portable way. - Fixed some places in SimpleItem that assumed that the object was an Acquirer. - Fixed layout problem in StandardCacheManagers/dtml/propsRCM.dtml (Collector #2152) - Fix bug in AcceleratedHTTPCacheManager. Sended HTTP headers were depending on locale settings (Collector #2142) - GoLIVE is unable to handle some empty properties send from the Zope's WebDAV server. (getlastmodified is no more send when they are not available for an object) (Collector #2150) - added globbing support for the FTP server - added support for fetching recursive listings from the FTP server (needed by ncftp) - fixed handling of broken objects in the WebDAV server - An ambiguous timezone alias (CDT) was removed from DateTime. - It was not possible to pass 'class=...' to the tag() method of Image objects because 'class' is a Python reserved word. Image.tag() now accepts an optional 'css_class' argument that is turned into a 'class' attribute on the resulting tag to work around this. - Fixed various places where the right tabs were not highlighted after form submissions. - The code that produces the data for the security settings form included a misleading default ('Manager') that could make it looks as though Manager had a permission in a subobject when that permission had actually been denied in a higher level object. This only affected the form generated, not the actual security settings in effect. - The textarea resizing buttons for DTML objects and scripts were not preserving work done in the text area during the resize. - Some changes were made to the implemenation of User.allowed(), which will make it less expensive to do local role matching and also resolves an issue noted in the UserProgrammableSecurityObjects proposal on dev.zope.org. - A problem in the bytecode munging done by Python scripts that could cause a core dump was fixed.