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Changes in Zope 2.8

This file contains change information for the current Zope release.


  • Renable C permission roles by implementing recent Python changes in C, brining the Python and C implementations back in sync. See lib/python/AccessControl/
  • Add cyclic-garbage collection support to C extension classes, especially to acquisition wrappers.
  • Renable C Zope security policy by implementing recent Python changes in C, brining the Python and C implementations back in sync. See lib/python/AccessControl/
  • Change acquisition wrappers to implement the descr get slot directly, this speeding the use of the slot.
  • Port ZOPE_CONFIG patch from Zope 2.7 to Zope 2.8
  • Fix ZClasses

Features added

  • Included Stefan Holek's ZopeTestCase 0.9
  • The SiteErrorLog allows you to acknowledge (or delete) exceptions, so you can reduce or clear the list without restarting your Zope server. Additionally the SiteErrorLog is covered by unit tests now.
  • Unit tests added for the SiteErrorLog.
  • UI improvement for the ZCatalog. The "catalog contents" allow you to filter the cataloged objects by path now.
  • Made follow symbolic links on POSIX systems.
  • added utilities/ to perform ZCatalog maintenance operations from the command line (through zopectl)
  • RESPONSE.setBody and RESPONSE.setStatus now accept lock parameters in the same way as RESPONSE.redirect. These prevent further calls to the methods from overwriting the previous value. This is useful when writing http proxies.
  • DateTime: new DateTime instance can be constructed from a given DateTime instance: d_new = DateTime(d_old)
  • The DateTime parser now throws a SyntaxError upon any parsing errors.
  • ZCatalog: added a new configuration option in the "Advanced" tab to provide optional logging of the progress of long running reindexing or recataloging operations.
  • made Zope.configure return the starter instance to enable other methods to be called, such as starter.setupConfiguredLoggers()
  • Improved Unicode handling in Page Templates. Template contents and title will now be saved as a Unicode string if the management_page_charset variable can be acquired and is true. The character set of an uploaded file can now be specified.
  • zopectl now accepts the -m argument to set a umask for files created by the managed process (e.g. -m 002 or --umask 002).
  • AccessControl/permission_settings() now has a new optional parameter permission to retrieve the permission settings for a particular permission.
  • The obsolete SearchIndex package has been removed
  • Traversal now supports a "post traversal hook" that get's run after traversal finished and the security context is established.
  • Using "_usage" parameters in a ZCatalog query is deprecated and logged as DeprecationWarning.
  • MailHost now has two additional properties, a user id and a password. These are used to attempt ESMTP authentication before sending a mail.
  • Folder listings in FTP now include "." as well as "..".
  • When a VHM is activated, it adds the mapping 'VIRTUAL_URL_PARTS': (SERVER_URL, BASEPATH1, virtual_url_path) to the request's other dictionary. If BASEPATH1 is empty, it is omitted from the tuple. The joined parts are also added under the key VIRTUAL_URL. Since the parts are evaluated before traversal continues, they will not reflect modifications to the path during traversal or by the addition of a default method such as index_html.
  • Extension Classes, a key Zope foundation, have been totally rewritten based on Python new-style classes.

This change provides a number of advantages:

  • Use of new-style class features (e.g. slots, descriptors, etc.) in Zope objects. Support for object protocols (special __ methods) added since Python 1.4.
  • Support for cyclic garbage collection.
  • Ability to use new-style classes as base classes of Zope objects.
  • Pave the way for sharing code between Zope 2 and Zope 3.
Extension classes with __of__ methods are made into Python read descriptors.

If an extension classes is used to implement a descriptor, indirectly by implementing __of__ or directly by implementing __get__, the behavior of the descriptor will differ from ordinary descriptors in an important way. The descriptors __get__ method will be called even if the descriptor is stored on an instance of an extension class. Normally descritor __get__ methods are called only of the descriptor is stored in a class.

  • ZODB 3.3

    This is the first version of ZODB that does not require ExtensionClass.

  • Add parity method to ZTUtils Iterators.
  • Allow untrusted code to mutate ZPublisher record objects.
  • Added a "mime-types" configuration value which names a file giving additional MIME type to filename extension mappings. The "mime-types" setting may be given more than once in the configuration file; the files have the same format at the mime.types file distributed with Apache.
  • Changed the ZEO server and control process to work with a single configuration file; this is now the default way to configure these processes. (It's still possible to use separate configuration files.) The ZEO configuration file can now include a "runner" section used by the control process and ignored by the ZEO server process itself. If present, the control process can use the same configuration file.
  • ZConfig was updated to version 2.0. The new version includes two new ways to perform schema extension; of particular interest in Zope is the ability for a configuration file to "import" new schema components to allow 3rd-party components (such as storages, databases, or logging handlers) to be used.
  • The script has been replaced with which is now installed into the bin folder.

Bugs fixed

  • Removed Python 2.3.3 as valid option. ZODB 3.3 requires Python 2.3.4 or later.
  • Collector #1332: Added in-place migration of the Catalog.__len__ attribute to avoid new-style class caching problems. Instances of ZCatalog or instances of classes with ZCatalog as base class will be migrated automatically. Instances of Catalog or classes with Catalog as base class must be migrated manually by calling the migrate__len__() method on the every instance. In addition old BTree migration code (for pre-Zope 2.5 instances) has been removed. If you want to migrate from such an old version to Zope 2.8, you need to clear and reindex your ZCatalog).
  • Collector #1457: ZCTextIndex's QueryError and ParseError are now available for import from untrusted code.
  • Collector #1473: can now accept --username without --password
  • Collector #1491: did not create a proper header for the generated .pot file if multiple pagetemplate files were processed.
  • Collector #1477: TaintedString.strip() now implements the same signature as str.strip()
  • TAL: tal:on-error does not trap ConflictError anymore.
  • OFS.CopySupport: Enforced "Delete objects" permission during move (CMF Collector #259).
  • Removed DWIM'y attempt to filter acquired-but-not-aceessible results from guarded_getattr.
  • Collector #1267: applied patch to fix segmentation faults on x86_64 systems
  • ZReST: the charset used in the rendered HTML was not set to the corresponding output_encoding property of the ZReST instance. In addition changing the encodings through the Properties tab did not re-render the HTML.
  • Collector #1234: an exception triple passed to LOG() was not propagated properly to the logging module of Python
  • Collector #1441: Removed headers introduced to make Microsoft webfolders and office apps happy, since they make a lot of standards-compliant things unhappy AND they trick MS Office into trying to edit office files stored in Zope via WebDAV even when the user isn't allowed to edit them and is only trying to download them.
  • Collector #1445: Fixed bad interaction between -p and -v(v) options to that resulted in exceptions being printed when they shouldn't have been.
  • Collector #729: manage_main doesn't display the correct page title most of the time. It is not completely fixed but using title_or_id makes folders display the correct id as a fallback.
  • Collector #1370: Fixed html generated by Z Search interface.
  • Collector #1295: Fixed minor niglet with the Elvis tutorial.
  • added "version.txt" to to avoid untrue "unreleased version" messages within the control panel
  • Collector #1436: applied patch to fix a memory leak in cAccessControl.
  • Collector #1431: fixed NetBSD support in initgroups.c
  • Collector #1406: fixed segmentation fault by acquisition
  • Collector #1392: ExternalMethod ignored management_page_charset
  • unrestrictedTraverse() refactored to remove hasattr calls (which mask conflict errors) and for greater readability and maintainability.
  • Zope can now be embedded in C/C++ without exceptions being raised in zdoptions.
  • Collector #1213: Fixed wrong labels of cache parameters
  • Collector #1265: Fixed handling of orphans in ZTUtil.Batch
  • Collector #1293: missing address parameters within one of the server sections raise an exception.
  • Collector #1345: AcceleratedHTTPCacheManager now sends the Last-Modified header.
  • Collector #1126: ZPublisher.Converters.field2lines now using splitlines() instead of split(\n).
  • Collector #1322: fixed HTML quoting problem with ZSQL methods in
  • Collector #1124: The ZReST product now uses the same reST encoding parameters from zope.conf as the low-level reStructuredText implementation.
  • Collector #1259: removed the "uninstall" target from the Makefile since the uninstall routine could also remove non-Zope files. Because this was to dangerous it has been removed completely.
  • Collector #1299: Fixed bug in sequence.sort()
  • Collector #1159: Added test for __MACH__ to initgroups.c so the initgroups method becomes available on Mac OS X.
  • Collector #1004: text,token properties were missing in PropertyManager management page.
  • Display index name on error message when index can't be used as sort_on.
  • PUT would fail if the created object had a __len__ = 0 (eg: BTreeFolder2) and fallback to _default_put_factory. Fix by checking if the returned object is None instead.
  • Collector #1160: HTTPResponse.expireCookie() potentially didn't when an expires keyword argument was passed.
  • Collector #1289: Allow ZSQL methods to be edited via WebDAV.
  • WebDAV property values were not being properly escaped on


  • WebDAV supportedlock was not checking if the object did implement the WriteLockInterface before returning it's value.
  • reStructuredText ignored the encoding settings in zope.conf
  • ObjectManager no longer raises string exceptions
  • Collector #1260: Testing/ no longer changes the INSTANCE_HOME.
  • App.config.setConfiguration() did not update the legacy source for debug_mode, Globals.DevelopmentMode.
  • Script (Python) objects now have a _filepath attribute, also used as the __file__ global at runtime. This prevents an import problem caused by the fix to #1074.
  • Minor usability tweaks:
    • Increased FindSupport meta type selection widgets height to 8 lines
  • The DateTime module did not recognize the settings for "datetime-format".
  • Stop from recursing into the build-base directory created by
  • Collector #1074: Change Scripts' __name__ to None
  • Range searches with KeywordIndexes did not work with record-style query parameters
  • Item_w__name__ now has a working getId() method
  • PageTemplateFile now using Item_w__name__ mixin, fixing its getId() and absolute_url() methods.
  • Only one VirtualHostMonster is allowed per container.
  • Collector #1133: TreeTag choked on Ids of type long.
  • Collector #1012: A carefully crafted compressed tree state could violate size limit. Limit is no longer hardcoded.
  • Collector #1139: tal:attributes didn't escape double quotes.
  • Management interface of TopicIndexes has been completely broken
  • Collector #1129: Improper parsing of ISO8601 in DateTime.
  • Removed pervasive use of string exceptions (some may still be hiding in the woodwork, but all raise's with string literals are gone).
  • AccessControl.User used a misleading string exeception, NotImplemented, which shadowed the Python builtin.
  • Collector #426: Inconsistent, undocumented error() method.
  • Collector #799: Eliminate improper uses of SCRIPT_NAME.
  • Collector #445: Add internal global declaration for Script bindings.
  • Collector #616: Make CONTEXTS available to TALES Python expressions.
  • Collector #1074: Give Script execution context a __name__
  • Collector #1095: Allow TAL paths starting with /varname as a preferred spelling for CONTEXTS/varname.
  • Collector #391: Cut and paste now requires delete permissions.
  • Collector #331: Referenses to URL in manage_tabs was changed to REQUEST.URL to prevent accidental overriding.
  • Made the control panel properly reflect the cache-size setting of ZODB's object cache once again.
  • ConflictError was swallowed in ObjectManager by manage_beforeDelete and _delObject. This could break code expecting to do cleanups before deletion.
  • Python 2.3 BooleanType wasn't handled properly by ZTUtils marshalling and ZPublisher's converters.
  • Collector #1065: bin/ scripts didn't export HOME envars.
  • Collector #572: WebDAV GET protected by FTP Access permission. Two new methods have been added to WebDAV resources, "manage_DAVget" and "listDAVObjects". These are now used by WebDAV instead of the earlier "manage_FTPget" and "objectValues". This separates the permissions, and allows WebDAV specific overriding of these methods.
  • Collector #904: Platform specific signals in zdaemon/ (fixed by removing the "fossil" module from 2.7 branch and head).
  • Workaround for Collector #1081: The title property for objects derived from OFS.Folder or PropertyManager can now be removed and replaced with a ustring property. This allows the usage of non-ISO-8859-1 or ASCII charsets
  • Collector #951: DateTime(None) is now equal to DateTime()
  • Collector #1056: aq_acquire() ignored the default argument
  • Collector #1087: ZPT: "repeat/item/length" did not work as documented in the Zope Book.
  • Collector #721: Entities in tal:attribute values weren't properly escaped.
  • Collector #851: A bare try..except shadowed conflict errors
  • Collector #1058: Several fixes for PropertySheets when used outside ZClasses
  • Collector #1053: parseIndexRequest turned empty sequence of search terms into unrestricted search.
  • manage_tabs had a namespace problem with the acquisition of names from the manage_options variable resulting to acquire "target" and "action" from objects above in the hierachy.
  • PathIndex and TopicIndex are now using a counter for the number of indexed objects instead of using a very expensive calculation based on the keys of their indexes.
  • Collector #1039: Whitespace problem in Z2.log fixed
  • changed some bare try: except:'s in Shared.DC.ZRDB.Connection so that they now log exceptions that occur.
  • ObjectManager will now attempt to set Owner local role keyed to the user's id, rather than username.