Hotfix_2001-05-01 This is a "hotfix" product. Hotfix products can be installed to incorporate modifications to Zope at runtime without requiring an immediate installation upgrade. Hotfix products are installed just as you would install any other Zope product. This hotfix addresses and important security issue that affects Zope versions up to and including Zope 2.3.2. The issue is related to ZClasses in that any user can visit a ZClass declaration and change the ZClass permission mappings for methods and other objects defined within the ZClass, possibly allowing for unauthorized access within the Zope instance. We *highly* recommend that any Zope site running versions of Zope up to and including 2.3.2 have this hotfix product installed to mitigate this issue. For UNIX/Linux installation: 'cd' to your Zope "main" product directory, e.g.: cd /home/fred/Zope-2.3.2 un-gzip and un-tar the hotfix product while within this directory: gunzip ~/Hotfile-05-01-2001.tar.gz tar xvf ~/Hotfix-05-01-2001.tar Restart your Zope instance. For Windows installation: Use WinZip or another tool to untar and ungzip the hotfix into your Zope's main directory. Restart your Zope instance.