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Showing row number and row data in previous and next batch hyperlinks.

The variables beginning previous-sequence-start- , previous-sequence-end- , next-sequence-start- and next-sequence-end- and ending in index , number , roman , Roman , letter , Letter , and var-xxx , where xxx is a row attribute (or key) name, can be used to label which rows begin and end previous and next batches. This is illustrated in figures 8 and 9, which use various batch insertion variables to label previous and next batches.

Using batch-processing variables to number previous and next batch rows using Roman and Arabic numerals.

<dtml-in w36 previous size=5 start=qs>
(<dtml-var previous-sequence-start-roman> -
<dtml-var previous-sequence-end-roman>)

<table border><tr><th>WORD</th></tr>
<dtml-in w36 size=5 start=qs>
<tr><td><dtml-var WORD></td></tr>

<dtml-in w36 next size=5 start=qs>
(<dtml-var next-sequence-start-number> -
<dtml-var next-sequence-end-number>)


Using batch-processing variables to number previous-batch rows using letters and next-batch starting and ending words.

<dtml-in w36 previous size=5 start=qs>
(<dtml-var previous-sequence-start-letter> -
<dtml-var previous-sequence-end-letter>)

<table border><tr><th>WORD</th></tr>
<dtml-in w36 size=5 start=qs>
<tr><td><dtml-var WORD></td></tr>

<dtml-in w36 next size=5 start=qs>
(<dtml-var next-sequence-start-var-WORD> -
<dtml-var next-sequence-end-var-WORD>)


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