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History for UserManagement

Managing Users in the Membership Product

	The user management is still a bit short of where I would like to
	have it. That said, at least it exists. As I see it, a manager
	needs to be able to perform the following minimum functions on users:

		- Delete

		- Reset Passwords

		- Change Roles

	To that end, I have implemented what I consider to be crude
	interfaces for performing (some) of these functions on Users.

	Change Roles
		The manager can go to  !acl_users/ManageUsers then find
		the user you want to manage. Clicking on thir name, you 
		will see a page that allows you to set various items.
		Currently, you are only interested in their roles.
		It is quite obvious how you manage their roles here. :)

	Delete Users
		Currently, there is no delete function, but I will likely have
		one available Real Soon Now. It isn't difficult, I just
		haven't done it yet.

	Reset User Passwords

		Given that the user can request a new password, this isn't
		really a high priority. This function, like the Delete Users
		function, is not complex, just takes some time.

Thoughts and Musings

	Currently, I am thinking that Cataloging members will likely be
	the best way of providing a scaleable user list and User
	Management Interface. As a result, I am exploring this avenue more
	than others.

	For full user management (well, minus user deletions), you can
	access a the user object like so:
	and you will see your user object just as any other object.

	I have thought about making acl_users a folder w/customizer
	support. I believe this would open up all sorts of possibilities.
	Before doing this, however, I'd like to have a !BTree folder
	w/customizer support. Alas, I don't have the time. So if someone
	else would like to make one, I am sure others will find it useful.