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NTUserFolder Version 1.3

This product authenticates Zope users from NT user accounts. It only runs on Windows NT.

Copyright (c) 1999 Toby Dickenson

Permission to use this software in any way is granted without fee, provided that the copyright notice above appears in all copies. This software is provided "as is" without any warranty.

Send comments to Toby Dickenson


This product requires build 125 or greater of Python Win32 extensions.

The installation program for the win32 extensions is fussy; it insists that you have installed the standard python binary distribution. The Zope binary distribution (which also includes python) is not good enough to please it. Having installed the win32 extensions, they will be available to both copies of python. It doesnt matter which one you use to run Zope.

NT Permissions

This product will work directly if it is running as an NT service, however an extra step is required to run it under an interactive login. The user who will be running it must be given the Act as part of the operating system permission. Do this using NT User Manager in NT 4 (and please let me know if you get it working in Windows 2000)


NTUserFolder uses a section of the NT registry to control user access. This section is always a key under SOFTWARE\Digital Creations\zope\Users; the specific key can be set in the folder's management pages.

Any NT user will be able to use Zope, providing they meet the following criteria:

  1. They have the right to access the computer over a network.
  2. They can read from the folder's registry key. This key will be created for you automatically.

NTUserFolder allocates roles based on subkeys of the folder's registry key. For each role there should be one subkey of the same name. A user is given each specified role if he can read from the subkey.

Outstanding Problems

  • On Windows 2000 (tested on build 2128), LogonUser fails unless it is running in the system account.

Change History

  1. 3
    • Fixed problem in creating an NTUserFolder in Zope 2.x
    • Added instructions for installing the win32 extensions with Zope.
    • Added experimental support for authenticating users from a domain, without needing to run on the domain controller. Check the source if you are brave.
    • Added support for Windows 2000, but only in the system account so far.
    • Eliminated unnecessary threading. This simplifies the code, and is also a significant performance improvement.
  2. 2
    • Added implementation of getUserNames for local roles
  3. 1
    • Replaced custom extension module with standard win32net from build 125 of the standard Win32 extensions.