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Zope Security Wiki

  The purpose of this Wiki is to provide a place to present
  and discuss the Zope security model. (for other Wikis, see WikiCentral)

  Here are some initial (unorganized) topics. 
  Expect more topics and organization in the 

  - TrojanIssueOverview is an overview of the recently 
    discovered ServerSideTrojan and ClientSideTrojan 

  - ProposalToAuthenticateDuringURLTraversal

  - [Watermarking] the AUTHENTICATED_USER to prevent 
    faked identities.

    Note -- This will go away in Zope 2.2. It is made unecessary
    by the new security !APIs described in

  - LimitingAccessToAUsersPlace

  - ProblemsWithRequestBasedTraversal

  - ChrisKnightsInterestingPostOnACLsAndZope

  - The JavaSecurityModel

  - InterfacesWiki:SecurityPolicies

  - Possible new standard idiot GetAndPostToSamePage

  - VersionProblems

  - PermissionsZen

  - RunningZopeAsNobody

  This is a Wiki Site. To find out more about Wiki, see 
  the WikiTips.