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Title resource name Gnowledge Networking and Organizing System
Description resource summary GNOWSYS, Gnowledge Networking and Organizing System, is a web application for developing and maintaining semantic web content, and many other kinds of webbased applications. It is developed in Python and works as an installed product in ZOPE. <p> The application provides generic classes, viz. object, object type, association, association type, facet, facet type, occurance, occurance type, theme, scope, funtions, classes, flows etc., for developing semantic web content. For those who are aware, the application initially followed the structure of <a href=""> TopicMaps</a> It is intended to develop as a powerful prototype application demonstrating the potential of an expert system within the paradigm of object oriented database technology. Presently it can import/export the content in the form of XTM (an ISO standard for XML Topic Maps) standard, but this feature is still to be developed for proper results. <p> The application can be used for web based knowledge representation and management projects, for developing structured knowledge bases, as a collaborative authoring tool, suitable for making electronic glossaries, dictionaries and encyclopedias, for managing large web sites or links, developing an online catalogue for a library of any thing including books, to make ontologies, classifying and networking any objects etc. This tool is intended to be used also for an on-line tutoring system with dependency management system between various concepts. All the above listed functionality, of course, is intended, but not actualized. <p> It also contains a facility to add rules into its rule base, and execute the rules. Once completely implemented this feature will make the product really powerful, for it can infer and make new relations. Though a prototype of rule base already exists in the developing version, more elegant implementation is being worked out. <p> GNOWSYS is a free software, released under GPL. <p> Project website will be managed from <a href=""></a>. This site is being developed. <p> Sample applications that are developed using GNOWSYS will be available at <a href=""> Gnowledge home </a>. <p> CREDITS: Many people have contributed in the developemnt of this prototype in the last two years. Their names can be seen from the project website mentioned above. Nagarjuna G. (Project Coordinator) <a href=">Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education</a> TIFR, Mumbai, India. </PRE>
Creator resource creator ZopeOrgSite
Date default date 2003-07-02 23:27:20
Format resource format text/html
Type resource type Software Package
Subject resource keywords Content Object
Contributors resource collaborators
Language resource language
Publisher resource publisher No publisher
Rights resource copyright

Additional Zope Elements

Element Description Value
CreationDate date resource created 2003-07-02 23:27:20
ModificationDate date resource last modified 2003-07-02 23:27:20
EffectiveDate date resource becomes effective None
ExpirationDate date resource expires None

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