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The Critcs Agree... ZPatterns is Great, If You Like That Sort of Thing :-)

  "... if I could understand what it does I'd probably use it." - Brad Clements

  "... my impression is that if you can wade through the b/s, it's more than worth the effort..." -  Chris Withers

  "... everytime I've come across a technology I had trouble understanding, it turned out to be a worthless technology or a good one where the authors had trouble explaining their stuff. For the time being, I've placed zPatterns in the latter category" - Cees de Groot

  "... there seems to be more and more people that start to understand it, at least a small bit of it" - Magnus Heino

  "... Richness and Reach are two components of technology adoption and the time will tell if it is relevant soon enough" - Chalu Kim