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History for ApacheRules

# these are the rewrite and proxypass rules for the virtual apache servers::

 ServerName your_server_name
 ServerAdmin webmaster@your_server_name
 DocumentRoot /var/www
 RewriteEngine On
 RewriteRule ^/mailman/ - ![L]    #a cgi program outside zope (or use the new ! ZMailman Product
 RewriteRule ^/cgi-bin/ - ![L]    # allow cgi-bin programs to keep working
 RewriteRule ^/icons/ - ![L] 
 RewriteRule ^/imp/ - ![L]        # for the IMP webmail program
 RewriteRule ^/doc/ - ![L]        # for debian package documentation
 RewriteRule ^/servlets/ - ![L]   # for tomcat servlets
 RewriteRule ^/img/ - ![L]        # for externally produced images
 RewriteRule ^/web/ - ![L]        # the main apache root folder
 RewriteRule ^/www/ - ![L]
 ProxyPass /another_server_name http://another_server:9673  # redirect to another computer's zope server
 ProxyPassReverse /another_server http://another_server:9673   # these always go in pairs
 ProxyPass /misc_ http://your_server_name:9673/misc_
 ProxyPassReverse /misc_ http://your_server_name:9673/misc_  # for ZMI icons
 ProxyPass /p_ http://your_server_name:9673/p_
 ProxyPassReverse /p_ http://your_server_name:9673/p_         # for ZMI icons
 ProxyPass /folder http://your_server_name/folder
 ProxyPassReverse /folder http://your_server_name/folder   # create an alias for a school community within the zope server
 ProxyVia on
 RewriteRule ^/(.*){HTTP_HOST}:80/$1 ![L,P]
 ProxyPassReverse ^/(.*) http://your_server_name/$1


- Avoid using **https:**  in favor of **http:** in !ProxyPass rules; it will convert to https if you call the original with https;  using https here caused my apache process to hang