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History for Mac_OS_X

**MAC OS X**

*I need the Mac stations to have identical setups to the debian servers so that they can join the ZEO load-balancing act*

*Meanwhile, a nice quick way to offload some of the big folders would be nice:*

**Procedure for off-loading some of the main ZODB onto imacs on the intranet**

1. export folder to be offload , let's say: *bigfolder.zexp*

2. transfer (via rsync, or ftp) */var/lib/zope/var/bigfolder.zexp* to the imac as
 **/Applications/Zope/import/bigfolder.zexp** (may vary according to the way zope was installed on your imac)

3. import *bigfolder.zexp* into the imac's zope server

4. go to the original zopesite's apache server and add new directives::

 RewriteRule ^/imac(.*) http://imac:8080/$1 [L,P]
 RewriteRule (the old URL for bigfolder) (the new URL for bigfolder) [L,P]

5. add a siteroot to the imac zope site

5. adjust acl_users or syncronize authentication systems

6. verify and test that the old URL still goes to the right place

7. you may need to synchronize the Products and  Extensions folders in the imac
and restart zope in the imac::

 # assuming you have bash installed in the imac
 cd /Applications/Zope
 export INSTANCE_HOME=/Applications/Zope
 export SOFTWARE_HOME=/Applications/Zope/lib/python
 export PYTHONPATH=/Applications/Zope/lib/python2.1:/Applications/Zope/lib/python2.1/site-packages
 python2.1 -u nobody -S -w8080 -y8443 -W 8081 -Y 8444 -f 8021  -D
 cd -

8. **Bugs**: in ZMI, the breadcrumbs render !URLs differently from rest of zope.  I have seen this talked about in the zope "mailing list": and "google cached lost thread": <a href="">google cached lost thread</a>


- the *fink* product supposedly provides debian utilities to the imac world

- the equivalent to **/etc/init.d/** seems to be **/Library/!StartupItems**

- emacs and pico are available on the CLI on imacs as shipped OS X 10.1

- it appears that OS X tradition is to store packages in /Users/Shared

- bash is not default (tclsh is).  to make bash default for a user::

 sudo niutil -createprop / /users/username shell /bin/bash
 #where "username" is each user you want to include (including root).


- "ZEO-included Mac OS Zope Distribution": 

- "Bizar Software's Mac Distribution":

- "HOWTO compile zope on Mac":  and "here": and "here too": 

- "CLI Tutorial":

- "Fink : Debian tools for the imac":