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History for SSLcertificate

**Making an SSL Certificate in Debian for apache/zope https access**

*Sometimes debian installations do it for you automatically, sometimes not ... probably depending on the history of your upgrades.  Here is a technique for doing it manually for the apache , mod-ssl server which allows your zope pages to be served with a **https:** type URL*

- The debian **libapache-mod-ssl-doc** says to create certificates with 
 **mod-ssl-makecert** (which was broken at time of writing; you may need to use the supplied in /usr/share/doc/libapache-mod-ssl/examples )

- A much better solution (in french) is 

- here is a quick shell script that avoids the trap of creating a certificate that requires manual authentication of apache restarts (not good during un-attended reboots):  put this is **** and run it.

cd /etc/apache
openssl genrsa 1024 > ssl.key/server.key
openssl req -new -key ssl.key/server.key -out ssl.csr/server.csr
openssl req -x509 -days 10000 -key ssl.key/server.key \
                              -in  ssl.csr/server.csr \
                              -out ssl.crt/server.crt
cd -

- oh ya, you will of course need the **openssl** debian package for this to work


- Excellent French HOWTO "Zope Apache SSL ZEO":