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History for WebLog

**Apr 19, 2003** Back after more than a year!  I spent 2 days learning about and figuring out how to redirect webdav to a backend zope from a firewall ... details in [Webdav_NAT]

**Feb 16, 2002** helping test CMFVirtualFolder by Gary Poster

**Feb 10, 2002** [Disaster_Recovery] for zope 2.5

**Feb 7, 2002** research on "CMF within a CMF":CMF_in_CMF 

**Feb 4, 2002** worked out a procedure for spreading zope load on to [Mac_OS_X] on the firewalled intranet

**Feb 2, 2002** Inspired by a thread on zope mailing list, I wrote a *du*-syle utility [du] which I put into my custom skin  (*du?details=1* show a listing with the size of each object recursively.  You can change to details=1000000 to see details only for objects over 1 Meg; or any size in bytes )

**Jan 29, 2002** [Handout] for a talk on "Zope and Educational Applications":Handout (and a plain english "version":Handout2 [Handout2])

**Jan 28, 2002** started for Eduml Research and Exercises

**Jan 26, 2002** joined [email protected] discussion about [XML_in_Education]

**Jan 25, 2002** starting page on [Mac_OS_X]

**Jan 24, 2002** Begun study of [ZEO_Replication]

**Jan 23, 2002** wrote [CMF_Creator] on how to change ownership of CMF objects and related issues

**Jan 19, 2002** Wow, 10 days since the last entry; and yet I have been eating and drinking CMF all the time.  I really like CMF.  

**Jan 9, 2002** I must be careful not to allow **Anonymous User** role have more permissions than **Authenticated** role.  This led to double login authentication on frames and other redirection strangeness. ( see  Trouble section of [etcUserFolder_to_XUF])

**Jan 8, 2002** Struggles with exUserFolder (with version 0.3, if I choose the wrong group name in [etcUserFolder_to_XUF], I get a serious mess; can't access folder even as manager; have to restart zope and/or use WebDav to delete offending exUserFolder.  

**Jan 7, 2002** I wonder if I should move this wiki to or maybe ask for a link to here. 

**Jan 6, 2002** I discover **Replicator** for *student and teacher* WorkStations

**Jan 5, 2002** thinking about how to use [CMF_in_Education] in a course/school/learning community context

**Jan 4, 2002**

- wrote a working but brutish debian **zope-zeo** un-attended ZopeRestart script

- **Apache SSL Troubleshooting** to give zope **https:** access . Someone else had the same issues: "solution":
merci . Solution is to create my own SSLcertificate

- **PostgresSQL Issues**

**Jan 3, 2002**

- I am intrigued by 

 - !TheJester's [Squib] Product because it is postgresql-based conferencing, just like what I have done with Eduml.  I would like to check it out.

 - ZopeMessages Product because it combines various instant messenging and webmail concepts into one

 - ZenCarto Product for teaching mapping skills via zope

- I would like a reliable ZopeRestart method for debian which works with ZEO

- I just tried the complete [Setup_School_Servers] procedure on a production school server and made a few corrections/annotations.  The good news is the procedure works and helped me not forget anything (this time)

**Jan 2, 2002**  

- I found a tiny bug in **Redirector** v.2.0 in line 111 of there is **t** missing in **target** (Redirector maintainer, [email protected], fixed it same day!)

- **exUserFolder Trouble**: (fixed by downgrading to version 0.3)

 - found a bug in exUserFolder ... *unsliceable object line 661 in* for all the settings I have tried so far , and when I turn on cookies, the error moves to line 882 (also with the auth variable) and gives a !LoginRequired error. Commenting out the conditional (forcing return None) removes the Error message but  makes it impossible to login (incorrect password errormessage)

 - exUserFolder with basic authentication seems to corrupt the folder such that it can no longer be seen by webdav ... needs to be deleted and recreated (see recipe in [etcUserFolder_to_XUF] ... but cookies do not seem to cause this corruption

 - tried exUserFolder on 3 different zope installations include one pristine (nothing but exUserFolder and base) and the results are all identical

 - tried with both exUserFolder version 0.4 (dev) and 0.3 (stable).  same thing except that for 0.3, basic authentication does not cause errors, but I still cannot authenticate.  Then after doing a restart of the zope process, and checking permissions issues, it worked with version 0.3 (stable).  

- **WebDav Trouble:** (fixed by switching to zope 2.4.3)

- **DavFS Trouble**: can compile but can't load due to unknown kernel symbols

**Jan 1, 2002**  

- I start this wiki folder by rewriting [Create_Debian_Package] and [Setup_School_Servers]
