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## Script (Python) "du"
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath

# This script is like folder_contents but with size and Creator thrown in
# if you add ?details=1 otherwise it returns
# the size of the object recursively going into sub-objects
# (c)2002 Bruno Vernier GPL version 0.2 - improvements warmly accepted
# this should be redone as a ZPT

if not folder: folder=context
try: allitems.sort()
except: pass
for id2,item in allitems:
    size2 = 0; creator=''; metatype=''
    id3="""<a href="%s">%s</a>"""%(id2,id2)

    if hasattr(item, 'get_size'):
        try: size2 = int(item.get_size())
        except StandardError,msg: errors = errors + "<tr><th>%s</th><td>%s</td>"%(id2,msg)
        if size2: size = size + size2
        counter = counter + 1; creator="N/C"; icon=""
        if details and size2>int(details) : 
            try: creator = context[id2].Creator()
            except: creator = "" 
            try: metatype = context[id2].meta_type
            except: metatype ="..."   
            creator = "<i>%s</i> %s"%(creator,metatype)
            creator = """<a href="%s/manage_workspace">%s</a>    %s"""%(id2,creator,icon2)
            errors = errors + """
               <tr><th align=left>%s</th><td align=right>%s</td><td>\n%s<!--%s--></td></tr>
         size2 = context.du(folder=item,size=0,final=0)
         if size2: size = size + size2
         if details and size2>int(details) : errors = errors + """
               <tr><th align=left>%s</th><td align=right>%s</td><td> <a href=%s/du?details=1>folder</a><!--%s--></td></tr>"""%(id2,size2,id2,size)
       except StandardError,msg: errors = errors + "<li>%s with <i><a href=%s/manage>%s</a></i>"%(msg,id2,id2)

if final: return """%s<td align=left width=66%%><table width=100%% border><tr><th>Total %s objects</th>
<th align=right>%s</th><th>%s Megs</th></tr>%s</table></td>
else: return size