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Title resource name Replacement widgets for Silva
Description resource summary Silva Replacement Widgets is a replacement for some of the widgets that come with the SilvaDocument product ( The widgets in this release provide per-element css support, which is configurable in the Editor. Using Silva Replacement Widgets: Css editor support is disabled by default for tables, but enabled for headings. Table support is disabled so a cleaner interface can be displayed on pages that don't require custom css tables. To enable editor support, add a property somewhere in the acquisition tree called 'enable_silva_widget_css', and set it to some defined value (like 1). When you enter the row editor for tables, or the heading editor, you will see text boxes labeled 'style/css'. You can enter either a class name, or a list of style declarations. When the element is rendered (in view or preview mode), if your css has a ':' in it, it is rendered as a style (e.g. <td style="styles">), otherwise, it is added in the class attribute value (<td class="name">). Because of this restriction, no ':' are allowed in class names. An extra "goodie": This package also has a new type of table row: custom_row_heading. Please forgive the name, as it doesn't describe well what this element does. Basically, this is a table row with one field (cell) that spans all of the table columns. It's called a row_heading because normal row_headings have the same span behavior. And it's custom because the field behaves like a normal table row field, allowing you to have complex elements in it.
Creator resource creator aaltepet
Date default date 2004-04-03 06:43:03
Format resource format text/html
Type resource type Software Package
Subject resource keywords Content Object, Product
Contributors resource collaborators
Language resource language
Publisher resource publisher No publisher
Rights resource copyright

Additional Zope Elements

Element Description Value
CreationDate date resource created 2004-04-02 11:55:03
ModificationDate date resource last modified 2004-04-03 06:43:03
EffectiveDate date resource becomes effective None
ExpirationDate date resource expires None

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