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History for StorageManager

Glossary Entry:  StorageManager

The yet unimplemented StorageManager is an object that among other things gives the ZODB a **root** object.  Right now a root is the object with an oid of '0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0' in a storage. (please feel free to correct me;) It can also merge the content from other storages by holding the locations of objects and fetching them from a given storage when their oid is asked for.

Startup thought:  You could pass a command to the storage manager at start-up.  If no command is passed then var/Data.fs would be the default root path/storage.

Two pictures

1. Storages can be visible inside Zope

	- This is seems similar to a Racks situation in the ZPatterns framework.

	- You can tell where a given object is stored

	- Ughhhly.

2. Storages can't be visable inside Zope

	- Storage should be transparent

	- Let storages manage what they are good at

	- How do you put a given obejct in a given storage?

	- I'll bet you could put this into ZPatterns and have the StorageManager offer up available storages for the instances.  How is that different from what is proposed now?

	- Maybe a FileRack would do it.